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Security at the speed of DevOps. While there are some common misconceptions prevalent in the information security field when it comes to DevOps, Ed Bellis, former CISO of Orbitz, urges security professionals to seize the new opportunities DevOps presents. Currently CTO of Kenna, Bellis is taking the stage at the upcoming DevOps Enterprise Summit (see below for a discount code especially for Enterprisers Project readers) to discuss the security best practices and challenges to be aware of within heavily automated DevOps environments.

We recently caught up with Bellis to learn more. The Enterprisers Project (TEP): How can IT leaders in large enterprises leverage a DevOps model to address some of their key security issues today? Bellis: Baby steps. Follow the organization, and inject security in where you can. Are you already performing static analysis on your source code? Most importantly, understand for an enterprise that the cultural shift is greater than the tools. Stop the Construction: Save the Son Doong Cave! Help protect the world’s largest cave, Son Doong Cave - in the UNESCO world heritage site, Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam. The Government of Vietnam needs to act immediately to stop a proposed cable car construction project which could lead to cave collapses and will threaten the pristine cave with further development.

The project has been proposed and funded by private developers - The Sun Group. The Sun Group was approved by the provincial government to conduct surveys for the construction of a cable car system in The Son Doong Cave. This project must be stopped before it has a huge and damaging impact on the Son Doong Cave and the ecosystem of the entire Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park. Thank you for your support!

(Photo credit: John Spies) Hãy chung tay cùng chúng tôi để bảo vệ hang động lớn nhất thế giới, hang Sơn Đoòng, thuộc khu di sản thế giới của UNESCO, vườn quốc gia Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng, tỉnh Quảng Bình, Việt Nam. Dự án này phải đượ... more. Norse - IPViking Live. Converting Database Character Sets. Languages: English • 日本語 • (Add your language) This article addresses, in general, the process of converting your WordPress MySQL database tables from one character set to another. Warning: character set conversion is not a simple process.

Please complete a backup of your database before attempting any conversion. The History Up to and including WordPress Version 2.1.3, most WordPress databases were created using the latin1 character set and the latin1_swedish_ci collation. Beginning with Version 2.2, both the database character set and the collation can be defined in the wp-config.php file. Note that in addition to setting the format of any new tables created by WordPress the DB_CHARSET property defines the format of content sent to your database and the expected format of content retrieved from it. The rest of this article will explain how to convert the character set and collation for existing WordPress installations. The basics of converting a database This is the starting point. And. Function Reference/bloginfo. Languages: English • Türkçe • 日本語 • Português do Brasil • 中文(简体) • Русский • (Add your language) Description Displays information about your site, mostly gathered from the information you supply in your User Profile and General Settings WordPress Administration Screens.

It can be used anywhere within a template file. This always prints a result to the browser. If you need the values for use in PHP, use get_bloginfo(). Usage Parameters $show (string) (Optional) Keyword naming the information you want. Default: name 'name' - Displays the "Site Title" set in Settings > General. Examples Show Blog Title Displays your blog's title in a <h1>tag. Show Blog Title in Link Displays your blog's title in a link. <a href="<? Show Character Set Displays the character set your blog is using (e.g. NOTE: In version 3.5 and later, default character encoding is set to UTF-8 and is not configurable from the Administration Screen.

<p>Character set: <? Show Blog Description Example output Notes Uses: get_bloginfo() Change Log. Tabla de conversión de símbolos UTF-8 a ISO-8859-1 (ANSI) » Òscar Merino. Tabla de conversión de símbolos UTF-8 a ISO-8859-1 (ANSI) Muchas veces al crear una Web y al poner la codificación UTF-8 se nos ha desmontado, sobre todo los carácteres especiales más latinos, que son los acentos, la ñ, las diéresis, … más usuales en la codificación ISO-8859-1. Porqué pasa esto? UTF-8 usa carácteres universales, los más usuados en casi todas las lenguas, pero ISO-8859-1 usa carácteres latinos como el Español, Portugués e Italiano entre otros. Una forma de arreglar esto, después de indicar la codificación UTF-8 (<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />) en nuestra Web, es cambiar la codificación de nuestos archivos: Bloc de notas: Archivo -> Guardar como -> Codificación Dreamweaver: Modificar -> Propiedades de la página -> Título/Codificación -> Codificación Notepad++: Formato -> UTF-8 Y la tabla con las equivalencias: Fuente:

THE solution to funny characters (only for hispanic languages) after upgrading. WordPress Site Structure and Organization | Learning from Lorelle. This article supports my recent presentation at PDX WordPress Meetup titled “Organizing Your WordPress Site.” Please note that I’ve included articles from ClarkWP Magazine, the student run and managed site for my Clark College WordPress classes, as reference material throughout this article. Before beginning to structure and organize, or reorganize, your WordPress site, there are some WordPress terms you need to know. Pages In WordPress, the pseudo-static web pages are called Pages with a capital P. Developed for the WordPress 1.5 release, these Pages hold reference material, content outside of the reverse chronological order of the posts. A good way to think of Pages in WordPress is that they hold timeless content.

