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Sacrifice Rules. Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong Johann Hari. Tobacco death rates in the developing world. Everything About Colloidal Silver. Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander The Great was surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns.

Everything About Colloidal Silver

He knew nothing about bacteria, but he knew that silver containers have a seemingly miraculous way of keeping water fresh. Silver has been used for thousands of years in different forms for its health benefits. Throughout the middle ages, the wealthy gave their children silver spoons to suck upon to stave off illnesses. People have known about the benefits of silver for so long that it is incorporated into legends.

Silver is the recommended agent for killing vampires, werewolves, and various forms of the so-called undead. The new history of silver is a falsified history. Silver medicine has been erased from the textbooks, and it is seldom given mention in medical literature. Over the past two centuries, silver has been used by both allopathic and alternative medicine. 19 Statistics About The Drugging Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe. The American people are the most drugged people in the history of the planet.

19 Statistics About The Drugging Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Illegal drugs get most of the headlines, but the truth is that the number of Americans that are addicted to legal drugs is far greater than the number of Americans that are addicted to illegal drugs. As you will see below, close to 70 percent of all Americans are currently on at least one prescription drug. In addition, there are 60 million Americans that “abuse alcohol” and 22 million Americans that use illegal drugs. What that means is that almost everyone that you meet is going to be on something. That sounds absolutely crazy but it is true. . #1 An astounding 70 million Americans are taking legal mind-altering drugs right now. #2 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, doctors wrote more than 250 million prescriptions for antidepressants during 2010.

Diet | nutrition. Pathogens. 5 Facts On Cancer That Conventional Medicine Is Now Aggressively Claiming Are Myths. Dave Mihalovic Waking Times May 31st, 2014 Reader Views: 2,384 According to the conventional wisdom of mainstream medicine, the world’s leading health practitioners in alternative, complementary and integrative medicine have it all wrong and are misinforming millions in practice and on the internet with a barrage of myths and misconceptions they claim are causing more harm to cancer patients.

5 Facts On Cancer That Conventional Medicine Is Now Aggressively Claiming Are Myths

Could this initiative to sway opinion by leading cancer authorities possibly, just possibly be related to the revolution that is happening around the world–highlighting the dangers and ineffectiveness of toxic chemotherapy and radiation, bringing cancer cures such as cannabis to the forefront, or the emerging mass markets now creating awareness on the reality of our food and the consequences of the cancer industry itself? FACT #1The Rise In All Types of Cancers Are Due To Our Modern Society Diets, Lifestyles and Environment So let’s just focus on what has transpired in the last century alone.

Dr. The Future Generation of America Is Literally Sick And Tired. Joshua Krause The Daily Sheeple May 29, 2014 It’s pretty much old news at this point.

The Future Generation of America Is Literally Sick And Tired

The population of the United States is becoming incredibly unhealthy and unfit as time goes on. Everybody knows it, but we must never stop discussing this tiresome fact over and over again because frankly, it’s not getting better. The most alarming trend in America’s downward spiral into illness and obesity, is that it appears to be effecting our kids the most. Recently the Centers for Disease Control conducted a physical study involving 600 teenagers. While obviously good advice, does he mean to say that many of our kids aren’t doing something so mildly strenuous and benign, as walking? Competing for kids’ time with these activities, of course, is a growing proportion of the day devoted to computers, tablets and other forms of screen time.

This is the example we’re showing to our kids, and it shows. The implications for the future are staggering. I digress. Print this page. HIV Vaccine Causes HIV. Experts mystified by blow-out in food allergies. Constant watch: Bradford Beencke and Amy Smith have food allergies.

Experts mystified by blow-out in food allergies

Photo: Janie Barrett Tens of thousands more boys suffer from peanut allergies than girls, ground-breaking data show, but doctors are at a loss to explain the figures or define how to stop the soaring allergy ''epidemic''. Figures released by the Bureau of Statistics reveal that about 71,000 boys aged two to 18 have an allergy or intolerance to peanuts, compared with only 39,000 girls. Royal Prince Alfred Hospital allergy unit director Robert Loblay said while the gender differences remained a ''mystery'', the biggest increase in allergies in the past 15 years had been in peanuts and tree nuts. ''Twenty years ago, we hardly ever saw a child with a peanut allergy, maybe one every year,'' he said.

Advertisement ''It can't be explained by exposure to peanuts or boys being more likely to eat them,'' he said. ''Women are more attuned to food choices than men. ''There are more people at risk,'' he said. The Chemical War Rages Against Your Body. 2nd Amendment on Trial with Larry Pratt Bilderberg Member Quizzed on Streets of Copenhagen Bilderberg Member Admits Policy Making on Camera Obama Has Created A Culture of Hating Veterans HIV Vaccine Causes HIV Bilderberg Takeover Could Spark 1776 WorldWide!

The Chemical War Rages Against Your Body

US Govt.

Morgellons disease