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The Power of Introverts - Ep 1. BallDroppings. Universal Decison Maker. Our amazing planet. Analytical Figure Drawing SP08. FACE MUG | Coffee Cup, Tea Saucer, Milk and Cookies, Serveware, Creative Glassware. Nomnomonom. Beautiful poem. Lorenzo Duran - L’artista spagnolo Lorenzo Duran si avvale delle foglie come tela per le sue incisioni. Dopo il lavaggio e l’essiccazione, rimuove con precisione chirurgica ed estrema cura i segmenti in eccesso, usando una tecnica simile a quella del tradizionale paper cutting. Quest’ultimo passo è ovviamente il più difficile vista la fragilità del materiale scelto, il risultatò di questo processo è una serie di affascinanti disegni geometrici incredibilmente belli e dilicati.

Grazie a Francesca per il suggerimento. via: - StumbleUpon. Swiss Scientists Rewire Injured Spinal Cords, Paralyzed Rats Walk Again | PCWorld. Here at GeekTech, we've seen lots of contraptions to help the disabled regain some of their mobility. Now, a group of Swiss scientists from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have found a way to rewire the spinal cord of rats after a paralyzing injury.

This rat (pictured above) was just paralyzed a few weeks prior and is now running on a treadmill. The team accomplished this impressive medical feat with an extensive treatment of electro-chemical therapy and training with the help of a robotic harness. The treatment starts with a round of injections that contain a chemical solution of monoamine agonists to rouse the dormant spinal cord nerves. These chemicals are used to replace the neurotransmitters (dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin receptors) that normally triggered the brainstem.

Once the chemicals have excited the spinal cord neurons, the scientists start electrically stimulating the spinal cord with implanted electrodes. [EPFL via Popular Science] Like this? The secret world of Disneyland. Disneyland may look like a straightforward theme park. But there's a secret world hidden behind the balloons, castles and cotton candy - a place where wild cats roam the park at midnight, Mickey Mouse hides in the wallpaper, and movie stars sip martinis behind closed doors. Feline security It's not easy keeping the grounds of Disneyland utterly spotless, as well as free of unwanted pests. Every night after closing time, 200 feral cats are released into the park to help keep the rodent population under control. Though Disney doesn't comment on the matter, rumour has it that the feline taskforce dates back to 1957, when renovations to Sleeping Beauty Castle revealed a colony of more than 100 stray cats.

After unsuccessful attempts to chase them out of the park, Disney decided to put the cats to work instead. Hidden Mickeys At Disneyland, the round-eared Mickey Mouse emblem is everywhere. Cocktails behind closed doors Trick of the eye Things are not always as they appear at Disneyland. Lucid. How to Totally Troll someones Computer [pic] | Two Sexy Geeks - Tech, Gadget and Geek News.

Email If you have ever wanted to carry out the ultimate practical joke using someone’s computer as your tool then this guide on how to troll a persons computer is something that you must read. For more hints, tips, news and all things technology and geek related please follow us on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to our feed. [via - neatoroma] Be Sociable, Share! Related posts: 31 Inspirational Quotes from Gandhi. Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) was the great political and ideological leader of India during the Indian independence movement. His philosophy and life were deeply rooted in the view of non-violence (ahimsa), and have inspired movements for civil rights and freedom throughout the world. “The future depends on what we do in the present.”

“Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love.” “To see the all-pervading Spirit of Truth, one must be able to love the meanest of all creation as oneself.” “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver.” “Prayer is not an old woman’s idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.” “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” “A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.”

“A religion that takes no account of practical affairs and does not help to solve them is no religion.” “My life is my message.” Fake iPhone Text. Black Mirror / rorriM kcalB. Getting laser hair removal services in Kansas City MO is a great way to save on shaving products and finally get the smooth skin you always wanted. However, laser hair removal is expensive and there are a few risks you need to know about. It is best to do some research on laser hair removal Baltimore clinics before you decide to go ahead with this procedure. First of all, do not let aggressive marketing campaigns and low prices guide you in your decision. You should also know that the laser hair removal companies are not all created equally.

To see what another excellent and professional operation looks like, look at Take the time to compare reviews on the Internet. Look for reviews published by third party sites to make sure you are reading reviews written by actual customers. Meet with different doctors so you can learn more about the clinic where they work and ask questions about the procedure. Proposed Tube Transport System Could Travel From New York To Beijing In Two Hours. Travelling can be a pain in the ass, having to sit for hours while fidgeting and progressively getting more and more bored. It can especially be a drag if it’s a journey you do repeatedly like a commute—if only we had those teleportation devices seen in sci-fi, but alas. So if you can’t teleport what would be the next best thing? Maybe a long tube that shoots 16ft long capsules full of humans at 6,500km/h and is able to travel around the world in just six hours?

Yeah, that sounds about right. This is the idea of the Evacuated Tube Transport from, which features a range of different sized capsules that can carry cargo and people and uses maglev (magnetic levitation) tracks to whisk the human (and other) cargo along to their destination from speeds of 350mph to 4000mph. In the video they claim the tube system can be built for a tenth of the cost of a high-speed rail system, and can travel from the US’s East to West Coast in just 45 minutes. [via io9] @stewart23rd. The Traveller's Medicine Cabinet: 5 Essential Drugs for the Road.

While out roving you aren’t always (or even often) anywhere near a hospital or pharmacy. But, if you pack these nutritional supplements and natural medications wherever you go, you’ll be able to cope just fine. #1: Kratom The Situation You’re hiking the Appalachian trail in the dead of winter. It’s freezing cold, the terrain is rough, and you’ve got another four hours of trudging through the snow before you reach your destination for the night. Suddenly the worst happens; your boot gets caught between two rocks, you lose your footing and tumble to the ground, wrenching your ankle in the process. After a loud yelp of pain and several creative obscenities, you manage to sort yourself out and rise back to your feet. . © Miserlou What It Is A leafy green plant grown mainly in Southeast Asia. Uses First and foremost, Kratom is a powerful painkiller similar to Morphine or Opium. Side-Effects Kratom is mildly addictive, about on par with caffeine.

Forms Legality #2: Kava Kava Kava Kava #3: Oil of Oregano. Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived. Additional notes from the author: If you want to learn more about Tesla, I highly recommend reading Tesla: Man Out of Time Also, this Badass of the week by Ben Thompson is what originally inspired me to write a comic about Tesla. Ben's also got a book out which is packed full of awesome. There's an old movie from the 80s on Netflix Instant Queue right now about Tesla: The Secret of Nikola Tesla. It's corny and full of bad acting, but it paints a fairly accurate depiction of his life.

The drunk history of Tesla is quite awesome, too.