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SCRUM ALLIANCE® is the largest, most established and influential professional membership organization in the Agile community. Our mission is to "Transform the World of Work" by guiding organizations to become prosperous and sustainable, to inspire people, and to create value for society. Scrum is at the foundation of all its products, services, and solutions.

Six Business Benefits of Agile Leadership In the Workplace. Things have changed so much in the past few decades.

Six Business Benefits of Agile Leadership In the Workplace

Most of the old rules no longer apply. How to Master The Elements of Scrum For Agile Business Performance. The Agile Journey of a Scrum Master Throughout time numerous systems of software development have varied significantly in a remarkable way.

How to Master The Elements of Scrum For Agile Business Performance

Learn How Scrum Technology is Transforming Business Performance Trends. Keeping Informed About Scrum Scrum can be defined a framework for project management.

Learn How Scrum Technology is Transforming Business Performance Trends

It emphasizes accountability and teamwork. Progress and results and a well-defined goal is weaved into scrum. The three core pillars are adaption, transparency and inspection. Defining the 4 Core Principles of Agile Methodology. Agile methodology.

Defining the 4 Core Principles of Agile Methodology

Business Benefits Of AgileA Guide To Agile Marketing For Your Organization. Introduction In business, if you are not marketing, you are probably not growing.

Business Benefits Of AgileA Guide To Agile Marketing For Your Organization

Yes, we understand that word of mouth is one of the most important aspects of marketing and it is something you don't necessarily have to do yourself. However, in order for someone to spread the word about your business, you had to do some marketing prior to that. Why Unstructured Organisations Are Barrier To Agile Development Model? What comes to your mind upon reading the term agile development model?

Why Unstructured Organisations Are Barrier To Agile Development Model?

Often confused with various types of frameworks such as Scrum or Kanban, Agile as the word suggests, is a way of steering an organization ahead-by being more adaptive and responsive to the continuously changing business and industrial landscape. With the aim to help an organization, and its team grow through agile development model, it is a Simplified structure to solve the complexity and help businesses better serve their customers. What makes Agile different from other development models? Unlike various forms in which an organization moulds itself for growth and development, agile methodology transforms the very mindset and culture of the company. It teaches to accept, imbibe and implement a flexible, self-changing and collaborative attitude to grow in the fast-changing environment.

Unstructured tasks such as emails, in-person meeting, can take up a lot of time and efforts which can be utilized more productively. Agile techniques and practices that your management should follow. For running a business successfully it is very important to place the best persons on the board of management.

Agile techniques and practices that your management should follow

The management of a company more or less decides the success or failure of the whole company. How scrums help both new and experienced Teams be more successful. Use Scrum to continuously improve your business. Scrum has been used to manage work on complex products since the early 1990s.

Use Scrum to continuously improve your business

Scrum falls within “Agile,” which is the umbrella term for several types of approaches to getting any complex, innovative scope of work done. The concept is to break large projects into smaller stages, reviewing and adapting along the way. The term "Scrum" comes from a 1986 Harvard Business Review article in which authors Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka made an analogy comparing high-performing, cross-functional teams to the scrum formation used by rugby teams. Glossary of Scrum terms: Scrum Master The Scrum Master helps the Scrum Team perform at their highest level. Backlog The Product Backlog is an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in a product. Sprint Planning – The Team decides what to work on for the current period. Want to learn more? Tell me why I should get certified. Enhance your knowledge by scrum foundations eLearning series.

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This site uses different types of cookies. You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website. Improve ROI With Aglie Working Methodology. Why Integrating Your Business With Digital Trends is Necessary. Is it really important to digitalize?

Why Integrating Your Business With Digital Trends is Necessary

It is a well-known fact that technology is integrated into almost everyone’s walk of life. No matter how tech-savvy one may or may not be, this digital era has coerced us into integrating digitalization in our day to day life to a fairly large extent. Starting from our breakfast needs and making, all the way to us scrolling through social media whilst putting ourselves to sleep, we are greatly dependent on digital tools. Truth be told, it is not just us consumers that are heavily dependent on digital ways of life, businesses have realized the need to upgrade themselves and satisfy their consumers. How is digitalization taking over the business world? While most of us are worried about robots taking over our jobs soon, the good news is that the notion is not applicable in the near future.