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How to use Linux's virtual desktops and workspaces. Windows users have long been jealous of workspaces—also called virtual desktops or multiple desktops—on Linux. But many Linux desktops have hidden this feature by default in recent years. Soon, Windows users will have multiple desktop workspaces enabled by default—and many Linux users won’t.

That’s crazy! Virtual desktops have long been one of the standout features of the Linux desktop, and it shouldn’t be lost. Here’s how you can get started with workspaces on Ubuntu’s Unity or another desktop environment today. Want to stay up-to-date on Linux, BSD, Chrome OS, and the rest of the World Beyond Windows? Bookmark the World Beyond Windows column page or follow our RSS feed. Activate them! Do you see a workspace switcher on your Linux desktop’s panels? To enable this feature on Ubuntu’s Unity desktop, open the System Settings window and click the Appearance icon. Are you using another Linux desktop? Using workspaces Click a workspace to switch to it, or drag-and-drop windows between them. Virtual Lighting Studio - Iluminación interactiva de retrato.

The ambient light represents the light coming from the studio environment. You can turn it on or off and change its color and intensity. If you're lost and need some help, click here. But you probably know that... Click on any help text to hide this. This is a schematic view of the studio. These are all the available models for lighting. These slots are used to capture your light setups. You can save a picture of your capture on your device by using the "Save As... " command of your browser on the capture thumbnails. This button is used to share or bookmark your current settings. This is the main view which displays your lit subject as seen through your camera. The garbage is used to clear your captured light setups. Here you can turn on or off your lights. The solo button enables you to temporarily visualize the effect of a single light in your setup. A gel can be added on a light to change the light color. This displays the intensity of the light.

HHVM - An Open Source PHP Virtual Machine Developed By Facebook. Type quit to return back to your Terminal session. The following command shows you how to use hhvm. hhvm --help Sample output: Usage: hhvm [-m <mode>] [<options>] [<arg1>] [<arg2>] ... Testing PHP scripts using HHVM Let us create a sample php scrip called “unixmen.php”. vi unixmen.php Add the following lines: <? Save and close the file. Run the following command to test the script. hhvm unixmen.php HHVM is working Configuring HHVM in the FastCGI mode with Apache Web server As of version 3.0, HHVM no longer supports the built-in webserver, You should use your own webserver (nginx or apache) talking to HHVM over fastcgi. First install apache web server in Ubuntu server as shown below. sudo apt-get install apache2 -y To check whether the apache is working, open up your web browser, and navigate to the URL Now, enter the following commands to configure HHVM in the FastCGI mode with apache web server. sudo /usr/share/hhvm/ sudo /etc/init.d/hhvm restart That’s it.

5 Creative Uses For A Virtual Box That You Probably Never Considered. Try out Android, Windows 8, any live CD and more, on your computer without messing up your bootloader (or worse.) With VirtualBox it’s easy, if you think creatively. VirtualBox gives you an easy way to create “virtual boxes”, a sort of computer inside your computer you can use to try out new operating systems and learn more about how computers work. Lachlan Roy’s MakeUseOf manual on VirtualBox explains how to set up Windows XP, Windows 7 and Ubuntu within VirtualBox so you can use those operating systems at any time, without the need to reboot. Those aren’t the only uses for VirtualBox, though. Try Out Windows 8 Right Now Curious about the future of Windows? Windows 8 isn’t exactly stable, and doesn’t run perfectly in VirtualBox. Read more about installing Windows 8 in VirtualBox Play With Android On Your PC Thinking of buying an Android device, but wish you could give the operating system a spin before you spend your hard-earned cash?

Interested? Try Out Any Live CD Without Rebooting. Create, Burn, Mount, Edit, Compress, Encrypt, Split, Extract ISO file, ISO/BIN converter, Virtual Drive. PowerISO - Create, Burn, Mount, Edit, Compress, Encrypt, Split, Extract ISO file, ISO/BIN converter, Virtual Drive. Create, Burn, Mount, Edit, Compress, Encrypt, Split, Extract ISO file, ISO/BIN converter, Virtual Drive, DAA File. Click the following link to download a free copy of PowerISO and try it before you purchase.

Download PowerISO v8.0 (32-bit) Download PowerISO v8.0 (64-bit) New Features in v8.0: Support file preview. Click here to view the whole revision history... Free unregistered versions will allow you to evaluate the software for free to determine if it suits your needs. The unregistered version will display a dialog prompts you to register, and you can not create or edit image files greater than 300MB with the unregistered version.

Practical Machine Learning. Machine learning. NEUX GNU Software. Software > Ant Renamer. Home Ant Renamer is a free (really free, i.e. the source code is available) program that makes easier the renaming of lots of files and folders by using specified settings. It supports Unicode names. Browse the links above this text to get more information and download the program. Nice review and video from George for 'FindMySoft': tutorial to rename files by 'HowToAnswer': Make a donation If you want to make a donation, you can do it with a Paypal account or a credit card by clicking the picture bellow: Hydrogen | advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux.

SterJo Software - Freeware the world... The Desk Publishing Machine: Alpha Build. Say “Hello” to the Desk Publishing Machine. I am excited to say that I am a part of the Desk PM testing group, a group of bloggers who have been given an “Alpha, Beta, Whatever You Wanna Call It!” Version of the latest project by John Saddington, the Desk Publishing Machine. What is this awesome new app? Let me tell you a little bit about it while I use test the Desk Publishing Machine. Desktop Publishing Machine Desk Publishing Machine is a Mac app for bloggers. And since I just added an image, let me also say that Desk PM makes blogging a real joy. Look how easy it is to add an image, complete with the easy way to select image justification: It’s the little things. There are several other options and cool features that we’re testing: Transparency Mode — An awesome feature I’ve never seen used with a writing app.Daynight Mode — Perfect for writing in the dark.

And how do you add links and all that other important blogging stuff? Simply double-click on the text you would like to modify: (Dang. Negative Space Animal Masterpieces. Machine Learning Basics with R. Machine Learning Basics with R Overview This two day workshop aims to develop basic understanding of Machine Learning based on Classification methods, through the use of the R programming platform. It describes the different types of learning and the two main categories of their applications: Classification and Regression. With a focus on the former, it takes a close look at typical Machine Learning techniques and how they apply on datasets akin to those encountered in the real world.

Our goal is to give you the basic skills that you need to understand supervised machine learning algorithms and interpret their output, which is important for solving a range of data science problems. Who Should Attend This Workshop? Anyone interested in learning what is machine learning and applying supervised machine learning methods and R to solve data problems. Prerequisites Knowledge of R programming language and familiarity with linear algebra. Learning Outcomes. How To Break Web Software. It’s as certain as death and taxes: hackers will mercilessly attack your Web sites, applications, and services.

If you’re vulnerable, you’d better discover these attacks yourself, before the black hats do. Now, there’s a definitive, hands-on guide to security-testing any Web-based software: How to Break Web Software. Companion CD contains full source code for one testing tool you can modify and extend, free Web security testing tools, and complete code from a flawed Web site designed to give you hands-on practice in identifying security holes. This chapter contains a series of attacks dealing with the concept of state, or the ability to remember information as a user travels from page to page within a site. Chapter 4: Preventing State-Based Attacks of Web Applications What’s In This Chapter? The concept of state, or the ability to remember information as a user travels from page to page within a site, is an important one for Web testers.

Introduction Attack 6: Hidden Fields References. Software for screen recording and video editing.