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PhoneGap Docs. The PhoneGap remote commands are used for executing commands against the PhoneGap Build service in the cloud rather than relying on a locally installed SDK for each platform.

PhoneGap Docs

Usage phonegap remote [command] Use the commands below in conjunction with the remote command to perform the specific actions outlined below. Commands login login to PhoneGap Build (requires an account and your credentials) logout logout of PhoneGap Build build <platform> build a specific platform install <platform> install a specific platform (returns a generated QR code in the terminal) run <platform> build and install a specific platform Examples. Ma première application Android avec Cordova. Having previously written a tutorial to demonstrate the ease of creating an application Firefox OSArticle on Firefox OS with web technologies, I'll do the same for Android.

Ma première application Android avec Cordova

To allow this technical prowess (an Android without Java application), we will use the application open source Cordova. In this article, we'll port my app to web failure on the Google Play Store . If you are interested in web development on Android, you have heard from PhoneGap. Cordova is a project made with Adobe which provided the source code to the Apache Foundation. The idea is simple: compile a shell using a module "webview" charging our application. PhoneGap still exists and can be used via an offer "cloud" to generate its applications for Android and iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry...

For information, it also allows to compile to desktop platforms: Windows 8 and Ubuntu. The address: Developing GNU/Linux, I'll give the instructions for installation on Ubuntu. In a terminal: Communications en temps réel avec WebSocket sur iOS (et Android) D’année en année, les exigences des consommateurs d’applications mobiles ont drastiquement changé.

Communications en temps réel avec WebSocket sur iOS (et Android)

Dorénavant, les utilisateurs souhaitent voir les données de leurs applications évoluer en temps réel. Que les applications soient des applications de finance, de collaboration, des réseaux sociaux ou encore des jeux, il est impératif que les données soient « poussées » directement sur l’appareil, et cela avec une très bonne performance. Quelles solutions existent pour créer une application mobile avec des données en temps réel ? Quels sont les pièges à éviter et les règles à suivre ? APNS, GCM et WebSockets Aussi bien sur iOS que sur Android, il existe des solutions natives pour recevoir des données directement poussées par des serveurs : il s’agit d’APNS (iOS) et de GCM (Android). Bien que ces solutions soient natives, elles ne sont pas toujours à préconiser car elles impliquent de fortes contraintes. Le serveur : Node.js et SockJS L’ensemble du code de la partie serveur est accessible ici :

Code.tutsplus. Comment créer son blog photo ou site de photographie ? Apache Cordova. Screenshots. Store - Xamarin. OpenFrameworks. OpenFrameworks is an open source C++ toolkit designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation. openFrameworks is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries, including: OpenGL, GLEW, GLUT, libtess2 and cairo for graphicsrtAudio, PortAudio, OpenAL and Kiss FFT or FMOD for audio input, output and analysisFreeType for fontsFreeImage for image saving and loadingQuicktime, GStreamer and videoInput for video playback and grabbingPoco for a variety of utilitiesOpenCV for computer visionAssimp for 3D model loading The code is written to be massively cross-compatible.


Right now we support five operating systems (Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android) and four IDEs (XCode, Code::Blocks, and Visual Studio and Eclipse). The API is designed to be minimal and easy to grasp. openFrameworks is distributed under the MIT License. Design philosophy Collaborative openFrameworks development is collaborative. Shop - Marmalade. Cocos2d-x - World's #1 Open-Source Game Development Platform. CMU Sphinx Downloads [CMUSphinx Wiki] Software CMU Sphinx toolkit has a number of packages for different tasks and applications.

CMU Sphinx Downloads [CMUSphinx Wiki]

It's sometimes confusing what to choose. To cleanup, here is the list Pocketsphinx — recognizer library written in C. Sphinxtrain — acoustic model training tools Sphinxbase — support library required by Pocketsphinx and Sphinxtrain Sphinx4 — adjustable, modifiable recognizer written in Java We recommend you to use the latest available releases: If you want to try bleeding edge version, checkout from subversion. You can also use Github Older releases and files could be found on SourceForge We do not maintain distribution-specific packages yet, but help to update them is truely appreciated.

Models CMUSphinx assumes that you use the statistical models which describe language. Download Models Most of the models are pretty large since they are trained on the large amount of data and describe the complex language.