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Mental Well-being

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Your browser isn't supported. Sleep Information. Sleep and children: the impact of lack of sleep on daily life - Mental Health A-Z - Douglas Mental Health University Institute. Yawning and drowsiness are not the only signs that a student is getting too little sleep.

Sleep and children: the impact of lack of sleep on daily life - Mental Health A-Z - Douglas Mental Health University Institute

Other symptoms put forward by research include hyperactivity, crankiness, impulsiveness, and a short attention span. Sleep loss also has less obvious effects on health, emotions, academic success, and driving ability. These effects have long-term consequences in the educational setting but also for healthy living and skill development outside school. Sleep has beneficial effects on our health, emotions, memory, and academic potential. Inadequate sleep, however, can negatively affect our well-being, decision-making, and attention, all of which are necessary for success in school.

As a society, we are sleeping less and less. Night time difficulties have become common and are hindering the ability of students to thrive in school. Reducing sleep may disrupt the ability of students to concentrate for long periods of time, and remember what they learn in class. Homework. Teach Resiliency: Equipping Teachers to Promote Positive Mental Health. In every classroom in Canada, students are grappling with mental health issues.

Teach Resiliency: Equipping Teachers to Promote Positive Mental Health

And at the front of these classes are teachers contending with the stress of helping students who are struggling. Kootenay Family Place. MindShift App. Struggling with anxiety?

MindShift App

Tired of missing out? There are things you can do to stop anxiety and fear from controlling your life. MindShift™ is an app designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety. It can help you change how you think about anxiety. Rather than trying to avoid anxiety, you can make an important shift and face it. MindShift™ will help you learn how to relax, develop more helpful ways of thinking, and identify active steps that will help you take charge of your anxiety. Making Sleep CountRiding Out Intense EmotionsTest AnxietyPerfectionismSocial AnxietyPerformance AnxietyWorryPanicConflict Think of MindShift™ as your portable coach helping you face challenging situations and take charge of your life.

If you are a MindShift user, please consider making a donation to help us maintain and continue to offer the app for free. Resources - KHST Preschool/School Download Resources. Classroom Anxiety. Although anxiety does not necessarily impact a child’s academic abilities, it can affect their ability to learn.

Classroom Anxiety

Parents and teachers can work together to help a child succeed in the classroom. There are a number of ways teachers can make the school day easier and less stressful for a child with anxiety: Create a “safe” place for the child to go when anxiety symptoms are high or during stressful times. This may be the nurse’s office or a staff member’s office. Establish rules for the use of the “safe” place. Be aware of physical symptoms of anxiety and provide activities to distract the child. Allow a few minutes at the beginning of the day for the child to transition into the school day. Talk to the student about what interventions they would find helpful. Teach the child relaxation techniques they can do at school, such as deep breathing exercises. Teach Special Education. • Directly teach anxiety management/stress reduction strategies. • Teach labeling of feelings. • Use literature and multi-media examples to teach anxiety management. • Determine what the triggers for the student’s anxiety are, and reduce these as much as possible. • Coach the student to demonstrate positive strategies.

Teach Special Education

Sample Accommodations for Anxious Kids. While each child is different, the following compilation includes commonly implemented interventions for anxious children.

Sample Accommodations for Anxious Kids

These items may serve as a starting point for families who are looking for specific suggestions for problem areas, or for parents who are just learning of the types of issues that their anxious child may be contending with. Anxious children perform best in a calm, supportive, but organized classroom. Because change and uncertainty can be unsettling, a structured classroom, calmly disciplined will let children feel safe and know what to expect. An ideal situation is a teacher who maintains authority positively, using reason and respect rather than fear for punishment. Seating within classroom Anxious children often struggle with the unlikely fear that they will get in trouble, seating away from more rambunctious classmates will be less distracting, and may help them focus on their work rather than feeling responsible for the class. Tips%20for%20Teachers %20Anxious%20Students. Anxiety lng newsletter. BCMHSUS - BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services. About Us. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

About Us

The Psychology Foundation of Canada is a national charitable organization whose focus is on mental health promotion creating and providing prevention programs that are used across Canada in the education, social service, health and business sectors. Our suite of research-based and evaluated programs support parents through the challenges spanning the developmental stages from birth to adulthood and teach coping skills to last a lifetime.

Program committees have merged to take advantage of program synergies and to better address the overall goals of the organization. The Connections for Life Committee took advantage of psychologists with expertise in attachment from infancy to teens to focus on the parent-child relationships as a key foundation of psychological well-being. PFC’s major programs include Kids Have Stress Too!


Emotional Intelligence. Drug Literacy. Mental well-being.