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Ultimate TCEA 2017 Ed Tech App Roundup - TechNotes Blog - TCEA. Discovering new and exciting ed tech apps was a top priority for many educators attending TCEA 2017. Luckily, there were plenty of fantastic, free resources to choose from, suggested by our experts. Janet Corder and Joan Gore, featured presenters at the convention this year, are pros at technology integration and wielding ed tech apps for student engagement and achievement. At an event called the App Smackdown, Janet and Joan were joined by TCEA Convention Chair Dr. Roland Rios, Vice President of TCEA David Goodwin, and ed tech superstar Heather Kilgore.

They shared their favorite app discoveries. Here are a few of the ingenious apps they highlighted. Apps for Educators Educators have a difficult job. is a web app that makes getting your students to give peer feedback a breeze. Apps for Exploration These apps can help both educators and students find resources they need. Expeditions is a virtual reality field trip. Apps for Entertainment Join Our Email List Related comments. iPad Apps and Resources for Teachers. Three Approaches for Getting Content to Elementary Students' iPads - No Email, No Problem. This is a guest post from Beth Holland of From the beginning, a major challenge of working with iPads is actually working with iPads. Unlike a computer, there are no multi-user logins, no file structures, and no easy way to share these devices with multiple students.

Additionally, in elementary classrooms the challenge becomes even more difficult. Students don't have email addresses. The Terms of Service of many cloud storage options preclude those under the age of 13 from having an account, and devices are often shared. Here are three ways to approach distributing content to students without using email or having them log in and out of an account. Approach #1: Cloud Storage and ______ One of the most obvious answers to distributing content to students, is to leverage a cloud storage solution such as Drive, Dropbox, Box, or even Evernote. Use the App One option with elementary students is to create a single account with one of these services for all of the shared iPads.

Paper Slide Video: Your Next (or First) BYOD Technology Integration Project. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic. <div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> (Cross-posted from We are hearing more about BYOD (bring your own device) initiatives in many school districts these days, but what kinds of technology integration projects can teachers and students realistically do when some (but not all) students have smartphones and the teacher has one laptop?

Page 1 highlighted the key rules for a paper-slide video: One TakeNon-stop VideoNo EditingQuick Publishing On this day.. 1-to-1 Essentials Program. Books - The Student Guide to iPads & iOS 6 by Jac de Haan. Early Literacy iPad Apps....selected by the Children's Librarians | Did you know that certain technology and devices can enhance the learning experience for pre-readers?

iPads offer a multi-sensory tool for engaging a child in a creative, collaborative environment. Touchscreen technology.... Allows children to hear and manipulate letter sounds for learning. Engages chidlren on a multi-sensory level. Involvles Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic modalities. Helps to develop fine motor, language, cognitive, and social skills. Darien Library's Early Literacy iPads What Makes a Great Early Literacy App? Current List of Selected Apps Further Reading and Resources on Children & Digital Literacy.

Creative Uses for iPads in the Classroom. Creative Uses for iPads in the Classroom. QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator from I want my students to.....iPad Learning Objectives. Quick iPad Management Tips! Here are some helpful hints for your classroom iPad device management: - If you want to see what recent apps your students were using (to make sure they were on task, etc.) - simply double click on the home button (the only button on the face of the iPad) and a dock will appear. This dock lists the apps that were opened in chronological order (with the most recent being the one farthest to the left). - If you want to multi-task between several apps, you can double click the home button from within an app and tap an app from the bar below.

This app is still "running" and therefore none of your progress will be lost. (This is helpful if students are filling out an exit ticket and want to switch screens to look up a word, or use a calculator -- when they switch back to Safari, their form will not have reloaded and they can continue from where they left off.) - If your students are accidentally deleting apps: Go to the settings, tap "General", then tap "Restrictions". How to save PDF files from Safari directly to iBooks.

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50 really useful iPad tips and tricks. With great new features like two video cameras, a faster processor and a Retina display, the new iPad is the world's best tablet device. It's also fully capable of running the latest version of Apple's iOS operating system and great apps like iMovie and GarageBand. Here we present 50 really useful iPad tips. We cover everything from customising your Home screen through to getting more from built-in apps like Mail and Safari. 10 best tablet PCs in the world today The vast majority of these tips will also work on the original iPad and iPad 2, so owners of any generation of iPad shouldn't feel neglected.

For 50 more iPad tips, check out a new iPad app called 100 Tricks & Tips for iPad 2, brought to you by our colleagues on MacFormat. 1. iOS now supports folders. Your iPad will create a folder with both the apps in. 2. Double-clicking the Home button shows you all the apps that are running on your iPad in a bar along the bottom of the screen. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The iPad supports a VPN connection.