The concept of timeless content maybe confusing, but consider the most common Pages on a site: AboutContactSubscribePoliciesResourcesReferencesSite MapLinks Pages may have subPages. An article that is timeless may or may not be a Page. Is it timeless content? Posts Pageviews. Find, Search, Replace, and Delete in the WordPress Database « Lorelle on WordPress. The following was originally published on WordCast and authored by Lorelle VanFossen. It is reprinted here as a reference guide. You’ve moved your WordPress installation from one server to another.You’ve changed domain names.You’ve moved images around on your server and now they don’t load.You’ve changed your WordPress installation and now images show blank boxes on your posts.You’ve changed your email address.An author has changed their name or URL.You’ve been asked to remove all of someone’s blog comments.You’ve turned things off during development and it’s time to turn them back on.You’ve gotten smart and changed your WordPress URL and installation from to’ve realized that you’ve been misspelling “separate as “seperate” and you now need to fix all the missed spellings.You’ve realized that WP as an acronym isn’t as SEO friendly as you thought and decide to change them all to WordPress.

Some Things to Consider Before Touching the WordPress Database. Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Multisite with MAMP. According to, WordPress is the most popular publishing platform with more than 8 million website using it as their Content Management System (CMS). In addition, Google Trends shows the increasing popularity of WordPress cross over the other CMS, such as Joomla and Drupal. Some reasons that makes WordPress that immensely popular are it is easy to use, it is in very active development, it has great community support, many plugins with great functionality, beautiful themes, and one particular feature that makes it a powerful CMS is the ability to create multiple websites with one WordPress installation. Originally, this WordPress Multisite was developed separately from the main WordPress.

Then, the project has been merged since WordPress 3.0. So, if you are using WordPress 3.0 (and above), you are able to enable this feature and start creating multiple blogs. Make sure you have installed MAMP in your OSX. Step 1: Setting-up Virtual Host Step 1.1: Adding a Hostname Final Thought. WordPress Capabilities - WPFront.

Read Allows access to menu items “Dashboard” and “Users > Your Profile”. Since v2.0 edit_dashboard Allows access to edit dashboard widgets and its settings. Since v2.5 publish_posts Allows access to publish posts, including XML-RPC publish. Edit_posts Allows access to “Posts”, “Posts > Add New”, “Comments” and “Comments > Awaiting Moderation”. Delete_posts Enables permission to delete posts. Edit_published_posts Enables permission to edit published posts. Delete_published_posts Enables permission to delete published posts. Edit_others_posts Enables permission to edit others posts.

Delete_others_posts Enables permission to delete others posts. Read_private_posts Enables permission to read posts marked as private. Edit_private_posts Enables permission to edit posts marked as private. Delete_private_posts Enables permission to delete posts marked as private. Manage_categories Enables permission to “Posts > Categories” and “Links > Categories” (Links not available since v3.5). Upload_files publish_pages. 20 Free Fonts for Minimalistic Designs. Installing WordPress Through Command Line. I assume that many people would do the following to install WordPress in local server: Download the Package from, unpack it, put the files on the local server, open the localhost followed with the wordpress directory in the Browser, and then follow the instruction as shown.

This is the standard way to install WordPress. It works fine, except it requires several layer of steps. And most of the time, I have to manually re-download the package for new installation. Another way to install WordPress is by using WP-CLI, which I found to be more streamlined. So, if you mainly work on WordPress environment and are comfortable on performing command lines in Terminal, you can follow this tip. Recommended Reading: Setting Up Local Server With AMPPS Getting Started We first need to install WP-CLI, and the easiest way would be via Homebrew. Once installed, you can type wp command to verify the it is applicable. Creating Project We start installing WordPress through command lines. Code Compare extensión. Sign in to write a review Sort by: Good product, that provide better options than default compare in VS.

Great! This is the default code compare tool in Visual Studio...ON STERIODS!!! I just wish I could reuse the code compare tab windows in the IDE, instead of having one open up for each file I do a compare on before a check-in. Aside from that, I love it! Extremely nice code comparison tool. Very complete tool to compare files. This is such an extremely useful product. I could not make it work. was not a free version. instantly expired and said trial ended, buy full version now This is a great alternative to the built-in code compare tool.

