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Global Occupy Movement

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Peter Frühwald: Besatzungsrecht gilt immer noch. “Occupy Design” symbolise Occupy Wall Street. Parmi les manifestants de New-York se trouvent un certain nombre de designers.

“Occupy Design” symbolise Occupy Wall Street

Ces derniers se sont réunis au sein d'"Occupy Design" pour donner à leur mobilisation une forme plus graphique. Le projet Occupy Design est porté par des graphistes qui manifestent à Wall Street en ce moment : afin de propager la protestation, ils ont ouvert un site Internet qui offre des outils graphiques, des pictogrammes ou des symboles. Le tout pouvant servir à créer des messages repris par les protestataires. Ils espèrent que ces signes les aideront à poursuivre le mouvement, véhiculant un message clair à ceux qui les regardent. Les messages ci-dessus sont donc souvent fondées sur des chiffres comme les 14 millions d’Américains au chômage. Article initialement publié sur, le site de Geoffrey Dorne, auteur de notre chronique Vendredi C’est Graphism! Retrouvez le dossier d’OWNI Occuper Wall Street et son esprit et tous les articles consacrés à ce mouvement sur notre site.

#occupywallstreet. Austerity measures are eroding America’s public school system.


With massive increases in school closures and class cancellations, advocates say educational opportunities for students of all ages are increasingly being diminished. This is not a new problem, per se. It is, however, an escalating one, and one that is being resisted. Currently in Chicago—under the auspices of Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, the former chief of staff for President Obama—it was announced in March that 54 public schools will be closed, with 61 schools scheduled to be closed before the 2013–2014 school year begins. Emmanuel says that the closings are a “done deal.” Right now in California, City College of San Francisco (CCSF) is on the verge of losing its accreditation as a direct consequence of a $53 million dollar loss in state funding. In New York City, Mayor Bloomberg is attempting to close 17 schools, which are said to be low-performing. Occupy Wall Street hand signals, an illustrated guide by Ape Lad.

Occupy poster art: drawing inspiration from underground comics and vintage socialist art. Occupy:World @ Occupy Frankfurt. Europa. Occupy Germany. Occupy Venice. A week after activists descended upon City Hall for Occupy L.A., another Southland 'hood is now occupied.

Occupy Venice

Occupy Venice commenced at 10am on Sunday, October 9, with approximately 75 supporters in attendance. Organized by Jodie Evans, founder of CodePink, the crowd gathered at Windward Circle to take a stand against corporate greed. "What we can create in this circle is a reflection of what we can create as humans," said Evans to the crowd, reports Venice Patch.

Evans reportedly traveled to NYC and Washington, D.C. in support of other local protests and was inspired by the movement. "Everyday, they were watching their future deteriorate," she said. Sunday's rally marks the beginning of what Evans hopes to be an enduring occupation. “I don’t think we’re late at all, I think we’re right on time,” said one protester, according to CBS LA. Hector Herrara, a SAG member, was one of the many Occupy Venice supporters who attended Sunday's event. Occupy Paradeplatz. ¡Democracia real YA! - Europa para los ciudadanos y no para los mercados: No somos mercancía en manos de políticos y banqueros. Amerika. Occupy America Social Network. Occupy Wall Street comes to Downtown L.A.! We are the 99%. This is Direct Democracy. #OccupyUSA #OWS WatchLab. Journalist Arrests at Occupy Events Around the U.S.

Australien. Occupy Australia. Public Home Page - Occupy Australia. Occupy. Afrika. We Are 99% Occupy Together  Occupy On Campus — Building a National Database. As the spring semester gets underway, I’ll be launching a major new project — a national database of campus Occupy projects.

Occupy On Campus — Building a National Database

The database will include links to each occupation’s social media presence, as well as to press coverage of their work. To start with, I’ll be concentrating on Occupy groups that have established campus occupations lasting for at least one overnight, though I’m interested in hearing about all other groups as well. So far, I’ve compiled a list of seventeen campus occupations in twelve states from the fall semester, though I know I’m missing more.

If you have Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or blog info for any of the campus occupations listed below, or if you know of occupations not on this list, please let me know. The database will be going live within a week. California: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Humboldt State, San Francisco State. Resources-for-Small-Town-Occupations.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt) Soziale Bewegung. Info: Dies ist eine Objektkategorie für Artikel, die das Kriterium „ist ein(e) …“ gegenüber dem Kategorienamen erfüllen.

Soziale Bewegung

Dies gilt auch für sämtliche Artikel in Unterkategorien. Die Einordnung dieser Kategorie ist je nach Regelung des Fachbereichs in Objektkategorien und in Themenkategorien möglich. Hier bitte Soziale Bewegungen einordnen. Occupy-Bewegung. Occupy Germany. Occupy Frankfurt; Demonstration am 22.

Occupy Germany

Oktober 2011 vor der Zentrale der Deutschen Bank Occupy Germany (englisch für Besetzt Deutschland) ist der deutsche Teil der Occupy-Bewegung und der Oberbegriff für Occupy-Initiativen in Deutschland. Eigendarstellung von Occupy Germany[Bearbeiten] Occupy Germany stellt sich auf seiner Website als eine vor allem über das Internet verbundene Bewegung ohne Hierarchien oder Anführer dar, was den Unterschied etwa zu einer Partei oder sonstigen Organisation ausmache. Man sei überzeugt, über grundlegende Probleme im wirtschaftlichen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen System informieren und diskutieren zu müssen, was das untereinander verbindende Moment darstelle. Democracia Real Ya. Protestplakat der Bewegung ¡Democracia Real YA!

