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Usless stuff. The Useless Web. Staggering Beauty. Collection of hampus lindwall, falling falling .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2011. sound by gloumouth1. OMFGDOGS. Will you press the button? Pokemon Fusion. Play - Foto del diario. Orca flash. Trippy Apps - A Selection of Trippy Software, Websites, and Screensavers. 2012 March 12 - The Scale of the Universe Interactive. Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2012 March 12 The Scale of the Universe - Interactive Flash Animation Credit & Copyright: Cary & Michael Huang Explanation: What does the universe look like on small scales?

Tomorrow's picture: dust before galaxies Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD at NASA / GSFC& Michigan Tech. George Ferris interactive Google Doodle [HQ. Restore your own Ecce Homo! - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence?