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AASL Best Apps and Best Websites. On Saturday, AASL committee members announced the 2017 Best Websites and 2017 Best Apps for Teaching & Learning at ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

AASL Best Apps and Best Websites

In case you missed those big reveals, no worries! Actually, worry–big time. You are in for a serious summer rabbit hole adventure. Now in its ninth year, The 2017 Best Websites for Teaching and Learning list presents 25 websites that provide enhanced learning and curriculum development for school librarians and their teacher partners. Visit the official 2017 Best Websites for Teaching and Learning list for full descriptions of the Committee’s picks. A Handy Chart Featuring Over 30 iPad Apps for Students with Special Needs. 7 easy ways to promote your digital collection on social media - OverDrive Blogs. Ten Useful Websites for Techie Librarians. By Rebekah Kati, former Head Editor, INALJ North Carolina Ten Useful Websites for Techie Librarians As a techie librarian, I am frequently overwhelmed by the number of tech blogs and resources that show up in my feed reader and on the internet.

Ten Useful Websites for Techie Librarians

4 Digital Tools That Help Students Practice Integrity. Students are expected to demonstrate integrity in the classroom, but how often are they given the chance to practice modeling it?

4 Digital Tools That Help Students Practice Integrity

Tech Tools That Have Transformed Learning With Dyslexia. Fifth-grade teacher Kyle Redford remembers with emotion the day she unwittingly put an iPad in the hands of one of her 10-year-old dyslexic students, a day she called “a complete game changer.”

Tech Tools That Have Transformed Learning With Dyslexia

While the rest of the class was working in a writers workshop, she handed the student an iPad and told him to try and experiment with its speech-to-text feature. 30 Educational Web Tools for Teacher Librarians. The Failure of the iPad Classroom · Screens In Schools Are a $60 Billion Hoax. As the dog days of summer wane, most parents are preparing to send their kids back to school.

Screens In Schools Are a $60 Billion Hoax

In years past, this has meant buying notebooks and pencils, perhaps even a new backpack. But over the past decade or so, the back-to-school checklist has for many also included an array of screen devices that many parents dutifully stuff into their children’s bag. The screen revolution has seen pedagogy undergo a seismic shift as technology now dominates the educational landscape. Exploring Transliteracy: The New Literacies and Libraries. After being away from Transliteracy for almost a year I recently gave two presentations on the topic.

Exploring Transliteracy: The New Literacies and Libraries

I had noticed a trend among librarians to equate transliteracy with digital literacy so part of my goal was to add some clarification. TPACK.ORG. 92 Percent of Students Prefer Paper Books Over E-Books: Survey. E-books may be convenient and cheap, but they aren't displacing paper just yet, at least in the hearts and minds of college kids.

92 Percent of Students Prefer Paper Books Over E-Books: Survey

That's what Naomi Baron, linguistics professor at American University, found out as part of the research she conducted for her new book, "Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World. " She and her fellow researchers surveyed over 300 university students from Japan, Germany, Slovakia and the U.S., and found that 92 percent preferred to do serious reading in paper books — rejecting e-readers, laptops, phones and tablets. Six Back-to-School Goals for Teacher Librarians.

Librarians can jump-start the school year by setting some essential goals.

Six Back-to-School Goals for Teacher Librarians

Here, teacher librarian Phil Goerner tackles his top six objectives and lays out a plan for achieving these goals, which range from creating new maker space projects to engaging teachers in professional development. Collaborate with teachers I think this is one of the most important parts of our jobs. I know it always takes a while to build momentum in the fall and get into classrooms. One of the best ways for me to get started is to stay organized. I’m working on “sneaking” into as many classrooms as I can to line up team teaching jobs, demonstrate a tech tool, or just to promote the library resources. Promote the library Letting teachers and students know about the library resources is vital in the fall.

Take a lead on professional development. MythsTeensAndSocialMedia. Why Trust Is A Crucial Ingredient in Shaping Independent Learners. Everything Science Knows About Reading On Screens. Thanks to technology, we’re reading more than ever—our brains process thousands of words via text messages, email, games, social media, and web stories.

Everything Science Knows About Reading On Screens

According to one report, the amount people that read tripled from 1980 to the late 2000s, and it’s probably safe to say that trend continues today. But as we jam more and more words into our heads, how we read those words has changed in a fundamental way: we’ve moved from paper to screens. It’s left many wondering what we’ve lost (or gained) in the shift, and a handful of scientists are trying to figure out the answer. Of course, there’s no clear-cut answer to the paper vs. screen question—it’s tangled with variables, like what kind of medium we’re talking about (paper, e-book, laptop, iPhone), the type of text (Fifty Shades of Grey or War and Peace), who’s reading and their preference, whether they’re a digital native, and many other factors.

Learning How to Take VHS Tapes and Archive Their Content.