The compare is confusing. too many visual cuescompare is slow. bugs all the times - last one now: object reference not set - decided to look for alternatives Awesome....Try this powershell.... XVI RS Boquerón. Boquerón Políticas de Salud se potencian en Boquerón • A través del Plan Estratégico Regional de 5 años. • Con el involucramiento de los pueblos originarios. • Se conformó comité de Comunicación para la participación ciudadana. Objetivos Estratégicos de Salud de Boquerón El Ministerio de Salud Pública, a través de la XVI región sanitaria – Boquerón y la Dirección General de Planificación, consolidó en Boquerón el “Plan Estratégico Regional” en este departamento chaqueño. El taller de definición, capacitación y planificación del Equipo Técnico Regional (ETR) y consolidación del Plan Estratégico Regional se efectuó en la escuela departamental de la ciudad de Filadelfia, los días 22 y 23 de noviembre de 2012.

“El taller fue el último paso en un proceso de planificación estratégica participativa liderado por la XVI Región Sanitaria, en el que, tanto la misma región como los distintos actores de área de Salud del departamento, acordaron un Plan Estratégico Regional de Salud. ¿Cómo crear un sitio web bajo WordPress con uno o varios alias de nombre de dominio? | Art Project Group.

Muchas veces necesitamos crear un sitio web corporativo o un blog bajo WordPress y nos encontramos con el problema de que el cliente necesita que esté operativo bajo más de un dominio, tal y como ocurre en el propio sitio web corporativo de APG que está plenamente operativo bajo los dominios y o bajo más de un subdominio, como ocurre con Caravaning Blog in English, que está plenamente operativo bajo los subdominios y Y aunque parece algo sencillo de realizar y que no debería producirnos ningún tipo de problema, no es así. Para hacer posible que varios dominios o subdominios funcionen correctamente bajo una única instalación de WordPress y mostrando el mismo contenido, lo primero que tenemos que hacer es, obviamente instalar WordPress y configurarlo correctamente para que esté plenamente operativo. Para el archivo sitemap-image.php: Relacionado. WordPress y los distintos archivos de mapa de sitio (sitemap) | Art Project Group.

<? Php add_action ('admin_menu', 'video_sitemap_generate_page'); add_action('delete_post', 'video_sitemap_loop', 9999, 1); add_action('publish_post', 'video_sitemap_loop', 9999, 1); add_action('publish_page', 'video_sitemap_loop', 9999, 1); function video_sitemap_generate_page () { if (function_exists ('add_submenu_page')) add_submenu_page ('tools.php', __('Video Sitemap'), __('Video Sitemap'), 'manage_options', 'video-sitemap-generate-page', 'video_sitemap_generate'); function IsVideoSitemapWritable($filename) { if(!

If(! $pathtofilename = dirname($filename); if(! If(! Return false; return true; function video_sitemap_generate () { if ($_POST ['submit']) { $st = video_sitemap_loop (); if (! Echo'<br /><div class="error"><h2>Oops! Exit(); <h2>XML Sitemap for Videos</h2> <p>The XML Sitemap was generated successfully. <h3>Stay Connected</h3> <p><a href=" @labnol</a></p> <script>! <h3>Create Video Sitemap</h3> <? $c = 0; News from India on Technology, Electronics, Computers, Open Source & more: EFYTIMES.COM. Friday, December 20, 2013: Are you having a tough time differentiating between C++ and Java? Do you keep using the semicolon when you're not supposed to? While the two languages are similar, there are certain syntactical differences that can be confusing. Here’s something that will come in handy. The main function int main( int X, char* Y[]){ printf( "Hello, world" );} Java Every function in Java has to be made a part of a class.

Class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String X[]) { System.out.println( "Hello, World" ); }} Compiling In C++, you will be compiling as, g++ -o outfile This will then be run with, . In Java, you will compile the classes in javac You have to run this by invoking the static main method. Class declarations While C++ requires a semicolon at the end of class declarations, Java does not have any such requirement. class X{}; class X{} Method declarations A method declaration in Java must be a part of a class always. Constructors and destructors Static members. Susan Cain announces news to make introverts happy. Lista de Admitidos e Inscriptos - Project Bike: Danish man builds son coolest balance bike ever. COMPARTO ORACIONES DE XV AÑOS ....

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Rwanda Genocide: In Rwanda, Reconciliation Is Hard Won. LIBRADO A TRAVÉS DE LAS ORACIONES DE LOS “AYUDANTES” by David Wilkerson | World Challenge. Firewalls Virtuales. Advanced password recovery. How To Create A Truly Hidden Partition With TrueCrypt 7. WhatFont: Find Out What Any Type Of Font Is On A Webpage [Cross-Platform] Epoch Converter - Unix Timestamp Converter. How Google Cracked House Number Identification in Street View.