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Operation paperclip --> USA - coup d'etat

Arkansas birds vs. HAARP's death day redux? Jan 3, 2012 Last year I wrote a rather humorous take on Arkansas’ mass bird deaths, anticipating a wave of paranoia amongst conspiracy theorists that would most certainly blame the strange, “Fringe”-like “pattern” on the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP. HAARP, of course, has been been blamed for worldwide catastrophes ranging from earthquakes and tsunamis to dead fish and global climate shifts, with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez even positing that the Haiti earthquake had its origins in HAARP, which he believed created the conditions for U.S. occupation of the island country. That HAARP is funded as a joint research project between the U.S. Air Force, Navy and DARPA (creator of James Bond-like gadgets, the internet and advanced artificial limbs) certainly doesn’t help its cause.

For HAARP to succeed in killing these birds, at least two conditions would have to be met. My advice? Former Gov-Jesse Ventura on FEMA CAMPS.


After one year of Walker, Wisconsin seems poised for change. It was only one year ago, Jan. 3, 2011, when Scott Walker was inaugurated as the 45th Governor of the State of Wisconsin. In just a few months, he would undo 50 years of progress and Wisconsin tradition. Citing the current economic crisis as well as the state's deficit, Walker proposed a state budget that stripped workers of their collective bargaining rights. He made no effort to rectify this supposed cost saving proposal with the rest of his budget that included $2.3 billion in tax cuts for corporations over the next 10 years.

A stunned public reacted immediately. For weeks there were what seemed to be an endless parade of pickets circling the Capitol building in Madison, like planets around the sun. Teachers and students walked out of classrooms to lend their voices to the pro-worker chorus and carried signs such as, "I'm not the enemy, I'm a librarian. " On each corner of the Capitol Square stood International Brotherhood of Teamsters semi-trailers. Negotiations between labor and Gov. Obama Signs Off on NDAA "With Serious Reservations"

House Passes NDAA & White House Won't Veto Indefinite Detention. Update 12/31: President Obama signs the NDAA into law. © Joshua Roberts/Getty Images The House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) yesterday 283 -136. The bill will make President Obama the first President since the red scare in the McCarthy era to sign a law to introduce indefinite detention in the US. It will keep the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, open potentially forever. The Non Detention Act of 1971 was introduced specifically to address the indignities suffered by Japanese Americans interned during WW2 and the NDAA is the first bill to seek to actively turn that page back. Ten years after the attacks of 9-11 with Osama Bin Laden finally removed from the equation, do we really need more draconian powers to undermine the liberties of US citizens? The bill’s supporters say it does not require the military detention of US citizens indefinitely in the US, but it also does nothing to protect their rights internationally.

CORRECTED: All 86 Senators who voted for NDAA/w contact info. R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789 - 2011. (NaturalNews) One of the most extraordinary documents in human history -- the Bill of Rights -- has come to an end under President Barack Obama. Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the President's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a law that grants the U.S. military the "legal" right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder.

This is all conducted completely outside the protection of law, with no jury, no trial, no legal representation and not even any requirement that the government produce evidence against the accused. It is a system of outright government tyranny against the American people, and it effectively nullifies the Bill of Rights. While the U.S. Of course, today's runaway federal government utterly ignores the limitations placed on it by the founding fathers. Four Caveats Obama Made Before Signing the Detainee Law - Andrew Cohen, The Atlantic. On the last afternoon of a mostly dismal year that saw him get kicked around endlessly by Congress, President Obama signed into law its controversial defense bill, the one which infuriated civil libertarians and many other reasonable people.

And, like his presidential predecessors, Obama issued a "signing statement" designed to undercut the legal authority for the measure, portions of which were themselves designed to undercut his ability to wage the legal war on terror. He got in the last word, you could say, at least until the fight over detainees goes back to the courts. Sunday's headlines noted that the president signed the National Defense Authorization Act with "serious reservations," but those two words mean nothing as a matter of law. More relevant were the later clauses in which the White House gave notice about how it would interpret and enforce the ambiguous law. But the president nonetheless used the signing statement to: Relentlessly practical. ...

