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Ielts. Writing: grammar and vocab. Speaking. Pronunciation. Reading. Listening. Cursos online gratis para estudiar idiomas - Estudiar por Internet. How to Get Smarter Every Day - Motto. You might be under the impression that intelligence is a fixed quantity set when you are young and unchanging thereafter. But research shows that you're wrong. How we approach situations and the things we do to feed our brains can significantly improve our mental horsepower. That could mean going back to school or filling your bookshelves (or e-reader) with thick tomes on deep subjects, but getting smarter doesn't necessarily mean a huge commitment of time and energy, according to a recent thread on question-and-answer site Quora. When a questioner keen on self-improvement asked the community, "What would you do to be a little smarter every single day?

" lots of readers--including dedicated meditators, techies, and entrepreneurs--weighed in with useful suggestions. 1. Every online break doesn't have to be about checking social networks and fulfilling your daily ration of cute animal pics. 2. 3. 4. Board games and puzzles aren't just fun but also a great way to work out your brain. 5. 6. Why We Often Repeat the Same Mistakes. If there’s anything that stings more than wasting good money on a subpar outing, it’s going so repeatedly—but still, the depths of TripAdvisor teem with accounts of mistakes that were made not once, but twice.

“Came back for lunch even though I didn’t enjoy my last meal here,” writes one unfortunate diner whose salad at a restaurant in Bunbury, Australia, came drenched in dressing. Another guy found the Sistine Chapel a little meh. “Sure I could glance at the magnificence of the final judgment, but not for long as inevitably someone bumped me,” he harrumphed about his initial visit, adding that he later returned (why?) When friends were in town. “Never again!” Concluded a food-poisoned reviewer about a restaurant in Newport, Oregon—who clearly would’ve done well to follow her own advice the first time around. To err is human, surely. For one thing, we seem to learn little from our past choices, good or bad.

Seeing yourself as a failure, Haws explained, can get you down. The reason? 20 Websites Every College Student Needs In Their Life. So maybe last semester didn't go exactly as you had planned. You came back from summer vacation with glowing skin and all the best intentions. This was going to be the year, you said. You were going to focus on classes and get that GPA up to something Mom would be proud of. Unfortunately, good intentions only go so far. But no matter how your first semester went, a whole new semester is now upon us, which means you still have a chance to turn this school year around. But don't worry, you won't have to do it alone. 1. Can't figure out where that 50 dollars in your checking account went? 2. Terrified of public speaking? 3. We're getting to that point in our lives where we're expected to know what's going on in the world, but it can be overwhelming to try to surf all of the articles on news sites. 4.

So much easier than trying to navigate all the confusing databases your school's library provides. 5. 6.Keep Me Out 7. This website saves my life weekly. 8. This site is your shopping BFF. 9. Why Understanding These Four Types of Mistakes Can Help Us Learn. By Eduardo Briceño This article was first published in the Mindset Works newsletter. We can deepen our own and our students’ understanding of mistakes, which are not all created equal, and are not always desirable. After all, our ability to manage and learn from mistakes is not fixed. We can improve it. Here are two quotes about mistakes that I like and use, but that can also lead to confusion if we don’t further clarify what we mean: “A life spent making mistakes is not only most honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing” – George Bernard Shaw “It is well to cultivate a friendly feeling towards error, to treat it as a companion inseparable from our lives, as something having a purpose which it truly has.” – Maria Montessori These constructive quotes communicate that mistakes are desirable, which is a positive message and part of what we want students to learn.

Types of mistakes The stretch mistakes Stretch mistakes happen when we’re working to expand our current abilities. Los mejores 50 sitios de Internet para aquellos que están aprendiendo inglés. Para aquellos que están cansados de aprender de manera monótona haciendo tareas gramaticales incomprensibles, hizo una lista de los mejores recursos de Internet que te ayudarán a aprender el idioma. Estos sitios convierten un proceso aburrido en una aventura emocionante. Escoge los que más te gusten.

Recuerda, ser constante es la clave del éxito en el aprendizaje de un idioma. Inglés desde cero Duolingo — uno de los sitios más populares para aprender idiomas extranjeros partiendo de cero. Redes sociales para los que aprenden idiomas Interpals — amigos por correspondencia. Canales de YouTube en inglés Twominute English — te ofrece lecciones cortas que duran unos dos minutos, es muy sencillo y fácil. Sitios interactivos El aprendizaje del idioma con la ayuda de películas y series de TV О — películas y series de televisión con traductor incorporado. Practica tus habilidades de habla y comprensión auditiva Ampliar el vocabulario FreeRice — te ayuda a aumentar tu vocabulario.

11 Free Websites to Practice English at Home. RTlibrary on FlickrAt the New York Public Library's Adult Learning Centers, where adults work on basic English and literacy skills, we're often asked for recommendations of websites for adults to practice English at home. Below you'll find eleven sites, some with a focus on listening, some on vocabulary, others on grammar, and some with a range of activities. Happy learning! Easy World of An attractive, user-friendly website including grammar, pronunciation, reading and listening practice and an interactive picture dictionary.

Many This website includes matching quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer-assisted language learning activities. Dave's ESL A forum for both ESL teachers and students around the world. Activities for ESL Grammar and vocabulary practice for all levels, including many bilingual quizzes for beginners.