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Pratique pour la maison - DIY

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Le Bumping ou Bump key ou encore clef de frappe. Attention: vous pouvez crocheter vos serrures ou celles d'un tiers avec sa permission, crocheter la serrure d'un tiers sans sa permission est fortement puni par la loi. Une clef de percussion sert à créer un vide entre les goupilles et les contre-goupilles ceci permet d'ouvrir facilement serrures paracentriques et certaines serrures de une sûreté élevée. L’animation ci-dessus permet de visualiser ce que se passe à l’intérieur de la serrure.

La technique est le bumping, par contre les clefs spéciales utilisés pour faire le bumping sont appelés bump keys, clefs de frappe ou encore clefs de percussion. Comme au billard si on a deux boules l'une contre l'autre, quand on heurte la première boule elle va transférer l'énergie reçue à la deuxième et c'est la deuxième boule qui va se déplacer tandis que celle qui a reçu le coup initialement reste sur place. C’est quoi une Bump key Ci-dessus mes bumpkeys, elles ont été faites à la lime et elles ont ouvert au moins une serrure. Ancienne méthode. Aménagement de votre intèrieur, cuisine, salle de bain.

Free: Family Emergency Planning Kit. I live on the Oregon Coast where you never know what Mother Nature is going to throw your direction. Last week we were pummeled with hurricane force winds gusting over 80 mph and later that same day we were unexpectedly hit with 7 inches of snow!! The snowstorm toppled trees and caused widespread power outages. Most roads were closed, leaving my husband unable to make it home from work until the next morning. This crazy weather combined with the occasionally Tsunami warning has made me very aware of just how unprepared I am! My husband and I are creating emergency supply kits to keep at home and in the car, so if another freak snowstorm hits we will be ready! {download here} Every family needs an emergency plan, even though hopefully you’ll never need to use it! Emergency Preparedness Kits.

Your Car As A Shelter. There are many stories of people who have been stranded in their cars and had to survive with only the supplies they had in their vehicles. How well could you survive right now with what is in your car?? I have suggested making a car kit before (check it out HERE), so get those car kits assembled and placed in all of your vehicles. If you have college students that travel back and forth on weekends and holidays, they especially need to have a car kit with them.

If you do get stranded and have to use your car as a shelter there are a few things that you can do that will help you stay warm until you are rescued.First and foremost, stay where you are!! Don't start wandering off!! You will most likely get lost and make a rescue even harder. Only run your car heater every 10 minutes out of every hour and only do this if your exhaust pipe is clear. One way to stay warm is to make a heater out of a #10 can or a new paint can.

28 Amazing Uses For Old Pallets. MAGIC Decal Tutorial with Free Printables! Some of you may remember, a little while back I posted a tutorial for DIY waterslide decals. Among other things, I mentioned how awesome they are for creating custom embellishments without the need for any fancy-pants equipment.

Yep, waterslide decal paper is a truly fab product, though as great as it is, there is one drawback – although it’s somewhat tough it’s not especially durable. So, whilst it’s perfect for ornamental purposes, it’s not ideal for more practical applications…until now that is! Magic decal coating paper is a product designed to be used in conjunction with standard decal paper to make the finished transfers super durable – yes, even dishwasher resistant! If you’re already familiar with magic decal coating paper then please excuse my tardy excitement, though for everyone else who is just getting to the party now too, feel free to start throwing the streamers! 1 Image to transfer. Use anything you like. 2 Printer. You can use either a laser or an inkjet printer. 6 Scissors.