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Style Bubble. Lily Margaux. MARGAUX LONNBERG. Dipsahaf plak koleksiyonu 2. el plak pikap anfi cihaz arşivi poster dergi. Rashad Alakbarov Paints with Shadows and Light. This is kind of flying all over the internet right now, but I couldn’t resist sharing.

Rashad Alakbarov Paints with Shadows and Light

Artist Rashad Alakbarov from Azerbaijan uses suspended translucent objects and other found materials to create light and shadow paintings on walls. The jaw-dropping light painting above, made with an array of colored airplanes is currently on view at the Fly to Baku exhibition at De Pury Gallery in London through January 29th. (via art wednesday, fasels suppe) What I Made. Çığlığındaki renklerle boya beni frida.


LOVE AESTHETICS. F- okumalar. SP*C**L D*F*CTS. Ahmet coka. Girlshygirlguide.. Omurdemiral.tumblr. RSS | Archive Sep. 23, 2013 at 2:38pm with 3 notes polyvoremodastyleElie SaabElieSaab You call him Elie Saab, I call him God by omurdemiral featuring a sweetheart ball gown.


Le blog mode de Stéphanie Zwicky. Su çok güzel, gelsene..