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Bar des Sciences: Débat sur le Big Data. Le Cœur des Sciences, à Université du Québec à Montréal, organise le 13 février prochain, à 18h, un débat grand public sur le Big Data, dans le cadre d’un bar des sciences, auquel je devrais participer, avec Vincent Gautrais (a.k.a.

Bar des Sciences: Débat sur le Big Data

@gautrais), Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye (a.k.a. @yvesalexandre) et Jean-Hughes Roy (a.k.a. @jeanhuguesroy). Les mauvaises langues diront que je n’aurais pas pu refuser d’intervenir dans un bar (et elles n’auront probablement pas tort). Cela dit, le public ne semble plus autorisé : dans les heures qui ont suivi l’annonce, l’événement a été complet ! Je vais en profiter, aujourd’hui, pour livrer quelques éléments de réflexion… les commentaires sont ouverts, mais la suite du débat se fera au Cœur des Sciences (j’essayerais de faire un résumé sur le blog). Pour avoir discuté avec de nombreux professionnels, dans l’industrie, qui manipulent des données quotidiennement, je les ai vu passer par les cinq grandes étapes décrites par Zubin Dowalty, . . . 1. 2. 3. Et . Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Definition. DEFINITION of 'Initial Coin Offering (ICO)' An unregulated means by which funds are raised for a new cryptocurrency venture.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Definition

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is used by startups to bypass the rigorous and regulated capital-raising process required by venture capitalists or banks. In an ICO campaign, a percentage of the cryptocurrency is sold to early backers of the project in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies, but usually for Bitcoin. Welcome to EuTravel. Most travel service providers use XML based schemas to describe their services so that they are amenable to automated discovery by search engines and interpretation by software agents on the Web.

Welcome to EuTravel

For such organisations, the addition of ontological descriptions and semantics is the next logical step that can help to improve the traveller experience and relevance of search results, both within the booking engine and on general purpose search engines like Bing, Google and Yahoo!. A travel ontology is a conceptualization and formalization of the travel domain using ontology languages such as RDF and OWL. Travel ontologies conceptualise: Travel processes and the entities that participate in them such as holidays, journeys, people, geographical features, etc.

WhitePaper-1. 15 useful user feedback questions for online surveys – UXM. Online surveys are a quick and incredibly useful tool for gathering all sorts of user feedback.

15 useful user feedback questions for online surveys – UXM

In next to no time you can whip something up using one of the many online survey tools out there (I particularly recommend SurveyGizmo) and start gathering feedback from real users. Often implementing the survey is the easy bit, it’s designing the thing that’s the tricky part as you won’t get the feedback you’re after if you don’t ask the right questions. In this article I outline 15 useful user feedback questions for online surveys for you to pick and choose from. 1. 9 questions to ask your software's beta testers. Launching your software in beta mode is an excellent way to get feedback on your product and make any necessary adjustments before bringing it to market.

9 questions to ask your software's beta testers

Your beta testers hold all of the valuable information you need when it comes to improving your product, so it’s worth it to take the time to ask them about any difficulties or pain points they experienced while testing it. To find out the best questions to ask, I asked nine entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following question. Lessons in launching a SaaS product. Float went live on February 28th, 2012; it was my birthday.

Lessons in launching a SaaS product.

As I stood alongside our co-founder Lars in front of 600 people at New York’s Tech Meetup, I thought about all the work we’d put in to get on that stage. I was nervous and flubbed my opening line, but (somewhat) miraculously we got through it. Later that day, we were on page one of TechCrunch. Themacro. In his con­ver­sa­tion with YC Part­ner and COO Qasar You­nis, Marc out­lined two tests in­vestors run on en­tre­pre­neurs be­fore work­ing with them. 1.


Interview: Airbnb's CMO on Authentic Travel Experiences – Skift. Jonathan Mildenhall will speak about leveraging cultural ideology to create a super-brand in travel at the Skift Global Forum on October 14 and 15 in Brooklyn, New York.

Interview: Airbnb's CMO on Authentic Travel Experiences – Skift

See the complete list of amazing speakers and topics at this year’s event. We recently caught up with Mildenhall to get his perspective on what authentic travel experiences actually mean in a world where virtually every brand claims to offer them. As CMO of Airbnb —one of the world’s largest home-sharing sites — the company built itself on the promise that its guests would receive authentic, local experiences in hosts’ homes that hotels don’t have the power to replicate.

