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Instagram. Facebook slams 'irresponsible' Forrester for accusing site of failing marketers. Mithra. Mithra (Avestan: 𐬀𐬭𐬚𐬌𐬨 Miθra, Old Persian: 𐎷𐎰𐎼 Miça) is the Zoroastrian angelic divinity (yazata) of covenant and oath.


In addition to being the divinity of contracts, Mithra is also a judicial figure, an all-seeing protector of Truth, and the guardian of cattle, the harvest and of The Waters. The term Mithra is from the Avestan language. In Middle Iranian languages (Middle Persian, Parthian etc.), Mithra became Mihr, from which Modern Persian مهر Mihr, Northern Pashto لمر Nwar, Waziri Pashto ميېر Myer and Armenian Mihr/Mher ultimately derive. The Romans attributed their Mithraic Mysteries (the mystery religion known as Mithraism) to Persian or Zoroastrian sources relating to Mithra. However, since the early 1970s, the dominant scholarship has noted dissimilarities, and those mysteries are now qualified as a distinct Roman product.[1] Etymology[edit] In scripture[edit] The Avestan hymn to Mithra (Yasht 10) is the longest, and one of the best preserved, of the Yashts.

See also[edit] The Sylvia Likens Story. READ DISCRIPTION FIRST!!!!!!! GERTRUDE WAS NOT SYLVIA'S AUNT I KNOW! THAT! We're Here to Help. Marie Digby - What I've Done (Acoustic Version) U.S. Copyright Office. Contact Social Security By Phone. Known right zodiac with good. Known right zodiac with good. ManyCam free virtual webcam effects software. Online news is becoming easier to sell, suggests study.

19 June 2013Last updated at 19:13 ET By Leo Kelion Technology reporter The Sun's online site is to follow stable-mate the Times's lead by erecting a paywall Consumers are becoming more willing to pay for online news, although most still choose not to, a study suggests.

Online news is becoming easier to sell, suggests study

The percentage of UK-based web users who read paid-for content had more than doubled to 9% during the past 10 months, it said. Gains were also seen in the US, France and Germany, although Denmark bucked the trend. Those aged 25 to 34 appeared most prepared to pay, and men were more willing than women, the study suggests. The research will be of particular interest to newspapers, including the Sun, Daily Telegraph, Bild and Washington Post, which are all constructing paywalls this year. Valued analysis The researchers said that in the US, ownership of a tablet or smartphone appeared to encourage payments - particularly if the devices were made by Apple. Yahoo's influence Posts and tweets. 12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive: Scientific American.

Tantalizing New Clues Into the Mysteries of Dark Matter. Cutbacks kick off kerfuffle over Spanish-German observatory. Spain’s National Research Council (CSIC) and Germany’s Max Planck Society agreed late last month to major budget cuts at the Hispano-German Astronomical Observatory at Calar Alto, Spain.

Cutbacks kick off kerfuffle over Spanish-German observatory

The new contract cuts the observatory’s 2014-2018 budget from 2010 forecasts (PDF, in Spanish) of more than €3.2 million per year to €1.6 million per year (PDF, in Spanish and English). Then the Max Planck Society, which has contributed nearly two-thirds of the observatory’s budget since 1979 in return for 50% of the facility’s observing time, will leave the joint venture. The decision to drop out is not new; it was part of a 2010 agreement and is part of a shift toward new observatories with different capabilities. The observatory will start cutting staff this month, and beginning in 2014 it will operate only one of its three instruments, its 3.5-metre telescope. Its remaining 2.2-metre and 1.23-metre telescopes will be available to research teams with the funds to operate them. Cutbacks kick off kerfuffle over Spanish-German observatory.

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Online news is becoming easier to sell, suggests study.