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Indoor Garden Idea - Hang Your Plants From The Ceiling & Walls. Hanging up an indoor garden is great idea for a number of reasons, the biggest being that it keeps your plants off the ground. When your plants are on the ground you’re more likely to forget them. When they’re up at eye level you won’t miss them and you’ll notice sooner if they’re in need of attention. Hanging your indoor garden is also good if you have pets, children, or if you’re short on floor space.

Here’s a list of the different ways you can create a hanging indoor garden. 1. These indoor window planters are the perfect size for mini herbs, and ensure that the plants get the light they need. Hanging gardens by Little Urban Farmers 2. This wall planter gives you a place to store your plants as well as other hanging objects, freeing up your floor for more important things, like chairs and tables.

DIY Wall Planter by Lana Red Studio 3.Use them as art A big beautiful installation of plants and flowers on your wall not only gives you a beautiful indoor garden it acts as wall art as well. 4.


Lilly. If the web loses net neutrality, independent musicians will lose their careers. Net neutrality is one of the most important policy issues facing musicians. So let me get this out of the way, right up front: “net neutrality” is a bad and not-descriptive term. Sorry. It’s what we’ve got. So what is net neutrality? Net neutrality is the idea that we treat all connections on the web equally. “But I can pay for different speed tiers from my ISP,” you say. “But ISPs are talking about fast lanes for the internet. Trying to eliminate Title II regulation, the mechanism the FCC currently uses to make sure the web is handled like any other vital communication network, is essentially the new FCC Chairman saying “nice Internet you got there — it’d be a shame if something happened to it.”

At this point, you should already support keeping Title II net neutrality regulation but let’s dive deeper just in case. “I’m real dumb. When someone buys digital music from an artist directly they’ll see long, slow downloads that hopefully manage to finish.

Net Neutrality

July. VC CEM. Actors – male : The Lisa Richards Agency. Home care: The way we care for the elderly could be about to change. CA3 - Performance. Music stuff. Zines and ideas. Previous CA research. Été 2016. Food. Marine biology. Lifeguard training. Music Hearing stuff. Vers un nucléogate français. Les dernières semaines ont été fertiles en découvertes sur l’état réel du parc nucléaire français. On savait déjà que la cuve du réacteur EPR de Flamanville présentait des défauts susceptibles d’en interdire l’emploi : des concentrations trop élevées de carbone dans le couvercle et le fond de cuve qui, fragilisant l’acier, risquaient de conduire à la rupture de la cuve en cas de choc thermique.

Cette question évidemment cruciale pour l’avenir de l’EPR de Flamanville est en cours d’instruction par l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) qui rendra son diagnostic et ses prescriptions en mars prochain. Mais ces dernières semaines, on a également appris que ce défaut de fabrication touchait aussi 18 des réacteurs actuellement en service, au niveau de la cuve ou des générateurs de vapeur. C’est évidemment une catastrophe sur plusieurs plans. D'abord, près d’un tiers du parc nucléaire se retrouve à l’arrêt à l’approche de l’hiver, soit plus de 20 % de la capacité totale de production française.

African Print Fabrics 100% Cotton 44/45" Wide - Fabric Wholesale Direct. Russian Avant-garde Art: Rayonnism, Suprematism, and Constructivism | Owlcation. The second sub-movement of the avant-garde was Suprematism. Suprematism was founded by Malevich in 1913. Malevich was known for his passion for the cause of art. Influenced by the rayonnists, he aimed to revolutionize art.[1] Suprematism emerged from Malevich’s own ideology about art. He believed that the “aspiration to transmit what is seen” was a “false conception of art,” stating that this false conception was created by the savage.[2] This means that in advanced civilized society art needed to become more than just the reproduction of something already existing.

Suprematist elements are present in the works of both Malevich and El Lissitzky. Suprematism, like the revolution became a beacon for those looking for a new order for the world. For us Suprematism did not signify the recognition of an absolute form which was part of an already-completed universal system. Art and artist were freed from the oppressive standards of art through the suprematism movement. . [1] Ibid. 145. Noisey.vice. Magical Drawings Put Women in Conversation With Their Demons. Babe You're Going To Be Fine. All images courtesy the artist The devil and femininity have long been entangled. From Eve’s creation of original sin to The Devil Wears Prada, women portrayed as satan are represented as the downfall of the good man. But one artist is reclaiming the devil for women and their personal demons. In Polly Nor’s whimsical illustrated world, woman is a devil unto herself. Nor’s world was given life in a music video “Halfway to Nowhere,” by London-based musician, Chelou.

“When he sent me ‘Halfway to Nowhere’ and asked if I’d be up for doing the music video I thought the lyrics and feel of the track worked well with the themes in my work so I was up for getting involved,” Nor tells The Creators Project. Nor worked with animator Andy Baker to bring her demons to life. Nobody Knows The woman and her demons have become Nor’s accidental trademark.

Up All Night Nor places her characters inside of intricately-planned spaces. Got 2 Get Through This Almost There It Got Loose. Construire une maison alternative pas chère : 10 types d'habitations cosy. The story of the reporter who took her own life live on air. We need to talk about mental health in film. With a release like Split reaching cinemas and carelessly broaching the topic, there’s clearly plenty of work still to be done. Which is why Christine feels so crucial right now. Antonio Campos’s astute, emotionally complex drama, starring Rebecca Hall, is a rare story that takes depression seriously. Instead of portraying Christine as “crazy”, the film humanises her, while exploring how easily extreme anxiety can go unnoticed in the workplace. Without burying the lede, Christine’s other headline hook is its eye-opening real-life inspiration. In 1974, newsreader Christine Chubbuck (embodied excellently by Hall) committed suicide live on air, shooting herself in a TV studio.

Unbeknownst to colleagues, she was a depressed, 29-year-old still living at home, who had recently informed by a doctor she might be infertile. In the role of Christine, Rebecca Hall is the knockout lead the film requires. Rebecca Hall: There’s nothing reductive. Hunting Hitler - Episodes, Video & Schedule. An FBI cold case, kept secret for over 70 years sends an international team of world renowned investigators on the ultimate manhunt in search of justice and to finally answer the question: Did Adolf Hitler survive WWII? In early 2014, the FBD declassified hundreds of pages of top secret documents proving that top officials in the U.S. Government not only believed that Hitler escaped Germany, but were also secretly spending millions of dollars trying to track him down. A memo from J. Edgar Hoover himself states: "American Army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that will say definitely that Hitler is dead. " Hunting Hitler is an eight-part series that follows a highly trained team as they execute the definitivesearch for Adolf Hitler.

Armed with new clues and cutting edge technology, they will uncover what Hitler's movements could have been after the fall of the Nazi Empire. Day Bed Excellent ConditionFor Sale in Dublin - SKAM Saison 1 – Google Drive.