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Why Comics Are More Important Than Ever  Seven years after the Kindle debuted and more than twenty since the web went public, the publishing field still contemplates a transition from print to digital, a change that seems inevitable every time a baby swipes an iPad on Youtube.

Why Comics Are More Important Than Ever 

But anyone whose attention span has been radically rewired by the internet intuitively knows what scientific voices like Professor Maryanne Wolf are beginning to suggest: our brains process print media and digital media very differently when we read. Questions for Cartoonists: Sam Alden — Darling Sleeper. What is your ideal time to be creative?

Questions for Cartoonists: Sam Alden — Darling Sleeper

I try and get as much work done in the morning as possible, run my errands and do normal person stuff in the afternoon, and then squeeze in a few more hours of work after dinner. When I’m on deadline for something I work throughout the day. The Digital Comic Museum - Free and Public Domain Comic Books. The astonishingly incompetent superhero art of Fletcher Hanks. The other day I was trying to describe the work of Fletcher Hanks to a comics collector friend of mine, a fan of Spider-Man and the X-Men and Daredevil, and I made the following analogy: Fletcher Hanks is the Shaggs of superhero comics…. they have the same combination of fascinating (ahem) “excellence” and off-putting weirdness, the same feeling of a direction very much not taken, the same outsider status, the same fervent adoption by devotees.

The astonishingly incompetent superhero art of Fletcher Hanks

Hanks drew superhero comics for a terribly short time—1939 to 1941—before dropping off the map altogether. It’s a bit of a miracle that we have so many of his comics in print, and much of that is due to the heroic labors of Paul Karasik, a former RAW employee of Art Spiegelman’s who also collaborated with David Mazzucchelli to create a graphic novel version of Paul Auster’s novel City of Glass in 1994.

Hanks was born in 1887. We know he was married and had a son but then packed up and left around 1930. Ler BD. Image & Narrative. David M. Ball. Aug In what must no doubt be the remaining 3 seconds of my 15 minutes, I was interviewed by the venerable comics reporter and reviewer Chris Mautner about the series I’m editing for the University Press of Mississippi: Critical Approaches to Comics Artists.

David M. Ball

Download 15,000+ Free Golden Age Comics from the Digital Comic Museum. The Digital Comic Museum offers free access to hundreds of pre-1959 comic books, uploaded by users who often offer historical research and commentary alongside high-quality scans.

Download 15,000+ Free Golden Age Comics from the Digital Comic Museum

The site’s moderators and administrators are particularly careful to avoid posting non-public-domain comics (a complicated designation, as described in this forum thread). The resulting archive is devoid of many familiar comic-book characters, like those from Marvel, D.C., or Disney. Making Comics (dotCom) - Let's make comics! Nina Bunjevac. Viñetas Serias - Congreso Internacional de Historieta y Humor Gráfico.

Random quotes on comics. Some hilarious, some dead serious. Chris Ware reinventa el cómic. ¿Esto qué es?

Chris Ware reinventa el cómic

Los medios anglosajones llevan disfrutando de él más de un año y alguno ya lo ha definido como el Ulises de James Joyce de la novela gráfica. Sin embargo, una vez se destapa la enorme caja (sí, es una caja) de Fabricar historias (Reservoir Books), que caprichosamente Chris Ware (Omaha, EEUU, 1967) hace repetir al milímetro a todas las editoriales del mundo que se atreven a publicar esta maravilla (60 euros), sólo podemos caer en el asombro y tratar de definir el trabajo como todo lo que no es. Evidentemente, no es un libro ni una caja de juegos reunidos. Ilustraciones de Philippe Caza. Esta galería compila una muestra de la obra de Philippe Cazaumayou, alucinante maestro del cómic francés.

Ilustraciones de Philippe Caza

El trabajo de Philippe Caza es una bienaventurada simbiosis entre el cómic underground, la psicodelia y el imaginario de la ciencia ficción. Cómic con mayúsculas. Crumb.

Cómic con mayúsculas

Obras completas Robert Crumb, 1968. RED WINDOW. SVETLIN ILLUSTRATION. Nyctalope. Mathilde Payen. At Work Inside Our Detention Centres: A Guard’s Story · The Global Mail. Nómadas y bárbaros: breves apuntes acerca de la edición alternativa de cómic en Colombia. * Editor, promotor de la escena del cómic en Colombia y América Latina.

Nómadas y bárbaros: breves apuntes acerca de la edición alternativa de cómic en Colombia

Es el director de la revista Hay Festival 2014, Cartagena de Indias. FRMK. Publisher of cool creator-owned comics and graphic novels since 1993. Moonhead Press. Colección Científicos. Martha Verschaffel. One million mouths. Artists Authors. Gérald Auclin. THE PROJECTS. A Festival of Experimental Comics and Narrative Arts August 22-25, 2013 The Projects brings together experimental artists from comics, animation, and other narrative arts for a four-day festival of workshops, exhibitions, panels, performances, projections, collaborative projects, and intensive creative mayhem!


Guest artists each have a small space to curate however they please and visitors are invited to join in the fray. Festival nesvrstanog stripa. Sparkplug Comic Books. CATAPULTE MAGAZINE. SóloParaMoscas. Best American Comics: the Notable Comics of 2013. As you may know, Matt and I have been the series editors for the Best American Comics (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) for the past six years. That means that, every year, we tried to get our hands on every comic published by a North American cartoonist (which is the USA, Canada, and Mexico), or anyone who makes his or her home here, and then read them all to sort out the best 100 or so comics of the year. Main : Jon McNaught. The bus. Valentín Vañó. NNCORE, Nordic Network for Comics Research. The Nordic Network for Comics Research, NNCORE, is funded by the The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities for a two year period starting from September 2011, and the activities will culminate in an international conference to be held at the University of Helsinki, in the spring of 2013.

NNCORE consists of members from all the Nordic countries and Estonia, including both junior and senior scholars, who all have comics as an important component in their work. At the Helsinki conference the NNCORE members present decided to create an interim board to manage the transition of NNCORE from externally funded research network to a full-blown association from 2014. The interim board will meet in the fall of 2013 and soon thereafter we will post more information about the future of NNCORE. Töpfferiana. Reprodukt. Maison d'édition de bandes dessinées fondée en 1990. Edmond Baudoin. Laureline Mattiussi. TOTT. = the official website of Lorenzo Mattotti. Brechtnieuws. Brecht Vandenbroucke. Le Cri du Crabe. Bande dessinée-illustrations-dessins. Sempiternelles ritournelles. BD fanzine Vignette - Matthieu Chiara. Artenofu. PURE BASURE. EDIE FAKE. Otto Nuckel, Destiny, the Graphic Novel. INTRO : dunja jankovic. Stephen Vuillemin on Giphy.