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30 Dr. Seuss Quotes That Can Change Your Life. With the re-release of the brilliant Dr.

30 Dr. Seuss Quotes That Can Change Your Life

Seuss film The Lorax, we decided to share this infographic featuring 30 Dr. Seuss quotes that have the power to change your life. Which one of these is your favorite? [via:] Top 10 Common Faults In Human Thought. Humans The human mind is a wonderful thing.

Top 10 Common Faults In Human Thought

Cognition, the act or process of thinking, enables us to process vast amounts of information quickly. For example, every time your eyes are open, you brain is constantly being bombarded with stimuli. 100 Most Inspirational Quotes Of All Time. One Sentence - True stories, told in one sentence. &Seven Blunders of the World& by Mahatma Gandhi - StumbleUpon. Pond. Makes Me Think - MMT - Today's Thought-Provoking Life Stories.