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First Aid. Snake Bites Quick Tip: Emergency Alternative Medicine For Snake Bites. Snake bites can be very dangerous, and we recommend immediately seeking emergency medical care, if it is available.

Snake Bites Quick Tip: Emergency Alternative Medicine For Snake Bites

Hospitals are the only source for getting antivenin. However, there are scenarios when emergency medical assistance is hours or even days away. This article catalogs some treatments that can help in these situations. Apply dampened activated charcoal to snake bite fang wounds as soon as possible. With some snake bites, making a small slit in the fang lesions is necessary, while other bites leave large enough holes for the activated charcoal to absorb well. Herbal First Aide. Insect Bites & Stings Essential Oils – Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lavender Mix any or all with a little Olive or vegetable oil and apply.

Herbal First Aide

Poisons. Make Your Own Natural First-Aid Kit. Herbal All-stars Since I first started working with The Herby in 2003, I've moved from medicinal skeptic to cautious ...

Make Your Own Natural First-Aid Kit

I love to travel, and experience has taught me the benefits of packing light. But no matter how lightly I travel, I always carry along an herbal first-aid kit. Being prepared with my favorite remedies gives me peace of mind on the road or trail, and keeps me from having to search out herbal products in an unfamiliar town — or from having to resort to padding my heels with mullein leaves to ease the agony of a broken blister while on a backpacking trip. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to put my first-aid kit to use, from treating blisters and bug bites to motion sickness and colds. Naturally Treating Brown Recluse Spider Bites. Brown recluse spiders migrate into homes in the autumn, where warmer climates may be found.

Naturally Treating Brown Recluse Spider Bites

These spiders reside in places with regular human movement, but they are not usually aggressive. They are known to bite when they feel threatened or trapped. 11 Natural Remedies for Relieving Mosquito Bites. Few things are more annoying than the itching and scratching that accompanies a fat, juicy mosquito bite.

11 Natural Remedies for Relieving Mosquito Bites

When a mosquito bites us, we itch due to the residual saliva left behind from the insect’s feasting on our blood! Fortunately, just as Mother Nature has honored us with the presence of these buzzing nuisances, she has provided us with some natural home remedies for mosquito bites. Natural Remedies for Bee, Wasp, and Hornet Stings.

Bee, Wasp, and Hornet Stings If a stinger is left embedded in the body, then remove it as soon as possible.

Natural Remedies for Bee, Wasp, and Hornet Stings

This should be the first step.