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Anatomy & Physiology

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Museum of Vision: Education. Body Explorer. Build-A-Body. Overview Learn about the body's systems with this drag and drop game. Choose organs from the organ tray, and place them in their correct position within the body to create organ systems. Build-A-Body is a drag and drop game where players are tasked with assembling an organ system from a set of organs. Players may then attempt case studies where a functional problem with a system must be linked to the organ affected. How to play Build-a-Body Choose organs from the organ tray, drag and drop them in their correct position within the body to build each system.

Complete all systems and then assemble them into a complete body. Teaching with Build-a-Body Build-a-body is an awesome tool to introduce and teach concepts of human anatomy and human physiology. Early Childhood Education with Build-a-Body Where does my food go? Human Anatomy: Explore the Human Body with our Interactive Guide.

Heart Rap - A Rap Explanation of How the Heart Works. 7 Resources for Teaching and Learning Anatomy and Physiology. Thinking back on my undergraduate studies there is one class that instantly comes to mind whenever someone asks, "what was the most difficult class you had to take? " for me the answer is Anatomy and Physiology. Why I was taking that class is a long story, but it confirmed for me that I was definitely not going to medical school. I don't know if the following resources would have helped me with my studies back then, but they certainly wouldn't have hurt to try them. Healthline Body Maps provides interactive three dimensional models for learning about human anatomy. Body Maps has male and female models. The models have eight layer views, from skin to skeletal, that you can select. You can hold your mouse pointer over any part of the model to view a body part's name and then zoom to more detailed information. BioDigital Human offers interactive 3D models of human anatomy.

In Sponge Lab Biology's Build a Body students construct a human body system-by-system. Bodies of Knowledge. Our bodies are incredibly complex machines. Every second of every day we are powered by beating hearts, and carried around by intricate skeletons. Pipes, organs, hormones and brain cells keep us eating, breathing, growing and thinking. And yet few of us ever get to see the amazing mechanisms hidden beneath our own skin. For thousands of years the inner workings of the body have provoked fascination, confusion, amazement and even disgust.

Medieval astrology Examine medieval star charts, and see how the patterns of the stars were believed to influence the workings of the body. Acupuncture Learn how Chinese doctors use needles to manipulate the ‘life force’ in the body. Victorian freak shows Enter the bizarre world of Victorian freak shows, and discover how people with physical abnormalities became part of a cruel form of popular culture. Roentgen's discovery of the x-ray Fritz Kahn's body machines Kundalini yoga Activities ShareThis.