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5 Fake Facebook templates and pages for student projects. April 16, 2011 by mrkaiser208 Facebook is the place that kids hang out after school. Heck, it’s the place many of them hang out during school. It is definitely a platform they are comfortable with communicating on. Why not use student enthusiasm for Facebook to generate learning opportunities in the classroom? I have seen several classes in the past few weeks work on Facebook projects. Students love them. Science might be a little harder, but imagine students pretend that they are a part of a chemical reaction. There are several different platforms for doing Facebook projects in the classroom. Fakebook: This online app is the best I have seen. My Fake Wall (no longer functional) This is a cool template, much like Fakebook. PowerPoint template: This page template opens in PowerPoint, but functions surprisingly as a Facebook page. MS Word template: This template is a little harder to use and doesn’t look quite as good as the others, but it is another option.

213475E.pdf (application/pdf Object) Nameless, Faceless Children (Blogs & Internet Safety) I hereby propose that all children wear bags over their heads any time they leave the privacy of their own home (and even within it if said home has a webcam, camera, video camera, or cell phone) and cease to be called by names, but rather by a hexidecimal code that rotates regularly by security token so no single child can ever be readily identified. This act shall be called the Child Real-life Act of Protection, otherwise known as CRAP. That’s what we need to do right?

In order to protect children, they must be nameless and faceless in all areas of their lives- especially online! - otherwise they are at risk. Scenario 1: Johnny has a recreational soccer game on Saturday morning for the 7 & 8 year old league, which was published in the newspaper. Here’s my question: What exactly are we protecting them from? Personally, I believe that students are much more ‘at risk’ when the adults in their lives don’t think about what information they share locally.

Like this: Like Loading... 30 of Your Best Tips for NQTs. We did a piece a week back on advice for NQTs to help them get their work-life balance in order. The feedback from that just reemphasised to me what a tricky transition those early years of teaching can be, so I decided to get the best possible advice for all those aspiring NQTs out there – from you! If you’ve got more advice I’d love to hear it, just comment below or tweet me with the hashtag #nqttips.

And if you like it – don’t forget to share it! Give Yourself a Break and Don’t Beat Yourself Up [blackbirdpie url=" 2) Try not to wake up at the usual work time at weekends or holidays – @bio_joe 3) Teacher wellbeing comes first! 4) You MUST preserve some sort of inner life and ensure that you mind is constantly enriched. 5) Remember the first year is always the hardest! 6) Come & talk/cry to us at end of day! Be Inspired by the Best [blackbirdpie url=" 8) Observe lessons outside your subject area – @bio_joe. How can a font alleviate reading problems. Dyslexics invert and transpose letters because they confuse letters that look alike. The switching of b and d, for example, is very common because the letters are simply reflections of each other. (In fact, dyslexia is much more common for English readers than readers of other languages, like Italian, in which words are spelled phonetically more than they are in English.) One of the biggest variables today in how we read are fonts—the visual style of letters.

Fonts are designed in part with aesthetic goals, but there are features of fonts that can make reading easier or not. For example, serifs (the little feet on fonts) help us read more quickly by training the eye to run along a straight line. Sans-serifed fonts (like those commonly used on the Web and used on this blog) are easier to read on screens than serifed fonts. If some fonts help us read, could a font alleviate the impact of dyslexia? Learn about how dyslexia affects the brain here. What’s good about it? What’s bad about it?