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Learn Python Programming. Raspberry Pi Blog: Using GPIO on Raspberry Pi to blink an LED. One of the few things that separates the Pi from other SBC (Single Board Computer) is the ability to use the GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins which can be set as HIGH or LOW to control any external devices. All you need is a female to male jumper wire to get started. Here I have used a HDD IDE connector to get the job done. In this post pin 9 is used for GND and pin 11 for GPIO17. The LED was connected using a 470 ohm register in series with pin 9 and 11 to limit the current. Software Implementation:- The fastest way to get started is to use python which comes pre-installed with all images.

Download the RPi.GPIO library and copy the gz tar ball to the RPi wheezy raspbian. Import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time def blink(pin): GPIO.output(pin,GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(pin,GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(1) return GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) for i in range(0,50): blink(11) GPIO.cleanup() Raspberry Pirate Radio.

Raspberry Pi Programming

$35 Computer: The Vast Possibilities of Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is about the most minimalist computer you can buy. Made of little more than a single circuit board, the $35 computer arrives with no case, keyboard, monitor, or mouse—and, most importantly, no operating system. But a blank slate can be a fun place to start with a computer, especially when, like the Pi, it runs on Linux, an open and collaborative operating system that is receptive to tons of coding tweaks. With a bit of noodling, and some computer leftovers from PCs long retired, you can turn the diminutive computer into anything from a streaming music player to a regular old word-processing, Internet-surfing desktop. Making the Pi The Raspberry Pi comes from England, where Eben Upton and fellow computer scientists at the University of Cambridge set out to improve kids' computer skills.

The problem, they found, wasn't the curriculum but the computers themselves, which had become too advanced and too expensive to experiment with. Making the Pi a PC The Pi, in Practice. Raspberry Pi Media Center Rocks My World: Part 1. With over 1,000,000 Raspberry Pi’s in the wild, it wouldn’t surprise me if there are some left unused, tucked away in their boxes, waiting for a killer app. I’m here to tell you that the app is here and you can set it up in about 20 minutes. There is no coding or no command line work involved; You don’t even need a keyboard. It’s likely the most simple thing you can do with your Pi besides removing it from the box.

That app is Raspbmc, a port of the classic media center program XBMC, which transforms your Raspberry Pi into a full-on media player. Last year, a 19-year-old developer from London named Sam Nazarko started to port XBMC (Xbox Media Center) over to the Raspberry Pi, hoping to leverage the Pi’s GPU to turn it into an inexpensive HTPC. I’ve been using Raspbmc for the past three months and honestly don’t know how I could get by without it.

While there are many guides floating around the internet, I put together a quick one to get you started. To follow along, you’ll need: The Adafruit Learning System Raspberry Pi WebIDE is Ready for Testing #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi. We finally have the Raspberry Pi WebIDE in a place where we think it is solid enough for an alpha release. First, a disclaimer: this release will likely have bugs, and minor issues, so we recommend that only experienced linux/python users install it for the time being. It is certainly our intention to get this solid and ready for all users, and we will let everyone know when we think it is at that point. Now, onto the good stuff. The quickest way to get up and running is to head on over to and follow the installation and setup instructions written there.

As you can see, we are closely tied to Bitbucket, and any code changes you make will be synced to your Bitbucket account. We chose Bitbucket over Github because they offer free secure accounts, which we thought was very important for the WebIDE. So, first go to to learn how to install and use the WebIDE.

Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. RaspberryPI. Raspberry Pi Enclosure by builttospec. This laser cut Raspberry Pi enclosure design features light pipes for the status LEDs and obscures the T-slots for a nice clean looking enclosure. All off board connectors are accessable with the top off and you can use standard ribbon cable connectors through the case to hook up the expansion header as well. Spacing of the top layers have been adjusted so these should be compatible with pi plates when they become availiable with minimal additional hardware. UPDATE: The design has been updated to support both the models of the Raspberry Pi board (A & B) and include better standoffs.

Updates thanks to Thingiverse user RoboLemur for the design updates. Black acrylic kits are available here: And a limited number of translucent purple acrylic kits are available here: Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi | An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte! Analog Inputs for Raspberry Pi Using the MCP3008. A truly professional Raspi analog input. Tutorial: How to use your Raspberry Pi like an Arduino | Limina.Log. The proper way to put an Arduino in a Raspberry Pi. For all their hoopla, the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi aren’t terribly useful on their own. Sure, you can output digital data, but our world is analog and there just isn’t any ADCs or DACs on these magical Raspi pins.

The AlaMode, a project designed by [Kevin], [Anool], and [Justin] over at the Wyolum OSHW collaborative aims to fix this. They developed a stackable Arduino-compatable board for the Raspberry Pi. Right off the bat, the AlaMode plugs directly into the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi. From there, communication with the ATMega of the Arduino is enabled, allowing you to send and receive data just as you would with an Arduino. A lot of unnecessary cruft is done away with in the AlaMode; There’s no USB port, but it can be programmed directly over the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi. Adafruit Raspberry Pi Educational Linux Distro. Ultimate Raspberry Pi Set-up Kit. ModMyPi's Raspberry Pi Ultimate Kit has everything contained in the Supreme Kit with the addition of a USB Hub, Wifi Dongle, Bluetooth Dongle, Heatsink Kit and SD Card Reader! We've carefully compatibility tested all components, and only selected the very best manufacturer guaranteed, high quality parts available!

You won't find a better kit at a better price, and all our kits are fully customisable from our huge range of Raspberry Pi accessories, cases and cable colours! We also stock UK, US, AUS and EU variants of the majority of our components so there's no need to worry if you're ordering internationally. This kit does NOT include a Raspberry Pi ModMyPi's Raspberry Pi Ultimate Kit Includes: - Raspberry Pi Case of Your Choice - Including ModMyPi, Cyntech, PiBow's and more! Click the links above for information on the available choices, and customise your kit on the right hand side! Any EU, US or AUS products marked with *** consist of a UK plug with regional adapter. Set Up Kit Key. Raspberry Pi Hacks, Tricks & Tips: Fun ideas for your Raspberry Pi Computer. WebIOPi : control your Pi’s GPIO with a browser ! | WebI0Pi 0.6 has been released, click here for details. I’m proud to present my new project, WebIOPi.

This is a web application which allows you to control your Raspberry Pi’s GPIO. Just install it on your Pi, and use any browser from your network. It’s useful to start enjoying GPIOs and also to debug some circuits without writing any line of code. It also allows to control your Pi’s GPIOs over Internet, so it’s a good starting point for home remote control. You can even fully customize the included UI with few CSS modifications or use the REST API to build your own WebApp. Under Apache License, full doc, code, packages and examples are available on the Google Code project page. Features Supports binary GPIOs, in both input and output.HTML / Javascript / CSS client sideEasily customize UIREST/JSON Web APIServer side available in several technologies PHP/ApachePHP/lighttpdPythonSmartphone compatibleAuto-refresh Check the roadmap for upcoming features.