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Tooltips Scripts: 50+ Scripts With AJAX, Javascripts, CSS & Tutorials. Tooltip, together with a user mouse-pointing (or clicking) action provides more information about a particular section, keyword, paragraph or any web element.

Tooltips Scripts: 50+ Scripts With AJAX, Javascripts, CSS & Tutorials

Tooltips are fundamentally build-in into HTML. You can achieve basic tooltip just by using TITLE="", ALT="" or even the <ACRONYM> HTML tag. However displaying tooltips for our readers can be more fun, interesting and interactive by taking advantage of Javascripts, CSS, Ajax with HTML. Here’s more than 50 Tooltips Scripts you can implement for websites, organized in categories of CSS, Javascripts, Javascript Frameworks, couple of tutorials to build tooltips from scratch as well as plugins for blogs. Full list after jump. DHTML, CSS/Javascripts Bubble Tooltips | Demo Walterzorn’s JavaScript, DHTML Tooltips | DemoAn easy to use cross-browser Tooltip JavaScript Library that creates tooltips, information popup boxes.

jQuery MooTools Prototype HelpBalloon.js | DemoSimple help balloon tooltip with a close button. Yahoo!


Learn a phonetic script in just a few hours. If you liked my association technique mentioned below, you would also enjoy my tips on using imagination to memorize vocabulary, which are discussed in great detail with many other hacks in the Language Hacking Guide.

Learn a phonetic script in just a few hours

See the most popular posts on the right below for other interesting topics. For those curious, this post discusses Thai, but the ideas can equally be applied to other phonetic scripts such as Japanese (but not as well for Chinese). Just one week into the challenge of reading/speaking Thai in 8 weeks (actually only about 5 hours total, since I’ve been quite busy since I arrived, but I’ve made time to learn on the skytrain/in restaurants/taxis etc.) and I’ve reached the first major milestone already.

I can read Thai. The major thing still missing is tones, which admittedly are an extremely important part of this language that cannot be ignored and I will get to shortly (Edit: Done! It was actually way easier than I expected. From squiggly symbols to new letters า ท Challenges ร.


Fluent in 3 months. Learn to Write Chinese and Japanese Characters. Traduccion. Diccionario, imágenes, videos con subtítulos, edufichas, hablante nativo. Homepage - VOA - Voice of America English News. Science. Tres sitios para aprender inglés con podcasts. Una de las mayores dificultades con la que se encuentran las personas que aprenden inglés es entender a las personas cuando hablan.

Tres sitios para aprender inglés con podcasts

El “listening” o comprensión auditiva es una de las áreas que más debes trabajar para conseguir fluidez en tu inglés. La variedad de acentos existentes en inglés: británico, americano, irlandés, australiano o sudafricano añaden más dificultad si cabe. Si te acostumbras a un acento (por ejemplo el británico) suele ser común que luego otro acento (como el sudafricano) te resulte difícil de entender.

Pero no te desanimes, una vez que hayas alcanzado un nivel considerable, entender los demás acentos te llevará muy poco tiempo. En Internet existen multitud de recursos gratuitos para ayudarte a mejorar tu comprensión auditiva. BBC Learning English Contiene múltiples recursos educativos para aprender inglés. VOA News Learning English Es una sección de VOA (Voice Of America) en la que encontrarás muchísimos artículos interesantes para leer y escuchar.

Vaughan Radio.'s Guide to the TOEFL Test de ESLPod. One thing in a French day de Laetitia. French for Beginners de Louis and Gérard from Japonés con Kira-Teachings. Aplicaciones en iPhone/iPod/Android para aprender y revisar idiomas (Inglés, Francés, Italiano) MosaLingua: Aprender Idiomas en tu mobíl (iPhone etc.)