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Patterns - quilts

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FreeSpirit Fabrics. Fabric Buffet. Women of the Bible. Served God's purpose as well as her own.

Women of the Bible

Block 6: Jezebel She thinks she’s better than others… We've all known someone who fits this description. And no one fits it better than Jezebel, wife of Ahab and Queen of Israel. Known as the wicked queen, Jezebel certainly qualifies as one of the despicable women of the Bible. Block 5: HagarNobody likes me… Can you recall ever feeling like this? Well, if you did, then you have something in common with Hagar, an Egyptian slave girl, despised by her owner and fellow slaves. Block 4: Noah’s WifeWhat’s her name? Block 3: SarahYou’re never too old… This week, reflect on the incredible story of Sarah, who gave birth to Isaac when she was 90 years old. Block 2: RachelLove conquers all… or does it? Block 1: EveIn the beginning… We begin our Women of the Bible Pattern Series in the Book of Genesis.

Carnival Twisted Log Cabin Tesselations SD 480p. Flower Sugar and a Curvy Log Cabin Quilt. Work in Progress.

Flower Sugar and a Curvy Log Cabin Quilt

Following on from this week's Sunday Stash (Flower Sugar by Lecien) blog post it was almost inevitable that once this fabric was anywhere near my cutting table it had to be cut into. And so I did. I quickly decided that it was once again time to work with the traditional log cabin block as it is the perfect way to feature and contrast these colorful fabrics. Contrasting saturated prints with with solid/light fabrics guarantees a fresh and striking result. The traditional log cabin is such a versatile block!

This quilt top is made from traditional Log Cabin Blocks (with strips sewn clock-wise around a center square) but I have varied the width of the strips; alternating narrow strips with wider strips to create the illusion of curves. The ruler looks more complicated to use than it actually is. The wider strips are predominantly fabrics from the Fall 2014 Flower Sugar collection by Lecien, with the addition of several prints from earlier Flower Sugar collection. My Quilt Diet...: Red & White Modern Block Swap Update. A while back, never mind how long ;), my quilty BFF's and I had a red and white modern block swap.

My Quilt Diet...: Red & White Modern Block Swap Update

(Click HERE for forever ago post) I knew that it would be January before I could get around to assembling it :( I did, however, map out my design plans. I knew I wanted to use flying geese to fill out the blocks and complete the quilt. Fort Worth Fabric Studio: Shimmer Braid QAL #2. 37 Free Log Cabin Quilt Patterns. There are currently no images from other quilters. close Terms & Conditions You must enter into this Agreement if you want to submit digital images or other content to Prime Publishing through Sharing Customer Images (the "Service").

37 Free Log Cabin Quilt Patterns

As used in this Agreement, "we" or "Prime Publishing" means Prime Publishing, LLC. and "you" means the individual or entity submitting materials to Prime Publishing. Any individual or entity that wants to use the Service must accept the terms of this Agreement without change. 1) Eligibility. 2) Definitions. Pineapple Quilt Block (for Bee-mates) As my friend Susan of Patchworknplay says, I’m Queen Bee.

Pineapple Quilt Block (for Bee-mates)

Free Pineapple Quilt Patterns: Illustrated Step-by-Step Instructions in 2 Sizes. Some of the links on this page are affiliate links.

Free Pineapple Quilt Patterns: Illustrated Step-by-Step Instructions in 2 Sizes

If you buy something thru them, I receive a small commission—at no extra cost to you. This helps me provide all the free information found on this site. To learn more, read my full Disclosure Policy. Stained Glass Patterns for FREE. Back Porch Quiltworks: Heirloom wedding dress quilt. This project, quite frankly, scared me to death.

Back Porch Quiltworks: Heirloom wedding dress quilt

A customer brought in her wedding dress and wanted it made into a quilt. Her only request was that it be preserved in the largest pieces possible. ***Insert panic attack here*** It is kind of scary to cut up someone's wedding dress! I looked at it for weeks before devising a plan. Here is what the dress looked like before I went into attack mode.

First, I cut apart the main panels of the dress. The bottom of the dress was quite dirty so I had take out the hem, cut enough off to lose the dirty areas, and put back in another hem. Then I began the process of fitting the pieces back together. MessyJesse - a quilt blog by Jessie Fincham: Scrappy Irish Chain Quilt Pattern. I have an exciting pattern for you all today!

MessyJesse - a quilt blog by Jessie Fincham: Scrappy Irish Chain Quilt Pattern

The scrappy Irish chain quilt I've been working on. I've just finished the quilt top so I thought you would all like a free tutorial to join in too!? So do you have your scraps in order? Great, let's get started. A Quick Quilt Label Method. A non-quilter here at work recently asked me about making quilt labels, and I showed her the basics.

A Quick Quilt Label Method

She was so excited about the simplicity of it all, and I realized that QM readers might appreciate these easy techniques. So here you go: A Quick Quilt Label Method, aka how to make a quilt label. First, create the label in Word. Find a font you like and enter the text, line by line. I chose to center each line and to make the names larger than the other text. Print a sample onto paper and make adjustments as needed. Happy Quilting: Quilted Christmas Ball Ornament Tutorial. What you will Need ( 1 ) 3 inch Styrofoam ball 1 foot lace or ribbon (12) 2.5 inch square pieces of base fabric Lots of straight pins with flat heads (16) 2.5 inch square pieces of middle fabric Hot glue (16) 2.5 inch square pieces of border fabric Ribbon or sting for a hanger Instructions Step 1 - Begin by selecting the fabric that you want to be the center of the design.

Happy Quilting: Quilted Christmas Ball Ornament Tutorial

Step 2 - Grab another base square of fabric and fold in half and then in half again. Open it up and place a pin from the wrong side of the fabric through the center of the square. Step 3 - Fold your square down into a rectangle with the pin on the inside of the fabric. Building Blocks Quilt FAQ. Building Blocks Quilt FAQ The Building Blocks pattern and quilt along were launched by Leah and Josh Day in January 2014.

For more than ten months, both Leah and Josh shared articles and videos to guide quilters through each step of this fun sampler quilt project. Crazy Amish Quilt. Start Quilting 3 - Practice Paper Piecing. Watermelon Topaz Adult Cuddle Strip Quilt Kit 60 x 72. The Adult Cuddle Strip Quilt is 60" X 72". The incredible soft quilt is made from Shannon Fabrics Cuddle Soft Minkee and is so soft you have to feel it to believe it. Everyone loves to snuggle in these soft quilts. The quilt is based on the basic "Sew and Flip" method where you sew through the back and batting as you attach each strip.

When you are finished attaching the strips the quilt is ready to bind. Quilting. Stained Glass Dragonflies Kit. Stained Glass Dragonflies Kit Designed by Mim Schlabach Finished size without border (approx) 12” x 37.5” These two colorful examples of Stained Glass Dragonflies on a wall-hanging are sure to warm your heart as a reminder of your love of Dragonflies! They appear quickly, often in vibrant colors and love to bask in the sun! They can fly straight up and down or hover like a helicopter then just as quickly they disappear! Currently there are about 5000 species of dragonflies and damselflies known. Scrap Quilt Patterns and Quiltmaking Tutorials. Cathedral Windows Quilt Squares. Flora_Bleu_Quilt_B_2_B. Poinsettia.pdf. Berries_and_Blooms_web_pattern.

Pixel patterns

Hunter's Star. Paper piece. Miracle.