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Coca-Cola Launching Solar-Powered African Kiosks. Coca-Cola is using green technology to consolidate its African market share.

Coca-Cola Launching Solar-Powered African Kiosks

The global soft drink giant is offering heavily subsidized solar power kits to kiosk owners--the hope is that wiring previously grid-free grocery kiosks for electricity will allow them to stay open longer into the day, and sell more Coca-Cola products. Partner One Degree Solar is providing Coca-Cola with their BrightBulb solar kits, which will then be distributed to thousands of grocery kiosks across Kenya. Coca Cola launches solar initiative for kiosks. This project will see owners of Coca Cola kiosks enjoy access to clean, affordable energy to power small scale needs like light, charging phone and radio/CFM NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 17 – The Coca Cola Company has rolled out a project for the distribution of solar panels to operators of the firm’s soft drink kiosks.

Coca Cola launches solar initiative for kiosks

This project will see owners of Coca Cola kiosks enjoy access to clean, affordable energy to power small scale needs like light, charging phone and radio. 3D Printing Coming to Vending Machine Near You. If vending machines can dispense beer, pizza and movies, why not 3D-printed objects?

3D Printing Coming to Vending Machine Near You

Combining the hyper-local convenience of Redbox with cutting edge technology, Dreambox is a vending machine that aims to fuel the 3D-printing revolution from the bottom up. NEWS: 3-D Printed Skull Implant Ready for Operation. Computer Algorithms Rely Increasingly on Human Helpers. Cocktail2013 Could be the Year of the Woman Entrepreneur.