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Perapera-kun. MP3 Chinese Lessons. Chinese Dictionary. Examples and Help Example queries: hello, nihao, ni3hao3, 你好, rest*, zei*, *zei*, *茶, 英*公司, chinese *文, "to rest", bill -gates Pinyin words should be entered without spaces, either with or without tone numbers: ni3hao3 or nihao. The character ü can be entered as v instead.

The asterisk character * can be used as a wildcard to match zero or more characters: rest* will match any word starting with rest, such as restaurant or restrain*文 will match any word ending with 文, such as 中文 or 英文b*g will match any word starting with b and ending with g, such as big or boring*中国* will match any word containing 中国, such as 传统中国医药 or 中国人民 Double quotes " " can be used to group search terms together: "to rest" will only match entries where to and rest directly follow eachother The minus symbol - can be used to find entries without a certain search term: bill -gates will only match entries matching bill but without gates p:you will only match entries with Mandarin pinyin you.

Chinese Phrasebook. Mandarin Chinese is the official language of Mainland China and Taiwan, and is one of the official languages of Singapore. In English, it is often just called "Mandarin" or "Chinese". In China, it is called Putonghua (普通话), meaning "common speech", while in Taiwan it is referred to as Guoyu (國語), "the national language. " It has been the main language of education in China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) since the 1950s. Standard Mandarin is close to, but not quite identical with, the Mandarin dialect of the Beijing area.

In Singapore, it is officially referred to as HuaYu (华语). Note that while the spoken Mandarin in the above places is more or less the same, the written characters are different. Understand[edit] Map of Chinese dialects Note that "dialect" has a different meaning when applied to Chinese from when it is applied to other languages. All Chinese dialects, in general, use the same set of characters in reading and writing. Pronunciation guide[edit] a a in an e i o as in more u ü ai ao ei ia m. Mandarin Phrases.