It’s becoming more difficult to find a hospitality brand that doesn’t promise guests some kind of authentic experience during their stay, and with that the definition of authenticity has become somewhat convoluted, Mildenhall argues. Sales vs Marketing: How We Built a Million Dollar Business Without Selling.

I’m just gonna say it: Sales sucks.

Sales vs Marketing: How We Built a Million Dollar Business Without Selling

Now don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t suck for everyone. Some folks are just born to work in sales, and it works for them. Thrive Market's Multi Channel Content Machine: A Study of Content-Based Growth — REFORGE. 7.

Thrive Market's Multi Channel Content Machine: A Study of Content-Based Growth — REFORGE

Should Early-Stage Companies Do Content Marketing? The sage advice goes: if you’re an early stage entrepreneur, focus on the acquisition side. You have to get people to show up before you can worry about converting them or retaining them. In the early days, and with limited time and resources, founding teams should focus on acquisition-oriented content that has measurable and testable steps that you can set up and evaluate quickly. Thrive Market is busy building an ecosystem and a brand orientation that’s a valuable long term play for a company that hopes to take on the biggest players in the space.

But, in practical terms, the company didn't launch its blog or any other brand content for the first nine months after launching their core e-commerce product. Instead, in that time, they did nine months of intensive, acquisition-focused content marketing created by and distributed through their blogger-influencer network (some affiliates, others strategic investors in the business). Follow these seven rules to make tough choices from today… – Medium. (How to make better decisions in life and career) Do you often feel stuck? Overwhelmed? Not upto the responsibility you are given? Is it common for you to postpone decisions? Do you often feel like an impostor when faced with a tough decision.

The good news is you are not alone. Life and Times of a Customer Success Maverick with Typeform's David Apple. Read the mind of unuttered words and you’ll know why most conversations die. Awash with unpleasant emotions of a possible failure, an exchange with a teammate or a friend, seldom sees the light of the day. A good conversation acts as the UI for our ability to pay attention and care about the hopes of others. How do seed investors benchmark startups? - Bringing transparency to seed investing... Check out my side project Rejectionathon (discount code: EYFRIENDS), which helps founders get over their fear of rejection. It’s all very confusing to understand how investors benchmark different kinds of companies.

Raise for Milestones, Not Runway – Tim Chae. The most common thing founders are taught about fundraising is that they should raise for 18-24 months of runway (while “adjusting for increase in headcount, etc.”). That’s the advice you should take if you don’t want to fail. If you want to win, however, you should start thinking a bit differently. Design Due Diligence – Medium. To evaluate a potential investment opportunity, every VC firm typically runs due diligence — a process to determine whether or not to invest in the company and at which valuation. While technical, financial and legal stages of the due diligence process are already widely used in the industry, design due diligence hasn’t taken off yet. Many still focus on product functionality, and underestimate the value of design in the process of building a business. For us, design due diligence is a process that aims at: a) identifying key risks and opportunities related to the adoption of design thinking in the company and b) developing a plan to mitigate these risks and develop design culture further.

Instead of just focusing on the look, feel and functionality of the product, we want to understand the company’s relationship to design. Why deep-tech startups shouldn’t monetize. And what they should do instead. Raising an A-round is hard. Really, really hard. Only a third of those who close a seed rounds later do an A-round. (And it is probably even worse, as there are probably more seed sounds done, but that don’t get registered.) One reason that it is hard is because it should be, from a pure Darwinist standpoint. Now, when everyone is an angel investor, a lot of ideas get funded, and of course very few actually figure it out. Lessons from the “Dark Side” – Midwest VC Musings – Medium. A VC explains how VCs work. Tim Anglade, Executive in Residence at Scale Venture Partners: So it’s called the NVCA right, so it’s the National Venture Capital Association is that it?