President Obama Nazi. President Obama Nazi By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU Don’t look now, but your tax dollars are paying for a new online media czar whose job is to help President Obama’s re-election. President Obama Nazi policies continue with this addition of the post of “Director of Progressive Media and Online Response” to be filled by a ‘Goebbels-like’ attack dog by the name of Jesse Lee (no not the female country western singer). Jesse Lee is the new hired gun in bed with the liberal media to squash conservative dissenters and bloggers who are upset with all of the President Obama socialist policies and programs.

Specifically, “Outreach strategy and response to unfavorable stories and improving relations with the progressive online community.” Now isn’t that President Obama Nazi, socialist, communist, Marxist and fascist special. Dr. Do not re-elect Barack Hussein Obama socialist, communist, Marxist now morphing into a Nazi fascist ever again. Happy New Year: Don’t Bother Asking for an Attorney When You’re Detained. President Obama Signed the National Defense Authorization Act - Now What? Should we believe President Obama about not feari. The National Defense Authorization Act, the controversial law that allows for the detention of American citizens without a trial, is now law. President Obama signed the act New Year's Day while in Hawaii. President Obama says you have nothing to fear.

Should you believe him? I told you about the powers in the National Defense Authorization Act weeks ago when the bill passed the Senate. The bill allows for funding for the military, military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, as well as a provision that gives the President of the United States the power to detain terror suspects, even if they are U.S. citizens, and hold them indefinitely without trial. On Monday, the White House issued a statement to put fears of what that means to rest. "I want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens," the statement said. Here's what you need to know. And this is no a partisan issue. Why? The NDAA's historic assault on American liberty | Jonathan Turley.

President Barack Obama rang in the New Year by signing the NDAA law with its provision allowing him to indefinitely detain citizens. It was a symbolic moment, to say the least. With Americans distracted with drinking and celebrating, Obama signed one of the greatest rollbacks of civil liberties in the history of our country … and citizens partied in unwitting bliss into the New Year. Ironically, in addition to breaking his promise not to sign the law, Obama broke his promise on signing statements and attached a statement that he really does not want to detain citizens indefinitely (see the text of the statement here).

Obama insisted that he signed the bill simply to keep funding for the troops. It was a continuation of the dishonest treatment of the issue by the White House since the law first came to light. As discussed earlier, the White House told citizens that the president would not sign the NDAA because of the provision. The latest claim is even more insulting. Richard Lazzara's Blog. The fight for comprehensive immigration reform isn't confined to Washington. Local communities are footing the bill for Congress's inaction, and community members are speaking out. In these letters to the editor, writers talk about the benefits of immigration reform and how Congress's inaction is costing their constituents.

WAMC: Sanders to be on Colbert Report Talking Up Corporate Speech Proposal (2012-01-02)

TSA Gestapo

Editor's notes » Poll: One quarter of airline passengers would refuse full-body scans. A new survey from Thomson Reuters and NPR reveals that roughly one quarter of respondents would refuse to pass through the full-body scanners that are now deployed at more than 100 U.S. airports. In addition, 14.9 percent of respondents said the full-body scanners had them concerned for their health. That last part will rile the TSA, which has tried hard to educate the public about the health concerns of the scanners. The TSA, of course, denies the scanners, known as Advanced Imaging Technology machines, pose any health risks. "Advanced imaging technology screening is safe for all passengers, including children, pregnant women, and individuals with medical implants," the TSA says on its website. Raymond Fabius, M.D., the chief medical officer at the healthcare business of Thomson Reuters, agrees with the TSA. "While I applaud the survey participants' concern with radiation exposure, these scanners are safe.

Back to the Reuters-NPR survey.


