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Grow up With Chinese 成长汉语01. Beginner Chinese lesson 1. Beginner Chinese lesson 1. How to Learn Chinese Online in Five Minutes FREE with AI Chinese. Chinese flash cards to learn vocabulary for Android iPhone and Desktop. Chinese Hacks | Learn Chinese - Tips, Tricks, Hacks, Software and Websites to make learning Chinese easier! How say except and besides in Chinese - grammar how to use 除了 chú le. To say 'except' & 'besides' in Mandarin you can use a sentence pattern that includes 除了 chú le, which we touched on in a previous daily sentence. It has a few different sentence structures though and they have different meanings. Apparently the 'in addition to' meaning of 除了 chú le is not that common but also included below. To make it slightly more confusing, you can usually have 除了 chú le at the beginning or the end of the sentence. 1) The group (or things) is one way 'except'...

Group B + 都 + description + 除了 A 他们都是中国人除了你 Tāmen dōu shì zhōngguó rén chúle nǐ They are all Chinese except for you. Or you could reverse it with similar meaning. 除了你,他们都是中国人. Besides you, they are all Chinese. 2) Except for A and B... - Basically to say there is only A and B 除了 A 就是 B Jennifer! Jennifer! Jennifer! 3) This is in addition, which is a less common use of 除了 除了A 还 B (in addition to A, B) 除了妈妈爸爸, 还有哥哥.

Chúle māmā bà ba, hái yǒu gēgē In addition to my mom and dad, I have an older brother. (photo credit mmp-stock) Chinese films. English to Chinese dictionary. Examples and Help Example queries: hello, nihao, ni3hao3, 你好, rest*, zei*, *zei*, *茶, 英*公司, chinese *文, "to rest", bill -gates Pinyin words should be entered without spaces, either with or without tone numbers: ni3hao3 or nihao. The character ü can be entered as v instead. The asterisk character * can be used as a wildcard to match zero or more characters: rest* will match any word starting with rest, such as restaurant or restrain*文 will match any word ending with 文, such as 中文 or 英文b*g will match any word starting with b and ending with g, such as big or boring*中国* will match any word containing 中国, such as 传统中国医药 or 中国人民 Double quotes " " can be used to group search terms together: "to rest" will only match entries where to and rest directly follow eachother The minus symbol - can be used to find entries without a certain search term: bill -gates will only match entries matching bill but without gates p:you will only match entries with Mandarin pinyin you.

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