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How Designers Turn Data Into Beautiful Infographics. The best infographics are clear, easy to digest, and eye-catching. But the process of distilling data into a neat little chart, bar graph, or venn diagram usually requires pages and pages of messy preparatory sketches, which are rarely seen by the public. In Infographic Designers’ Sketchbooks, Steven Heller and Rick Landers take readers behind the scenes of the creative processes of more than 50 information architects working today. This colorful collection of doodles, drawings, and digital mock-ups offers invaluable insight into how a pile of statistics can evolve into artful diagrams about anything from the shopping habits of American men to the adulteration of olive oil.

"I don’t think there are rules for designing infographics," Heller, cochair of the MFA Design Department at the School of Visual Art, tells Co.Design. However talented a visual artist or graphic designer might be, she won’t be able to make an effective infographic without a deep understanding of data. Three Things that a Good Infographic Needs. Although infographics are going through good times, expressing data visually is as old as the ancient caves. Throughout history, information design has evolved hand in hand with cartography, statistics, science and journalism. Not only is it a tool for disseminating knowledge, but it is also part of its methods. Only through graphics have we come to understand ideas as complex as planetary motion or the splitting of the atom. Today, everything seems capable of being turned into infographics. It’s the sugar that makes it all digestible. Those omnipresent and compelling vignettes in which the most diverse information is compressed to be disseminated on the social media are the modern version of Romanesque frescoes: the way in which the Bible was made understandable for common people.

This infographic found on the Internet catalogs, rather sarcastically, those popular forms of graphical simulation. A good infographic can save lives. 1. This is taken for granted. 2. 3. Antonio Salazar. Find the Perfect Word for Your Feelings with This Vocabulary Wheel. Reading.jpg (Imagen JPEG, 1500 × 5664 píxeles) Say what? 11 untranslatable words from other cultures [Infographic] Manual para observar al humano en la ciudad. Cuando Jan Gehl observa a los humanos se parece a un naturalista perdido en la sabana africana. El urbanista danés ha dedicado su vida profesional a estudiar al Homo Sapien en el hábitat urbano.

Una disciplina tan poco analizada que, según dice, “sabemos más sobre la creación de entornos saludables para los osos panda que para el ser humano”. En su nuevo libro, How to Study Public Life, escrito junto a Birgitte Svarre, Gehl comparte algunos de los métodos que utiliza para estudiar y examinar a los seres humanos en entornos urbanos. El acechador del espacio público “debe ser lo más neutral posible, actuar como el que mira desde el banquillo, un ente invisible que tiene que mantener una perspectiva global. Hacerlo está al alcance de cualquiera pero es posible entrenar el ojo “en el arte de la observación”, dice Gehl en el libro.

El papel y el lápiz son las herramientas más importantes para iniciarse en esta actividad. Esto no es todo. ¿Qué significa una ciudad vivible? ¡Ahora hacemos libros! The Evolution of Western Dance Music! How to Be an Educated Consumer of Infographics: David Byrne on the Art-Science of Visual Storytelling. As an appreciator of the art of visual storytelling by way of good information graphics — an art especially endangered in this golden age of bad infographics served as linkbait — I was thrilled and honored to be on the advisory “Brain Trust” for a project by Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist, New Yorker writer, and Scientific American neuroscience blog editor Gareth Cook, who has set out to highlight the very best infographics produced each year, online and off. (Disclaimer for the naturally cynical: No money changed hands.) The Best American Infographics 2013 (public library) is now out, featuring the finest examples from the past year — spanning everything from happiness to sports to space to gender politics, and including a contribution by friend-of-Brain Pickings Wendy MacNaughton — with an introduction by none other than David Byrne.

Accompanying each image is an artist statement that explores the data, the choice of visual representation, and why it works. Illustrators and Visual Storytellers Map the World. By Maria Popova “Cartography can be an incredible form of escapism, as maps act as proxies for experiences.” “Could it have been the drawing of maps that boosted our ancestors beyond the critical threshold which the other apes just failed to cross? ,” Richard Dawkins famously speculated.

Maps have undoubtedly changed the world as both objects of art and tools of political power. They help us understand time and make sense of the universe. In A Map of the World According to Illustrators and Storytellers (public library), the fine folks of Gestalten — who have a knack for pictorial magic and visual storytelling — collect more than 500 maps by artists, illustrators, and designers representing the creative zeitgeist of modern cartography around the world, ranging from the astoundingly accurate and detailed to the marvelously abstract and utopian. Antonis Antoniou writes in the preface: Vesa Sammalisto Mallorca João Lauro Fonte Boots Adventures in London (Converse) Martin Haake Cruising Around Africa. Manual de defensa nuclear soviético. Este manual soviético ilustrado de defensa civil tiene todo lo necesario para proceder en caso de presentarse el peor de los escenarios que se pudo haber dado en la Guerra Fría: un ataque nuclear de los Estados Unidos y la OTAN.

Es todo un documento de época y relativamente actual ya que fue publicado en el año 1986. Desde el punto de vista histórico quizá esto represente un lapso de tiempo corto, aunque como sabemos, este manual es de otra época. La Unión Soviética no existe más, aunque lamentablemente no podemos decir lo mismo acerca de los riesgos muy actuales que el uso de armamento nuclear puede ocasionar sobre la Humanidad. El actual stock de armamento nuclear a nivel mundial y las recientes pruebas misilísticas de los Estados Unidos nos hacen recordar lo vigente de este manual y cuan importante es tenerlo muy presente. Es probablemente uno de los más actuales recuerdos del pasado que tenemos disponibles.