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Tiny houses

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Tiny houses – small dwellings of every shape and size. Tiny victorian cottage « Sharona Design. Buildings for Fresno's homeless need new home - Education and Schools. Fresno architect Arthur Dyson says he has the solution to the city's homeless problem: villages of tiny homes built with recycled materials and surrounded by fruit trees.

Buildings for Fresno's homeless need new home - Education and Schools

The first structures -- some measuring only 80 square feet -- are already under construction on the Fresno State campus, where Dyson has been working with students in a construction management class to develop concepts. But the structures won't become living spaces for the homeless unless city officials can find a suitable spot for them. Gregory Barfield, Fresno's homeless prevention and policy manager, said the city is ready to assist Dyson with the project, including finding a site.

I Can't Stop Looking at Photos of Absurdly Tiny Homes - Design. The world’s tiniest apartments are beckoning on the Internet every day.

I Can't Stop Looking at Photos of Absurdly Tiny Homes - Design

Come and gawk at them, drop your jaw at their multipurpose stove/bed/ironing board inventions, their clever shelving nooks, their movable walls and foldout lofts. Here we have a stunning 500-square foot New York studio – with only one window! Over here we’ve got a guy living in 258 square feet, in which he has managed to hide all of his furniture. Tiny House Blog - Living Simply in Small Spaces.