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Capital Region BOCES - School Library System

This may be because the page was moved, deleted or you incorrectly entered the address. for more help: Please use the links below to find your page. Central Administration Career and Technical Center Northeastern Regional Information Center (NERIC) School Support Services Special Education Tech Valley High School still not finding what you need? Try our BOCES A to Z page index or use the search our site box below. Search Our Site. The Inquiry Page. Based on John Dewey's philosophy that education begins with the curiosity of the learner, we use a spiral path of inquiry: asking questions, investigating solutions, creating new knowledge as we gather information, discussing our discoveries and experiences, and reflecting on our new-found knowledge.

The Inquiry Page

Each step in this process naturally leads to the next: inspiring new questions, investigations, and opportunities for authentic "teachable moments. " Information literacy models. Inquiry Learning. In some ways trying to answer this question is like trying to answer the question "How long is a piece of string?

Inquiry Learning

" However it is a very important question for any school implementing Inquiry Learning as a school-wide approach to consider. Different people will have different ideas, and different 'experts' will all push their own theories and ideas. It would be foolish to think that I would be any different, so the following material comes with an 'Opinion Warning'. The ideas expressed here have been formed over seven years of working with schools as they implement Inquiry Learning.

They are based on experience, but are still opinions and as such need to be weighed carefully in the light of your own experiences, knowledge and understanding, and compared to what others are also saying. I believe there are a number of aspects that are essential to be considered as you form your own answer to this question. Goals: Curriculum Integration: Developing Independent Learners: Resources: References. Carol Kuhlthau. “Children’s Reading in Guided Inquiry.” keynote at International Reading Literacy Symposium, University of Tokyo, Japan, January 2013.

Carol Kuhlthau

“Facilitating Learning through Guided Inquiry,” Keynote at the Satellite preconference of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), Tampere, Finland, August 2012. “Guided Inquiry: A Framework for Independent Learning,” Lecture at Summer School, University of Tampere, Finland, August 2012. “Building on the Classics: Current Trends in User Studies,” Keynote at Summer School, University of Zadar, Croatia, May 2012. Inquiry-based Learning: Explanation. What is inquiry-based learning?

Inquiry-based Learning: Explanation

An old adage states: "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand. " The last part of this statement is the essence of inquiry-based learning, says our workshop author Joe Exline 1. Inquiry implies involvement that leads to understanding. Furthermore, involvement in learning implies possessing skills and attitudes that permit you to seek resolutions to questions and issues while you construct new knowledge. "Inquiry" is defined as "a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge -- seeking information by questioning. " A Context for Inquiry Unfortunately, our traditional educational system has worked in a way that discourages the natural process of inquiry. Some of the discouragement of our natural inquiry process may come from a lack of understanding about the deeper nature of inquiry-based learning. Importance of Inquiry Memorizing facts and information is not the most important skill in today's world.

The Inquiry School: A Sketch of a High School for the Next Generation. David Marshak Seattle University Abstract The American high school today stands at the center of an intensifying polarity.

The Inquiry School: A Sketch of a High School for the Next Generation

Powerful political and educational forces in most states are pushing for the development of common standards for all students, regardless of their cultural heritage, resources, and interests. At the same time experience and research has told us for decades that adolescents learn most powerfully and effectively when they are actively engaged in learning that they perceive as significant. These two perspectives seem totally contradictory. The American high school today stands at the center of an intensifying polarity. These two movements-the push for common standards, and an individualized curriculum mondification- seem totally contradictory. Guiding Principles of the Inquiry School The Inquiry School is centered on the following six principles: Structure of the Inquiry School The Group Program.