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101 Reasons to go Vegetarian. Which Food Has More Sugar? - iVillage. Fat or Fiction – Some yummy infographies about food composition. Fat or Fiction – Some yummy infographies about food composition “Fat or Fiction” is a website which includes a series of beautiful and yummy infographies that will help you for example choose the lower fat cheese or know what candy bar hides the less fat and calories and what is the sweetest candy.

Fat or Fiction – Some yummy infographies about food composition

Nice! Via Fat or Fiction. How To Hide Vegetables In Food For Kids. According to the U.S.

How To Hide Vegetables In Food For Kids

Department of Health and Human Services, children between the ages of two and six years old should eat three servings of vegetables a day and older children should have four servings. Getting finicky eaters to consume the recommended amount of veggies can be a struggle; even easygoing kids might balk at that number. One way to increase your child's produce intake is by sneaking them into other foods that they enjoy. Nutrition. 14 Food Combos That Can Improve Your Life.