United States of Paranoia: TSA isn’t stopping at airports | The Locker Room. This weekend the TSA saw fit to invade a man’s privacy at a train station in Charlotte, North Carolina. I kid you not, these TSA agents suspected the man was carrying materials for the creation of a nuclear weapon. Right, since nuclear bombs have been going off on American trains all over the place. It turned out that the TSA’s german shepherd actually just liked the dog smell on the man. As the Charlotte Observer reports: The Transportation Security Administration isn’t just in airports anymore. “We are not the Airport Security Administration,” said Ray Dineen, the air marshal in charge of the TSA office in Charlotte. Great. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Massive Expansion of TSA Checkpoints and VIPER Teams. Posted on Dec 27, 2011 in Alphabet Agencies & Operations , Constitutional & Liberty Issues Kevin Hayden – TruthisTreason .net Congress will soon be signing a bill allowing additional funding for a large expansion of TSA checkpoints soon. Yes, checkpoints. No longer are the TSA relegated to the lowly airport, as 25 teams have been roving the country side conducting highway checkpoints, setting up shop at bus terminals, sporting events, and even a high school prom. Congress apparently feels as though you aren’t being reminded on a daily basis that you live in an ever-increasing police state, so they want to add twelve more “Viper Teams” to the roster.

Just this past weekend, I was introduced to just how invasive the new “pat downs” are at the airport after “opting-out” of the naked body scanner. I was left conflicted and slightly amused; should I leave my phone number or demand he buy me dinner and a drink first? Tiny URL for this post: TSA Isn’t Just for Airports Anymore. Travelers hoping to retain their dignity by taking buses, trains, or cars instead of airplanes are in for a rude awakening. “The Transportation Security Administration,” writes the Los Angeles Times, “isn't just in airports anymore. TSA teams are increasingly conducting searches and screenings at train stations, subways, ferry terminals and other mass transit locations around the country.” “We are not the Airport Security Administration,” Ray Dineen, the air marshal in charge of the TSA office in Charlotte, North Carolina, told the Times.

“We take that transportation part seriously.” Indeed they do. No longer content to violate the rights of airline travelers alone, the TSA’s Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams “have run more than 9,300 unannounced checkpoints and other search operations in the last year,” the newspaper says. The Times cites several examples of VIPR’s “increasingly active” operations in the past 365 days: Photo: John S. NDAA and SOPA Bills Aim to Quash Dissent. Occupy Wall Street illuminated the power the American people have to change the political conversation by injecting economic injustice into the discourse. And real change actually came about as a result earlier this month, when President Barack Obama and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo took steps to help the struggling middle class.

But the U.S. Congress and those who seek to influence it are not so accomodating. The lobbyists who have spent nearly $100 million to push for the Stop Online Piracy Act's passage will do everything within their power to ensure that money does not go to waste. But it's more insidious than that. Paranoid politicians have long believed that they cannot maintain order if the people are allowed to have a means of broadcasting their individual voices and opinions. So Congress, at the beckoning of lobbyists, is attempting to create a mechanism for cutting the lines to its amplification systems. The bottom line is the rights granted under the U.S. Bill to police Internet is too heavy-handed - The Star Democrat: Home. Posted: Monday, December 19, 2011 12:00 am | Updated: 7:36 am, Mon Dec 19, 2011.

Bill to police Internet is too heavy-handed Clint Eastwood's iconic movie character, "Dirty Harry" Callahan, famously said, "A man's got to know his limitations. " If only more members of Congress would take that advice to heart, especially when it comes to highly technical issues like the Internet. The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday held hearings on a frightening piece of legislation called the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA. An online service is needed to view this article in its entirety. Login Or, use your linked account: Choose an online service. Current print subscribers Need an account? But its solution is too heavy-handed. Currently, if a movie studio or music company sees a video on YouTube that it believes violates the copyright, they can flag it and the website will take it down. That's like dropping a nuclear bomb on a building because there's a pesky mouse inside a wall. Rep. Anti-piracy delays: SOPA, Sinde Law and DEA.

The growing menace of domestic drones - Glenn Greenwald. LAPD Officer Captured on Video Pointing Gun at Citizen Journalist '@OakFoShow' at OccupyLA Raid. The National Defense Authorization Act Is Even Scarier Than We Thought, Allows Military To Torture American Citizens. Torture Bill States Non-Allegiance To Bush Is Terrorism.

