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Magneblog. Το Android στα ελληνικά. [TUTORIAL] Reverse engineering HTC FM Radio for noobs (on EVO 4G) [TUTORIAL] Reverse engineering HTC FM Radio for noobs (on EVO 4G) Okay, I'm writing this because I want to help any other newbies trying to learn how to reverse engineer. The technical details involved in this are extremely daunting, so the purpose of this tutorial is to first explain in layman terms exactly what you're trying to accomplish and what to expect. Then we'll go over the details. That way you're not completely blind going into this.

I'm fairly new to the scene, so I'm not as knowledgeable as everyone else. If you see any errors in my post, let me know so I can change. The FM tuner for the Evo is run by a Broadcom chip: BCM4329. Now, all android phones are based on a Linux kernel. Android is based on Java but it is not a Java system. So let's rehash. If you were programming strictly in Java, you would see these extensions: Java source code = .java Compiled Java source code = Java byte code = .class Compressed file to package your program = .jar (Java Archive) 1.) 2.) 3.) 3.)

Android Reverse Engineering | 07 Nov 2010 Note: This page was written in the early days of Android reversing when there wasn't much information available. Since then a lot has changed and some of these techniques will no longer work as described or better tools and methods now exist. This page is left here for historical reference as it is linked to by other sites, papers and books. This project all started when I was asked to take a look at a software product that was under evaluation. The software ran on mobile devices such as iPhone and Android and allowed end users to securely connect to their organisation from their personal phones. I cannot name the actual product but I have documented some of my technical notes below. Scenario For reference the main scenario I was working to evaluate was a common one: a user loses their mobile device or it is stolen. Hardware & Software The hardware I'm using is an HTC Desire running Android 2.2 (Froyo).

Accessing The Device A number of methods can be used to explore the device.

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2D Physics on Android (using Box2D) | 4 Feet Software. Posted on March 4th, 2009 chris This post is a brief tutorial on getting started with 2D physics on Android. 2D physics can greatly enrich games by realistic behavior of objects such as polygons (boxes, rectangles, polys) and circles in a world setting. The engine calculates collisions, angles, forces and momentums based on user-defined settings such as gravity, density, friction, elasticity, etc. The Engine There are a couple of good open-source 2d physics engines , most notably Box2D and Chipmunk . For this project we’ll use Box2D due to it’s better performance (see next figure, detailled comparison and speed tests ). The following figure is from benchmarks made on the xo laptop: Luckily there is a Java port of the Box2D libraries called JBox2D (released under the zlib license). JBox2D The library is bundled the 154kb file jbox2d-2.0.1-library-only.jar from their svn. Box2D Class Reference JBox2D Wiki explains the differences from the C++ to the Java version Importing the library count += 1 ;
