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Trade and Macroeconomics

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New Economy 2015: Curing Capitalism. [SPECIAL SERIES PART 3 of 3] “The idea behind QE is that you don’t need a printing press to add money to an ailing economy,” cites Jeff Kearns in his Bloomberg report.

New Economy 2015: Curing Capitalism

You probably don’t realize this, but the Federal Reserve’s bond buying program, also known as quantitative easing (QE), which began after the 2008 global economic meltdown, was more than just economic stimulus. It was what primarily kept the U.S. economy from totally collapsing—along with similar efforts coordinated globally. Ending October, 2014, the 3.5 trillion dollar intervention was the biggest emergency economic boost in history, the sum of Germany’s entire economy.

Capitalism couldn’t save itself from… well, from itself, or its inherent flaws, which caused such conditions to arise. Let’s revisit history, so we can carry forward its lessons towards building a better tomorrow. Not So Tiny Bubbles Yet, the crisis isn’t over. This means we must evolve. Aim Higher, Trickle Up Ending The 40 Hour Work Week.

The Administration's Dishonest Response to Elizabeth Warren's Attack on Secret Investor Arbitration Panels in Trade Deals. Elizabeth Warren is clearly getting on the Administration’s nerves.

The Administration's Dishonest Response to Elizabeth Warren's Attack on Secret Investor Arbitration Panels in Trade Deals

The Massachusetts senator has come out forcefully against the misleadingly named trade deals, the TransPacific Partnership and its ugly sister, the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Mind you, these treaties are not about trade. Trade is already substantially liberalized and in keeping, only five of the 29 chapters of the TransPacific Partnership deal with tariffs. What these pacts are primarily intended to do is strengthen intellectual property laws to help US software and entertainment companies, along with Big Pharma, increase their hefty profits, and to aid multinational by permitting the greatly increased use of secret, conflict-ridden arbitration panels that allow foreign investors to sue governments over laws that they contend reduced potential future profits. Bernie Sanders Calls Out Media For Not Covering Obama's Trade Deal. Adding to the chorus of protest over President Barack Obama’s push for a controversial new trade pact with Asia, Sen.

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Media For Not Covering Obama's Trade Deal

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sounded off on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and accused mainstream media of not covering what could be one of the biggest trade agreements in history. “The major television networks are not covering the TPP. Putin Orders Feared “Samson Defense” To Collapse US-EU Economies. New Economy 2015: The Future of Capitalism. [SPECIAL SERIES PART 1 of 3] Without growth, capitalism is rendered no more, and possibly less effective than socialism as the U.S continues to slip down global quality of life indexes. 2015 will be extremely challenging for those still mired in third dimensional economics, but for the rest of us, new opportunities abound everywhere we turn.

New Economy 2015: The Future of Capitalism

Just like we’ve always been the ones we’ve been waiting for, so too, are we the ones who will self-fund the new economy with our own capital, volunteerism and gifting. This is incredibly good news as we step into our power as sovereign beings acting under our own authority in service of all humanity. Why Shale Oil Boosters Are Charlatans In Disguise. China Announces That It Is Going To Stop Stockpiling U.S. Dollars. Michael Snyder | Activistpost | 21st Nov 2013 China just dropped an absolute bombshell, but it was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States.

China Announces That It Is Going To Stop Stockpiling U.S. Dollars

The central bank of China has decided that it is “no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign-exchange reserves”. During the third quarter of 2013, China’s foreign-exchange reserves were valued at approximately $3.66 trillion. And of course the biggest chunk of that was made up of U.S. dollars. For years, China has been accumulating dollars and working hard to keep the value of the dollar up and the value of the yuan down.

Yanis Varoufakis: Ponzi Austerity – A Definition and an Example. By Yanis Varoufakis, a professor of economics at the University of Athens.

Yanis Varoufakis: Ponzi Austerity – A Definition and an Example

Cross posted from his blog For a while now I have been arguing that Europe’s policies for reducing the public debts of fiscally stressed member-states can be described as a Ponzi austerity scheme. In this post I attempt precisely to define ‘Ponzi austerity’. Ponzi Growth. Financial Core of the Transnational Corporate Class – Censored Notebook, Investigative Research. The Following is a Chapter from the Newest Book Project Censored Project Censored 2014: Fearless Speech in Fateful Times.

Financial Core of the Transnational Corporate Class – Censored Notebook, Investigative Research

America's Outsourcers to be Reclassified as Manufacturers. Don't like the trade deficit, low GDP and the public outrage over the offshore outsourcing?

America's Outsourcers to be Reclassified as Manufacturers

Change the accounting method to make it go away! Such is the agenda of government statisticians it appears. How they are going to incorporate statistical lies into national accounts is shocking. Production location no longer matters, the thing that will count is ownership of the final product. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is not about free trade. It's a corporate coup d'etat. Source: Hightower Lowdown Both Bush & Obama have kept negotiations secret about this nuclearized NAFTA In 2002, it was reported that British Prime Minister Tony Blair had told a friend an amusing tale about our man George W.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is not about free trade. It's a corporate coup d'etat