S.1867 Military Detention Act

We are all terrorists now. Egypt: American Tear Gas, Policy Loom Over Tahrir Square. List of German rocket scientists in the United States. Chomsky Nazis Odonian. Police lockdown and brutality on journalists at OWS. Occupy Wall Street: News Organizations Complain About Police Treatment. Project Subterrene and Top Secret Undergound Tunnels Under America. Pepper spray. Police use pepper-spray and rubber bullets at Occupy Denver protesters. Cops pepper spray passive protesters. University inquiry over pepper spray - The Irish Times - Sun, Nov 20. Watch This: UC Davis Chancellor Katehi's Walk Of Shame. Is this what a police state looks like? UC Davis chief won't quit over pepper spray - US news - Life. NY Bloomberg’s Office Admits Arresting Journalists For Covering OWS. Raytheon BBN Awarded $10.5 Million to Develop Game-Based Training Methods and Systems to Improve Decision-Making - PR Newswire.

Layer 8: Raytheon gets $10.5M to develop "serious games" France to tax the internet to pay for music. Hartmann: Privatized Prisons...Criminal in a Democracy. California Prisons and Corrections: The Benefits from Privatization. Conrad Murray, The Prison System as a whole. ACLU report blasts US private prisons. Falling Crime, Teeming Prisons. New ACLU Report Documents Destructive Impact of Prison Privatization. Food Assistance Becoming the "New Normal" French government 'banning vegetarianism' in school canteens. $53 Million Arms Sale To Bahrain; Children Killed in Protests.

Think tank

Romney Campaign Memo: Koch Brothers The ‘Financial Engine Of The Tea Party’ Without More Investment in the Young, Middle Class Could Disappear. Senate Voting Soon To End Net Neutrality: Act Now! Michigan Republicans allow bullying if 'religiously or morally motivated' CIA Monitoring Worldwide Facebook And Twitter Posts. Guerrilla Explorer: What was Operation Paperclip? Bombs, Bridges and Jobs. Lawrence O'Donnell on Police Brutality at Occupy Wall Street. Corporate Media and Larry Summers Team Up to Gut Public Education: Beyond Education for Illiteracy, Vulgarity and a Culture of Cruelty. The Hidden Hands in Redistricting: Corporations and Other Powerful Interests. Perry and the HPV Vaccine: Selling Women's Health (and Everything Else) to the Highest Bidder. The Great Health Care Takeaway. The Austerity Death-Trap. Nonviolent Wall St. Protestors Face Mass Arrest.

No Tax Holiday for Corporate Job Destroyers. U.S. to Sell Bahrain $53 Million in Military Equipment Following Brutal Crackdown. The Human Cost of a Global Crisis. ACLU Makes Case in Court Challenging Mandatory Drug Tests for TANF Applicants. The Congressional 'Supercommittee': Debt Panel or Death Panel?


9/11′s Secret Cost – The Blog. Occupy Congress: Jobs for the 99% 'In Plain Sight' and 'Breaking Bad' Cancelled: Is the Film Industry Abandoning New Mexico? Obama Poster Contest Angers Design Community: It's 'The Opposite Of Jobs' Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Hope’ Poster Artist Slams Obama: New White House Poster Contest Exploits Artists. Earth News. Using stimulus funds to create energy-efficient federal buildings.

Roswell 1947: What Really Happened? The PATRIOT Act: Who Voted Against the Constitution? Human Rights. Professors available to talk about upcoming Supreme Court decisions. Gaming Out the Supreme Court GPS Tracking Case. Naomi Klein: Protesters Are Seeking Change in the Streets Because It Won't Come From the Ballot Box. GPS Inventor Joins EFF in Fight Against Warrantless GPS Tracking. United States Supreme Court Permits Violation of Constitutional Rights - U.S. Politics Today - News Media Monitoring. Old Anti-Mask Law Foils Wall Street Protestors. Ron Paul, Glenn Greenwald and Gary Johnson are unified in opposition - Boston Independent. DNA proposal has foes | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/02/2011.