Democracia Real Ya

(spanisch für Echte Demokratie Jetzt!) Ist eine Graswurzelbewegung, die als Initiator der Proteste in Spanien 2011/2012 gilt.[1] Es handelt sich dabei um eine soziale Bewegung, die sich selbst als überparteilich, nicht gewerkschaftlich, friedlich, unideologisch, aber nicht apolitisch[2] definiert. Occupy Wall Street. Die Demonstration am 30.

Occupy Wall Street

September 2011 Protestschild, 28. September 2011; „Niemand ist mehr Sklave, als der, der sich für frei hält, ohne es zu sein.“ – Goethe[1][2] Occupy Wall Street (englisch für Besetzt die Wall Street; abgekürzt auch OWS) war ab dem 15. Oktober 2011 die größte Protestbewegung in Nordamerika, die angeregt durch die sich rasch verbreitenden weltweiten Aufrufe im Internet im Zuge der Proteste in Spanien 2011/2012, des Arabischen Frühlings und der kanadischen Adbusters Media Foundation entstanden ist.[3][4][5] Kalle Lasn, Gründer von Adbusters, und sein Chefredakteur Micah White initiierten erste Aktionen über soziale Netzwerke im Juni 2011.

Who is Occupy Wall Street. Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don't get it. A protester holds a sign at the Occupy Wall Street protest last weekend Douglas Rushkoff says traditional media condescends to Occupy Wall Street movementHe says that's because its 21st-century, net-driven narrative doesn't fit old media modelHe says protest not about end-point, it's about a new discourse on variety of complaintsRushkoff: Protest may be unwieldy, but aims to correct disconnects in U.S.

Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don't get it

Editor's note: Douglas Rushkoff is a media theorist and the author of "Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age" and "Life Inc: How Corporatism Conquered the World and How We Can Take it Back. " (CNN) -- Like the spokesmen for Arab dictators feigning bewilderment over protesters' demands, mainstream television news reporters finally training their attention on the growing Occupy Wall Street protest movement seem determined to cast it as the random, silly blather of an ungrateful and lazy generation of weirdos.

Occupy protests spread across U.S. My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters. CHARTS: Here's What The Wall Street Protesters Are So Angry About... The "Occupy Wall Street" protests are gaining momentum, having spread from a small park in New York to marches to other cities across the country.

CHARTS: Here's What The Wall Street Protesters Are So Angry About...

So far, the protests seem fueled by a collective sense that things in our economy are not fair or right. But the protesters have not done a good job of focusing their complaints—and thus have been skewered as malcontents who don't know what they stand for or want. (An early list of "grievances" included some legitimate beefs, but was otherwise just a vague attack on "corporations. " Given that these are the same corporations that employ more than 100 million Americans and make the products we all use every day, this broadside did not resonate with most Americans). So, what are the protesters so upset about, really? Do they have legitimate gripes? Michael Moore. Leben[Bearbeiten] Familie[Bearbeiten] Michael Moore wurde als Sohn von Frank und Veronica Moore und Nachfahre irisch-katholischer Einwanderer geboren und hat zwei Schwestern namens Anne und Veronica.

Er war von 1990 bis 2013 mit seiner Produzentin Kathleen Glynn verheiratet, ihre Tochter Natalie (* 1981) ist Michael Moores Adoptivtochter. Moore ist katholisch und hat seine kapitalismuskritische Haltung mehrfach mit seinen christlichen Überzeugungen begründet.[1][2][3] We are the 99 percent. Demonstrant mit Schild: „Ich bin Student mit 25.000 $ Schulden in Studiendarlehen. Ich bin die 99 %“. „We are the 99 percent“ (englisch für „Wir sind die 99 Prozent“) ist das Motto der Occupy-Wall-Street-Bewegung, die vom 17. September bis zum 15. November 2011[1] den Zuccotti Park im Finanzdistrikt der Wall Street in New York City besetzt hielt. Asamblea. Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Protest: Occupy lebt Basisdemokratie vor.

Sprechchöre ersetzen Mikrofone, abgestimmt wird per Handzeichen. Die Occupy-Bewegung probt, wie sich alle in Entscheidungen einbinden lassen. Vorbild ist das Internet. Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook. Wörterbuch. Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch. Category:15-O Demonstrations. Category:Occupy street art. Us: Category:Occupy movement. List of Occupy movement protest locations.

Category:Occupy movement in the United States. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Occupy movement in the United States. Subcategories. Occupy movement in the United States. The Occupy movement began in the United States initially with the Occupy Wall Street protests but spread to many other cities, both in the United States and worldwide. Locations[edit] Ashland, Oregon[edit] The protest began on October 6 with a group of 25 protesters handing out pamphlets in front of the city's Chase Bank.[2][3] Police were called to the scene, but the protesters followed the directions to not clutter the streets and no citations were issues by officers.[3] Gene Pelham, CEO of local Ashland bank Rogue Federal Credit Union, stated that since the start of the protests, the number of new customers accounts for the bank had doubled for the month of October.[1][8] Several members posed a request to local City Council officials at a council meeting, requesting that all of the Council switch their choice of bank away from Bank of America.[9]

List of Occupy movement protest locations in the United States. Deletion review/Log/2011 November 12.