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Communicating major change with SnapComms [webinar] Uncertainty is bad for business.

Communicating major change with SnapComms [webinar]

Few people thrive when they are feeling nervous and insecure. Most of us work best when we have a clear picture of where our organization is heading and what we need to do to contribute. Please join us for a working session exploring how to leverage SnapComms for your major change communications - we'll look at employee communications best practice as well as specific examples that will cut through. Paula: Hello, this is Paula Cassin from SnapComms. Thank you very much for joining us today for our administrator webinar, and our topic today is communicating major change with SnapComms.

Communicating through the 4 stages of change [infographic] Human resources jobs, news & events - People Management. 4 ways Internal Communication can turn change to its advantage. As the global marketplace continues to become faster and more complex, Internal Communication (IC) must evolve to meet it.

4 ways Internal Communication can turn change to its advantage

Thriving, not merely surviving, in the midst of change is what’s needed. Megan Sheerin explores four smart shifts internal communicators must make to keep pace. If there’s one thing that tires the hardiest of communicators, it’s relentless, unpredictable change. The kind that frustrates Internal Communication’s day-to-day work as much as its long-term planning.

The kind that buries us under old strategies, communication plans—and complaints from employees that what we previously communicated to them is no longer relevant. In today’s complex and fast-paced world, near-constant change is a given. Letting go of, or adapting, some long-held paradigms is the key to communicators meeting the expectations of an increasingly fast and more complex global marketplace. Melcrum’s research reveals four paradigm shifts IC should consider, to achieve exactly that: Special Report: Agility - a smarter way to manage change. Change is the new normal in today’s complex business world.

Special Report: Agility - a smarter way to manage change

Gone are the days where companies — let alone communicators — enable a change from ‘point A’ to ‘point B’. Today, ‘B’ is an ever-moving target and as we get closer to our goals, they frequently shift. There is no end state to change, or even a steady state. Melcrum’s latest research, The Agile IC Function, reveals that for internal communicators in particular, the challenges are plentiful — and painful. The upshot is we’re barely surviving, let alone thriving. Navigating Change. Employee Communication in Times of Instability Debbie D.

Navigating Change

Four Ways to Increase Change Management Engagement Through Managers. Is storytelling the key to difficult change communication? Change communication can be hard for employees to digest.

Is storytelling the key to difficult change communication?

Find out how to build collective understanding and shared dialogue through storytelling in this blog from Sabine Jaccaud, Partner at SparkNow and workshop leader at the Melcrum Summit 2014. Picture the scene. A project leader in a pharmaceutical company knows that the new global system he needs to implement in many different markets isn't necessarily better than local solutions already in place. He needs to secure budget from the markets, and buy-in, and do this fast. His team is cross-functional, few report to him and this is the first time they will be working together. The stakeholder management challenge feels insurmountable.

How to Overcome Resistance. You may have thought developing and then obtaining an approval to implement a change to your CW program was hard work.

How to Overcome Resistance

But running an RFP, educating and rallying stakeholders, doing your research and due diligence is nothing compared with the work that is required to manage this change in your organization. Arnold Bennett, a British novelist, once said, “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” Indeed, there always will be resistance to change, be it out of fear, frustration or just stubbornness. To better manage this tendency to resist, consider approaching change as a value add to the business. Change management should be considered a marketing campaign that helps launch and drive adoption of your new program enhancement. When implementing any change in your contingent workforce program, no matter the size, people will be more open to accepting it if they understand why the change is happening and how it will affect/benefit them.

Communicating change to fellow humans « Bright Ideas. March 8, 2012 at 11:13 am Change scares most people.

Communicating change to fellow humans « Bright Ideas

This is true even if the change is supposed to make their lives better, largely because humans approach change from a risk perspective more often than a benefits perspective. They are more concerned with what can go wrong, rather than what can go right. So when it comes to organizational change, internal communication has to be done right to avert disaster. We want employees and other stakeholders to embrace change and engage actively in the change process.

A mile in the moccasins Humans are thinking, feeling and acting creatures. Even when things are not perfect (and when are they ever?) People need to understand the reason for change and how they (not the organization) will benefit from it in the long run. Fear of failure and job loss can affect even the star employees that one cannot picture failing at anything. Trust issues Communicate about change using everyday words. We trust those we believe care about our welfare. Like this:

Communication tips

Change Research. Change Humor. Reasons Change Fails. Technology Change.