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Bad Behavior / Bad Behaviour: Moving from Typepad to WordPress: 2009 Guide | Foliovision. We recently rescued a complex and older weblog from Typepad and moved it to WordPress with absolutely zero broken links or posts. Why do we write rescue? First of all Typepad is a truly awful platform for anything but the most basic weblog. images look terrible CSS is difficult to alter stats are a joke tech support is a close tie for the worst on the web Secondly, it wasn't easy. Broken permalinks missing comments disappearing images Making the move work involved: The detailed steps are below - the list above is just the executive highlights. Was it worth it: The day my weblog was finally out of the hands of Typepad and safely into WordPress was one of the happiest days of my online life. I wish you the same success.

Updated Step by Step Guide to moving from Typepad to WordPress Use custom Movable Type export template to export the content of your Typepad blog. WinHTTrack - Downloading Now it's time to decide how to organize the images directory on your new site. By Alec. Importing from Movable Type to WordPress. Importing from Movable Type to WordPress This article, written to accord with WordPress 2.0, is now obsolete. Please take caution when following its contents, as many things may have changed.

So you want to see what it is about WordPress that makes it Movable Type's equal? This guide will help you with all the information you need to migrate your weblog from Movable Type (MT) or TypePad to WordPress (WP). We will use MT's exporter to export all the entries and comments in your MT blog and then import them using WP's import-mt.php importer. To begin with, the following are assumed: You have already installed WordPress on your server, so if you have not, please do so before continuing.

The steps involved in the migration are as follows: Exporting from Movable Type Editing the WordPress importer Importing into WordPress Tying up loose ends, if any Login to your MovableType blog. 1. 2. 3. 4. Importing a Huge Number of Posts Preserving Permalinks Using .htaccess for redirection <? Use: Mark D. Custom Field Template. The Custom Field Template plugin adds the default custom fields on the Write Post/Page. The template format is almost same as the one of the rc:custom_field_gui plugin. The difference is following. You can set any number of the custom field templates and switch the templates when you write/edit the post/page.This plugin does not use the ini file for the template but set it in the option page of the plugin.Support for TinyMCE in the textarea.Support for media buttons in the textarea. - requires at least 2.5.Support for multiple fields with the same key.Support for hideKey and label options.You can see the full option list in the setting page of the plugin.You can customize the design of custom field template with css.You can replace custom keys by labels.You can use wpautop function.You can use PHP codes in order to set values.

(experimental, code = 0)You can set an access user level in each field. (level = 1)Supprt for inserting custom field values into tags automatically. Localization. Joomla/Mambo To WordPress Migrator. Joomla 1.5 Importer. Joomla to Wordpress Import Wizard | The Best Joomla Extensions, Components, Modules, and Plugins - One-Stop Joomla. — Get a Free Blog Here. The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part one: 101 Techniques for a Powerful CMS using WordPress - Noupe Design Blog. May 05 2009 This is the first article in the three-part series, “The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress”.

Throughout this article, we’ll be focus on many WordPress Theme hacks, ideas, tips and useful tutorials you need to have ready in hand when developing WordPress websites. The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part 2 The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part 3 There are some technical stuff we have to get out of the way first. Let’s take a look at useful, yet rather unknown techniques for a powerful CMS using WordPress. Each section of the article presents a suggestion and provides you with an explanation of the solution for each suggestion.

WordPress CMS Hacks and Tricks 1. By default, a WordPress home page shows chronological blog post entries — with the most recent post at the top. How To » In your admin area, just go to Setting » Reading. Points to take care » 2. <ul id="pagenav"><li class="<? <ul id="nav"><? 3. <? 4. <? <? WordPress Custom Field Template Plugin Tutorial. 1/13/2011 – New and improved function used for retrieving custom field data for the current post called base_get_all_custom_fields(). This function will run a database query to get all custom fields attached to the current page, post or post type and store them in an array.

WordPress is great for dynamically managing the content of a website, but sometimes you encounter situations that require advanced management to handle different sections of a single page. It’s would be great if we could manage separate chunks of content with more than one WYSIWYG. Well guess what, you can, and it’s easier than you may think. The best solution I’ve found for this situation is the Custom Field Template plugin. With this plugin you can add multiple WYSIWYG managed areas to one WordPress page or post.

Setup Your Template Download and activate Custom Field TemplateGo to Settings > Custom Field TemplateCustomize Your Template. Template Code Open up your theme’s functions.php file. Block #1 Block #2 if( ! Stupid WordPress Tricks. One of the most popular articles here at Perishable Press is my January 2005 post, Stupid htaccess Tricks. In that article, I bring together an extensive collection of awesome copy-&-paste HTAccess code snippets. Four years later, people continue to tell me how much they enjoy and use the content as a bookmarked reference for many of their HTAccess needs. The article was even published in a book on Joomla! Security. This is very inspiring to me, so I have decided to create a similar post for all of the useful WordPress code snippets, tips and tricks that I have collected while working on Digging into WordPress, the new book by co-author Chris Coyier and myself that really “digs in” to all of the awesome ways to get the most out of WordPress.

While writing the DiW book, I collected hundreds of incredibly useful WordPress tips and tricks. So now, without further ado, here is my personal collection of easy-to-use, copy-&-paste WordPress tricks. Table of Contents WordPress Shortcodes ↑ <! <? <? Migrate a WordPress template to WordPress for Joomla! Anti-spam plugin for WordPress. WordPress | Foliovision. Blog. WordPress › Planet. Support. Main Page. Converting links from MT to WordPress. I had over 1,000 posts in Movable Type that were archived individually, by month and by category.

When I switched to WordPress I changed the format of the permanent links to include the date and title instead of the non-portable post ID (which, by the way, MT does not include when you export your blog so your permanent links won’t work if you export and import your blog through MT either). I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to get those old URLs to forward to WordPress but in the end it wasn’t all that difficult. The easiest was the monthly archive. It used to be “/archive/year_month.html” so I just added a line in the .htaccess to change it to “/archives/year/month” and I was done. RewriteRule ^archive/([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{2}).html$ /index.php? The category names would have been easy except that Movable Type uses underscores and WordPress uses hyphens.

$title = strtolower( "<$MTArchiveTitle$>" ); $title = preg_replace('/&.+? 20 Great Free WordPress 2.7 Themes. We recently compiled a list of 10 of the best WordPress 2.7 compatible themes, but it left some commenters asking, "Where are the free ones? " We've gathered up 20 great free WordPress 2.7 compatible themes that are ready for you to download. These themes cover a wide variety of needs, layouts and customization, so this small sampling could provide you with hours of fun! What are some of your favorite free WordPress themes? 2-Column WordPress 2.7 Themes AdsPress - A Google AdSense friendly theme in a clean, fixed width design that has two banner placements and a text area for the ads.

Has two columns and is widgetized and gravatar ready. Artificial Intelligence - Fixed width, gravatar and widget ready, this theme changes it up a bit by putting the widget column on the left side of the content column with a header area for informational text. NewBlue - A fixed width theme with a clear, open design and a very unobtrusive blue motif. 3-Column WordPress 2.7 Themes.