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QR Codes

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Hmm.. QR Codes. “Don’t get left behind …” I have trained my colleagues for the last three weeks about using technology.

Hmm.. QR Codes

The last workshop was on QR codes and how to use them in ELT and we came up with quite good ideas so I thought it’s high time to write a post about it. We all know the barcodes at the back of chips, chocolate bars and nearly at the back of every product that we buy. They are the codes that include basic information about the product; and now we have QR codes. (See the picture above) They are Quick Response Codes or Mobile Codes that include more information than a barcode and can be read by smartphones using a QR code reader. You take a picture of the QR code and scan the code using a QR Code Reader. QR Codes look so cool and we can benefit from them in and out of the classroom. We all give homework to our kids.

QR codes are another way of integrating technology into your classes, some may consider this as too much work, some useless and some as a brilliant idea. 7 Fun Ways to Use QR Codes In Education. QR Codes Quick Response are so fun to integrate in classroom. Quick Response codes are bar codes with information. QR Codes can include contact information, websites, text, SMS, pictures and so much more. My students absolutely love using these in their activities. Here are some ways to Integrate QR Codes in Your Lessons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Quick Response Codes are so easy to create. Try it…your kids will love it! 50 QR code resources for the classroom. As mobile learning and technology is more readily integrated within classroom settings, QR codes can be used as an interesting method to capture a student's attention and make lesson material more interactive.

50 QR code resources for the classroom

Quick response codes, also known as 'QR' codes, are simple, scannable images that are a form of barcode. By scanning a QR code image through a mobile device, information can be accessed including text, links, bookmarks and email addresses. In the classroom, QR codes can be used in a variety of ways -- from conducting treasure hunts to creating modern CVs. Below is a number of articles, tutorials and lesson plans designed to help educators. QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Creator And Encoder For T-Shirts, Business Cards & Stickers.

QR Invasion - "Q"ing into codes for the classroom by Naomi Bates on Prezi. QR Codes to the Rescue: Transforming Print from Out of Date, To Out of This World! I've written about QR Codes before, but I'm on the heels of a new project that has my students using them in new ways.

QR Codes to the Rescue: Transforming Print from Out of Date, To Out of This World!

And I just couldn't wait to share! First a little background. Over the summer, I decided that this would be the year that I finally took the plunge and genrefied my non-fiction. That is to say, I'm gonna ditch dewey.*** There are many reasons for this, and soon enough I'll write at length about this decision. For now, however, I'm in the midst of a deep and thorough weeding, in the hopes that cutting the fat NOW will help make the next steps a little easier.

That said, despite the fact that I'm a fairly brutal weeder, I'm still coming across some truly scary sections of my collection: spots where I have multiple titles, but most (if not all) are shamefully out of date. This is discouraging for several reasons, not the least of which being that I have absolutely no money to replace these titles.

QR Codes. From Tech Trend to Teaching Tool: Taking the QR Code Plunge! This post is a shout out to a group of fantastic teacher librarians who are “lunching and learning” this Friday in Fayetteville, NC.

From Tech Trend to Teaching Tool: Taking the QR Code Plunge!

Because I couldn’t be there in person (or virtually, for that matter) to share in the fun, I promised I’d put together a post about my use of QR Codes in the library for those in the group who are QR curious. I know these fantastic ladies (and gents!) Are going to have a great time today learning and sharing together. What’s more, I’m thrilled that I can be a part of the experience in this way. (Thanks, Julian, for inviting me!) What are QR Codes? First, some basics: Even if you’re not familiar with the term QR Code, chances are you’ve seen these funky, pixelated squares popping up all over the place!

Where do QR Codes fit into the library? I know what you're thinking. QR Codes As a Means of Updating Outdated Library Materials: I don’t know about you, but each year I struggle with the fact that I have no money to replace out of date non-fiction resources. All About QR Codes in Your Classroom: Here Are 44 Sites to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) 46 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes to Support Learning. QR codes in education. QR Codes Rock the Library on Your Phone. QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator from

QR Codes in the Classroom.