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Happiness Expert Gretchen Rubin on Why a Happy Life Starts with Knowing Who You Are. READ ON TO DISCOVER:Whether you are an Upholder, Obliger, Questioner, or RebelWhy some people may crave not only more happiness, but also more sadnessHow to use negative emotions as a helpful guide.

Happiness Expert Gretchen Rubin on Why a Happy Life Starts with Knowing Who You Are

New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy. You get all kinds of happiness advice on the internet from people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy

Don’t trust them. Actually, don’t trust me either. Trust neuroscientists. Los cinco pasos para la felicidad, según Martin Seligman. El psicólogo estadounidense Martin Seligman lleva más de diez años encabezando el rubro de la psicología positiva y estuvo en Chile compartiendo su conocimiento, aquí una guía de cómo según él se puede poner en práctica la felicidad.

Los cinco pasos para la felicidad, según Martin Seligman

“El Bienestar es más que sonreír y sentirnos bien”, es una de las primeras cosas que apunta Seligman cuando comienza a hablar de cómo aplicar su modelo de psicología positiva, el cual ha ido desarrollando mediante estudios en los Estados Unidos por casi 13 años, durante el Seminario Sobre la Felicidad organizado por Enhancing People, el Instituto Chileno de la Psicología Positiva en Santiago. Foto: El Mercurio Las emociones positivas son importantes para la felicidad. Fue en 1998 cuando Seligman decidió dar vuelta la tendencia de la psicología que se enfocaba solamente en las emociones negativas y en cómo tratarlas para enfocarse en cómo lograr que las personas sean felices, que su nivel de bienestar crezca.

The Science of Happiness - Project Happiness. Positive psychology research is exploring the idea that through certain practices, such as gratitude, forgiveness, and self-reflection, we can enhance our well-being.

The Science of Happiness - Project Happiness

The field has made groundbreaking discoveries. Read on for some recent and helpful facts from the science of happiness. Mindfulness is Powerful Personal income has more than doubled in the past 50 years in the United States, yet happiness levels have remained the same. Be Happy in the Office and at Home by Avoiding These 10 Things. This post is in partnership with Inc., which offers useful advice, resources, and insights to entrepreneurs and business owners.

Be Happy in the Office and at Home by Avoiding These 10 Things

The article below was originally published at National well-being: The importance of being happy. Five Ways to Become Happier Today. Transcript Question: What can people do each day to be happier?

Five Ways to Become Happier Today

Tal Ben-Shahar: The first thing to do to become happier, paradoxically, is to accept painful emotions, to accept them as a part of being alive. TIME Magazine: Happiness The New Science of Happiness. By Claudia Wallis January 17, 2005 Sugary white sand gleams under the bright Yucatan sun, aquamarine water teems with tropical fish and lazy sea turtles, cold Mexican beer beckons beneath the shady thatch of palapas?

TIME Magazine: Happiness The New Science of Happiness

It's hard to imagine a sweeter spot than Akumal, Mexico, to contemplate the joys of being alive. Self Help Excercises. Overcoming Procrastination Instantly Using Self Talk. Changing how we talk to ourselves is the easiest and most powerful way to overcome procrastination.

Overcoming Procrastination Instantly Using Self Talk

No other method that I know of disarms procrastination so rapidly and at such a fundamental level: that of our own thoughts. The Voices In Our Heads We’re talking to ourselves all the time inside our minds. Even when you’re not paying attention, these relentless mental debates deeply influence our feelings and, ultimately, our behavior. How to buy happiness. Authors: People fantasize about going on a buying spree if they win lotteryThe reality is that buying more stuff doesn't maximize happinessTheir research shows that giving things to others is more likely to make us happy Editor's note: Michael Norton is an associate professor at Harvard Business School.

How to buy happiness

Elizabeth Dunn is a professor at the University of British Columbia. They are co-authors of the forthcoming book, "Happy Money: The Science of Spending" (Simon & Schuster). Norton spoke at TEDxCambridge. TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading," which it makes available through talks posted on its website.

(CNN) -- What would you do if the world handed you a million dollars right now? Our guess is that many of the first things that come to mind involve driving to a store, or going online, and buying stuff. There's nothing wrong with buying things for yourself. The Untapped Powers of the Smile. By: Ron Gutman, founder and CEO of HealthTap Recently I made an interesting discovery while running – a simple act that made a dramatic difference and helped carry me through the most challenging segments of long distance runs: smiling.

The Untapped Powers of the Smile

This inspired me to embark on a journey that took me through neuroscience, anthropology, sociology and psychology to uncover the untapped powers of the smile.

BBC -Happiness Program

Happiness Videos. 9 Surprising and Intriguing Brain Exercises. Every Wednesday is Tip Day. This Wednesday: 9 mental exercises — zany but productive. Dorothea Brande was an American writer and editor, well known for her books Wake Up and Live and Becoming a Writer (a useful resource for writers, by the way). In 1936, in Wake Up and Live, Brande suggests several mental exercises to make your mind keener and more flexible. These exercises are meant to pull you out of your usual habits, give your a different perspective, and put you in situations that will demand resourcefulness and creative problem-solving.

Brande argues that only by testing and stretching yourself can you develop mental strength. Even apart from the goals of creativity and mental flexibility, Brande’s exercises make sense from a happiness perspective. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Positive Psychology Exercises for Life Happiness: Psychology Studies to Improve Relationships and Bring Happiness. Five easy positive psychology exercises can help you improve your relationship and be happier. Each of these exercises, resulting from psychology studies, offer the benefits of greater happiness, contentment, and life satisfaction. A resource for increasing your capacity for happiness through simple exercises. First Theater, Then Facebook. Using the new Positive Psychology.