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Color Theory 101. Stone, Spigot, Alcohol, natural. 25 Creative and Cool T-Shirt Designs – Part 2. - Aurora. Collection of ‘Creative and Cool T-Shirt Designs' from all over the world.

25 Creative and Cool T-Shirt Designs – Part 2. - Aurora

Apartment Building T-shirt: Designed by SQY-T designer Yan Hu, it is a part of the "Skin and the City" collection. T-shirt Designs by Shikisai: The designers are incorporating the interactivity and the sense of fun through the use of black print on white surface. Rita T-shirts: "Carry less. These T-shirts are printed with every day items and accessories, the way they're worn. " Wi-Fi Detector T-shirt: You don't need to open your laptop to check the Wi-Fi signal status; this interactive t-shirt with a built-in Wi-Fi signal detector will do it for you. Equation T-shirt: Wet Pixels T-shirt: "The design features a pixelated paint bucket symbol spilling paint down the top". Intern T-shirt: These creative t-shirts were given out to new interns at a New York advertising agency to prepare them for the intense training. Come To The Dark Side, We Have Cookies T-shirt: Hi, and your name is? Ninja!

We're only Human T-shirt: Sweet Station.


Photoshop & Stuff. Web. Interiors. Beyond Pink and Blue: A Look at Gender Colors. It goes beyond culture.

Beyond Pink and Blue: A Look at Gender Colors

There is science behind the gender-relationships when it comes to colors. A study by John Hallock compares the color preferences among various demographics and takes into account information collected from 22 countries. Our friends at KissMetrics put together this informative infographic that tears down the gender barriers to reveal what really goes on in visualizations. Click any portion to enlarge. Colors by Gender The Color Purple - The most notable gender difference can be seen in the color purple. Blue Reigns Supreme – Both males and females like the color blue, which receives favor with 35% of female respondents and more than half of the male respondents.

A Closer Look In 2007, Doctor Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling created an experiment to explore how men and women differ in their perceptions of color. Results of the Experiment The experiment showed that men and women both preferred blue out of the sets of colors. Color Naming: Men Keep It Simple. 30 Amazingly Creative Examples of Designer Resumes. It’s extremely hard to find a job these days!

30 Amazingly Creative Examples of Designer Resumes

The market is slow, the economy is bad, and the competition is fierce. To get a job you will have to stand out of the crowd. The following resumes go against everything my business teacher taught me. She taught us to never place a picture of yourself, use clip art, use icons, graphics, or make it colorful. Basically keep it as dull and ugly as you can. Please keep in mind that if you apply to companies that have nothing to do with the design field, they wont appreciate your artfulness. However, I think if you are in the design field you need to show off your creativity. Resume is a French word that means summing up. The “DO’s” of a Resume: Write it YourselfBrief, Concise, Action-OrientedRewrite/ReviseAccurate (Not Puffed Up)Emphasize StrengthsDeemphasize WeaknessesHave your resume professionally edited “Dont’s” of a Resume: Essential Components Of A Resume: Optional components of a Resume: Important Resume elements:

Designers' List - Great resources and websites for designers. - Aurora.