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Unit-Planning Checklist | Edutopia. PPP. Introducing the Personal Passion Project In Term Four of Year Six all students undertake a Unit of Inquiry that is designed in partnership with their teachers as a unique and entirely individual piece of study. As the name implies it is a chance for every student to pursue a topic that they are personally passionate about. The Personal Passion Project is your chance to show your full ability through a unit of study that you care deeply about. The topic you select must be one that is important to you and is in a field that you enjoy. What is the PPP? A learning experience that you design to match your personal passion A chance to develop expertise in an area that you would not normally study You select the topic, the learning, the product, the path to knowledge, the measure of success What must I do?

Select a topic that you are interested in, one that you want to know more about. Importantly You can not just regurgitate information you find on the internet or in a book. Design VS Make No. Diigo. MyPPP2013PDF.


How the Light Gets In: Writing as a Spiritual Practice eBook: Pat Schneider: Books. 6 Things You Must Do On The First Day Of School. You have one opportunity to start your school year on the right classroom management foot, one shot to propel your first day of school into the best learning experience your students have ever had. You can’t afford to leave it to chance. You can’t afford to be unprepared, uninspired, or unfocused. You can’t afford to be anything other than on top of your game. For a lasting first impression will set the tone for the rest of the school year. It will set the tone for behavior, work habits, respect, responsibility, camaraderie, and so much more. Thus, your first day of school should reflect your vision of a dream class.

It should reflect who you are, what you expect, and what it means to be a member of your special classroom. It should stir in your students the desire to become more or better or somehow different than when they walked through your door. 1. Building rapport begins the moment your students lay eyes on you. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Beautiful Imperfection Just be you.

Ed Tech

Vialogues : Meaningful discussions around video. Learning Never Stops: 8 (free) websites to create cool student projects online. How To Rid Your Classroom Of Excitability. Spend a day visiting classrooms at your neighborhood school and you’ll find many buzzing with tension. It’s a disconcerting sensation that hits you the moment you step through the door, making you all but gyrate with heebie-jeebies.

For students, who are unable to escape its long-fingered grasp, it manifests itself in excitability. It causes them to divert their attention and fidget in their seats. It overwhelms them with the desire to move and talk and tap and annoy. It makes focusing on school a battle of willpower all but the most determined student is bound to lose. If pressed, most teachers will tell you that their students are the cause, that excitability is a phenomenon they bring with them to school, that it’s normal for them to be squirrelly and distracted much of the time. But it isn’t true. A consistently tense and excitable classroom is caused not by students, but by their teacher. But they feed off of you. Here’s why: Students respect it. It soothes frayed and hyped nerves. The 3 Most Common Modeling Mistakes Teachers Make. Whether you’re teaching your students how to enter the classroom in the morning, turn in work, circle into groups, or even how to sit and attend during lessons, modeling is the most effective and efficient way to do it.

Yet, it’s an area many teachers struggle with. The truth is, your ability to model what you want and expect from your students in large part determines your success. So it’s important that you’re good at it, that you’re able to model in a way your students can understand and perform with excellence. Too often teachers assume that their students are the problem, that the reason they don’t follow routines or directions very well is because they’re not listening or paying attention. But more often than not, the real problem is that the teacher is making one or more of the following three modeling mistakes. 1.

Few teachers model with the level of explicitness needed to immerse students in the instruction. But good modelers assume nothing. 2. 3. It’s All Teaching. MOOCs.


Apple - Education - Learning in Action. TED Talk Ed. Steve Jobs: How to live before you die. David Foster Wallace: This is water. EdTech | EdTech Cheat Sheet [Infographic] How to Create Courses with Learnist + other open Learning- & Collaboration Tools | Educational Technology. Social bookmarking websites enhance and improve the learning experience by encouraging group collaboration and making organizing and saving web resources faster and easier for students. Social bookmarking services offer greater scope for research, integration, and collaboration compared to the more traditional bookmarking applications such as browsers, which offer limited functionality.

Among social bookmarking services, Diigo has features and functions that make it useful for the classroom, giving instructors tools for setting up groups of students, highlighting key information, and commenting. Classroom collaboration is an area that benefits directly from today’s Internet experience in that students can develop their potential for learning by becoming more actively involved. Indeed, they can learn to approach and solve problems by collaborating with other students and their teachers. Social bookmarking websites give them opportunities to discover and organize information. 31 Top Apps for Education from FETC 2013. FETC 2013 | Feature 31 Top Apps for Education from FETC 2013 Like last year, this year's popular App Shootout at FETC 2013 tossed around dozens of useful apps for teachers and students. Once again the closeout session was led by ed tech pros Gail Lovely, Hall Davidson, and Jenna Linskens, who each presented apps in three different categories of their choosing, including their favorite "wow" apps.

Read on for a selection of the most buzzed about apps for Apple devices. For even more app ideas, visit the shootout's Web site and complete app list Google Doc. Jenna Linskens, assistant professor in education technology at Marian University, WI: Science 1. 2. 3. Math 4. 5. 6. 7. Wow 8. 9.