Kate Mitchell, Partner at Scale Venture Partners: Right, right. A VC explains how VCs work. The Differences Between Feedback From Paying Customers vs. Free Users. An honest introspection of a tech startup founder after shutting down his company – Medium. Today I announced that the Seattle based startup (Yoga Panda) which I launched and ran over the last year and half is shutting down. The ideal email deck - Bringing transparency to seed investing... Check out my side project Hustleathon, which helps founders get over their fear of rejection. The event is on July 17, 2016 in the Bay Area. 7 tips for cold-emailing investors - Bringing transparency to seed investing... In the past, the venture industry was a closed club all-around. The ultimate master list of revenue models used by Internet companies.

Think of internet companies. How does Yelp make money? The Secret Sauce to Startup Valuation – Avolta Partners – Medium. Oliver Wilke on Digital transformation in tourism industry. Seedcamp Podcast:​ Alex Kayyal, Europe Head at Salesforce Ventures, on the art & science of valuation with. Y Combinator. 11 Steps to an Efficient Fundraise - Corigin Ventures. How To Track Customer Acquisitions : – The Startup – Medium. Work-Bench Blog - Startup Recruiting Workbook: Sourcing and Interview Process. Punch, type, click, swipe, gesture, speak, THINK. Chapter 14. Back to the Big Picture: Globalization and Trends. Cold Email Best Practices for SDR Teams. “Failure is good,” and 99 other lessons from top business leaders.

FInancial Model

Vision. Startup Tips. Storytelling. Fund raising. Travel / Tourism. Archives. Why We're Bringing Branding Back Into Marketing. - Business Explored. SERP de Google : 75 fonctionnalités à connaître (et comment en profiter) The First-Timers Guide to User Onboarding - Chameleon. Companies don’t sell themselves: a love letter to CEOs. Themacro. In praise of failure. Transparency in Startup Investing · The Macro. 5 Things to Think About Before Creating a Marketing Plan. “WHAT WAS ALL THIS VIDEO???” Five Questions with Magic & Loss Author Virginia Heffernan. A Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Naval Ravikant about Investing, Business and Startups.

What Are The Customer Lifecycle Stages? Themacro. What to consider before building your VC platform strategy. Building a Customer-focused Grocery Delivery Startup with Max Mullen, co-founder at Instacart. Use (and Misuse) of Business Case Studies — Learning By Shipping. Understanding The Scale Of Walmart's Purchase - Mattermark. The Gospel of Growth — Switch Ventures. Dealing With User/Customer Rejection — Kima Ventures. Hacking Interviewing: Collecting the Data You Need — forEntrepreneurs by Matrix Partners.

The Secret of Our Growth: Successful Integration Partnerships. How 19 Year Old Harry Stebbings Became a Venture Capital Star. Hailo and MyTaxi. Musings — Things We Make, Things We Grow. Dedupe Your Processes. Master Plan, Part Deux. Eight Pivots to Profitability... From Idea to Growing Business. The Art And Science Of Talking To Customers: 14 Startup Execs Share Their Secrets. Themacro. Dollar Shave Club: How Michael Dubin Created A Massively Successful Company and Re-Defined CPG. Firstround. Blog_details. Raising money: what’s the fair valuation of your start-up? — Ventech Insight & Stories. Go Big or Go Home — Winnie. 5 Common Mistakes with Inbound Lead Routing - Sales Hacker.

Firstround. La longue traîne. Longueur d'URL et référencement : vous saurez tout ! Référencement : une méthode inédite à ne pas rater. 27 erreurs à éviter sur les meta noindex et URL canoniques. Comment se faire payer par Youtube ? Le guide complet ! Is advertising the best use of your digital marketing budget? Don’t assume new users want to learn how to use your product - Chameleon. The Ultimate Guide to Cold Calling: Frameworks, Scripts, Tools and Resources to Make You A Cold Calling Pro (Part II) - PersistIQ. 8 People You Should Follow On Snapchat for Marketing, Growth and Startup Advice. How to manage remote teams: our complete system exposed. Is social dead? The hustle of Hunter Walk (and his advice for startups)

What is the API for YOUR startup? How Mattermark Acquired Early Users – Danielle Morrill speaks at Hustle Con 2016. How to Build a Brand from Nothing. How to Email Early Stage Investors · The Macro. A Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Eugene Kleiner about Investing and Business. VC Confessions: I Don’t Really Care About Your Product Demo. Themacro. I thought I knew pivots, until I wrote this post.