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Defending your rights in the digital world. Bookmarking. Slim zoeken. Informatievaardigheden HBO Groen - Lesmateriaal - Wikiwijsleermiddelenplein. De kenniskermis — Overleven in een zee van informatie. Informatievaardigheden. Digital Literacy Explained by Common Craft. Imagine for a moment what it’s like not knowing how to read or write.

Digital Literacy Explained by Common Craft

The world becomes much more difficult to navigate and understand. While people around you use written words to apply for jobs and follow instructions, you can’t understand or communicate as well, and this can prevent you from succeeding. Website Evaluation Explained by Common Craft. Finding accurate and useful information on the Web can be frustrating.

Website Evaluation Explained by Common Craft

With so many websites, it’s difficult to know what is trustworthy and factual. To solve this problem, you need think like an editor. Let me explain. Back before the Web, books, newspapers and journals were the main sources of information and like today, they were usually trustworthy. This is partly because these resources are expensive to produce. Website.beoordelingsformulier. Informatievaardigheden.leerlijn vmbo.format. Informatievaardigheden en de mediathecaris ruud de moor centrum. PANOPTICON: The documentary about your privacy. How Search Works. Informatievaardigheden en de mediathecaris ruud de moor centrum.