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Simon Davidson Photographer. Hannah Whitaker. Photo Art - Herrmann Studio. Jose Dávila. Eli Craven's ‘Screen Lovers’ In his series ‘Screen Lovers’, Illinois-based artist Eli Craven reinvents through the art of cutting, collaging, and folding.

Eli Craven's ‘Screen Lovers’

Vintage Works of Jaroslav Vávra. From The New World 杨泳梁-Yang Yongliang. ...the moon gazed on my midnight labours, while, with unrelaxed and... The Tower is an object which sees, a glance which is seen. Vintage Photo-Collages Featuring Natural Elements. Dans sa série « Natural Act », la photographe turque Merve Özaslan réalise des collages pleins d’imagination qui mêlent de vieilles photographies en noir et blanc avec des paysages et des éléments naturels colorés.

Vintage Photo-Collages Featuring Natural Elements

A travers une fenêtre, on peut voir des poissons sous l’eau ; sur des maillots de bain de femmes, se dessine une forêt ; et sur la façade d’un bâtiment, une mer agitée vient remplacer le béton. Thomas Devaux. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Thomas Devaux

Human Error Series. La série « Human Error » a été pensée par la designer graphique Victoria Siemer (alias Witchoria).

Human Error Series

Elle crée des polaroids à partir de photos qu’elle prend et ajoute par-dessus des fenêtres d’alertes, de mises à jour ou de bug qui apparaissent sur Mac. Une rencontre intelligente entre la photographie et l’ère numérique. Photomontage: A Collection - MAT 200A 2011. Pieces of a Memory will be a set of photographs, each being a collage created on a single photographic film and developed.

Photomontage: A Collection - MAT 200A 2011

The technique will incorporate a custom built light source to project masked collimated light on a target while the camera is triggered in long exposure mode. The idea traces its roots to combination printing and photomontage. In the mid 19th century, Oscar Rejlander developed a technique called combination printing for creating single images out of multiple negatives. Silvia Grav Photography. La photographe Silvia Grav fait des photos très souvent en noir et blanc qui sont parfois d’une très grande violence et parfois rêveuses.

Silvia Grav Photography

L’esthétique côtoie la double exposition, la solarisation et des montages qui prolongent le corps de ses modèles. Sombres, surréalistes, de belles photos à découvrir dans la suite. Bodyscapes by Sumyko. Sumyko's lyrical black and white photographs blend body and landscape through use of double exposure, superimposing the naked female form with wooded plains and snowy hills.

Bodyscapes by Sumyko

The works possess an eerie beauty and understated sensuousness. Sumyko, aka Francesca Ibba, is based in Maracalagonis, Italy. Maurizio Galimberti » Blog Archive » Paris 01/2011. Martin vlach. Portraits by Maykel Lima. Maykel Lima is a photographer based in Madrid, Spain.

Portraits by Maykel Lima

With his outstanding photographs which show alienated faces, bodies and sculptures, he expresses his futuristic unique style. His photographies show mainly plain sceneries which focus on the centre of the picture. One of Us — Giacomo Favilla Photographer and Video Director. Jamie Mc Cartney - Galleries? The Work of Laurence Demaison.

French photographer Laurence Demaison sometimes combines black and white photos with her own drawing, generating a ghostly finished product.

The Work of Laurence Demaison

"Taking full advantage of shwoing what the camera sees (sometimes over long periods of exposure) compared to what the human eye cannont or does not see, she pre-visualizes each photograph up to a certain degree, and then lets chance and intuitive performance intervene. " - Lens Culture All images courtesy the artist. via. "Faking It," Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop. While digital photography and image-editing software have brought about an increased awareness of the degree to which camera images can be manipulated, the practice of doctoring photographs has existed since the medium was invented.

"Faking It," Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop

“Faking it: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop” was a 2012 exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 400ml Aérosol Cameleon prédilué - Stardust Colors. Urban Cityscapes Emerge from Haphazard Brushstrokes. When first discovering these paintings by Korean artist Jieun Park, either on a distant gallery wall or on a small website thumbnail, you might first mistake them for nothing more than thick abstract brushstrokes on on a large canvas.

A closer look reveals entire nighttime cityscapes embedded in the blots of paint, glimpses of Paris, Hong Kong, Prague, and other cities from Park’s travels. The artist has numerous prints and originals available over on Saatchi Online. Ben DeHaan. “Uncured”, a series of photos by Ben DeHaan. The images are untreated with UV light, allowing the inks to drip over time. War Photography X Vintage Comics. ButcherBilly : The contrast between the colorful vintage superheroes and the grey shaded real world.The visual experiment ended up bringing different results to each piece – from giving a whole new meaning to the picture by modifying the original concept, to reinforcing the same idea by making clear just how the elements were influenced by the history depicted in the photos, or even saying a lot about the psychology behind fiction and reality.While we see the contrast between the black and white photos and the colorful vintage comic books elements, it’s interesting to notice how the superheroes and supervillains world was actually « black and white » in a metaphoric way, while the strong war scenes are established in the real world, where the grey shaded line between good and evil isn’t always clear.

Original: « Tank Man », Beijing, 1989, by Jeff Widener. Original by Joe Rosenthal, 1945, Iwo Jima.