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The 8 Steps To Creating A Great Storyboard. [Editor’s note: This is the fourth in a series of seven posts on running your own Google Ventures design sprint.

The 8 Steps To Creating A Great Storyboard

Read the first part here, the second here, and the third here.] At the Google Ventures Design Studio, we have a five-day process for taking a product or feature from design through prototyping and testing. We call it a product design sprint. In the first two days of the sprint, we’ve learned about the problem, shared a lot of knowledge, and chosen the challenge we want to tackle in this sprint. It’s time to start cranking out solutions. Designing With Your Clients. We have all known the pain of a client interfering in the design process.

Designing With Your Clients

Phrases like “Make the logo bigger” and “Put that above the fold” have become a running joke in the web design community. It is not unusual for web designers to lose money on a project as a result of the client endlessly iterating on the design. After a few bad experiences, we start to exclude the client from the process. Visual Thinking in Generating Ideas. Five Simple Steps.

Sometime ago I facilitated a brainstorming session with my colleagues in which we wanted to share opinions about the future of technologies and exchange whatever crazy ideas everyone in the team had.

Visual Thinking in Generating Ideas. Five Simple Steps

I decided to plan that meeting using visual techniques and here is what my plan looked: Such a visual representation of the meeting plan helps me to see the big picture of things we want to do and know what is next at a glance. Below you can find more details on how it went and some advice if you want to have a similar meeting with your team. Feel free to use this tips-sheet for your meetings. Vidéocagette : retour sur les premiers tests. Quelques mois après l’avoir remis entre les mains de Nantes Métropole, Grenoble Alpes métropole et la Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque, retour sur les premières utilisations de la Vidéocagette et les enseignements que l’on peut en tirer.

Vidéocagette : retour sur les premiers tests

Rappel des épisodes précédents La Vidéocagette est un prototype développé par les équipes de La 27e Région et Norent Saray-Delabar (designer) qui consiste en un mini studio permettant d’imaginer et de tourner facilement de courtes vidéos explicatives, à l’aide de téléphones mobiles ou de tablettes numériques. How Brainstorming Questions, Not Ideas, Sparks Creativity. Brainstorming has developed a fraught reputation, perhaps deservedly so. When groups of people are thrown together and expected to come up with original ideas, there is often too much pressure to be creative–resulting in ideas that are anything but. But what if brainstorms were designed to generate questions, not ideas? It’s an approach that’s being touted these days by a number of advocates, myself included. And while it may seem counterintuitive (Who needs questions?

6 Books That WILL Make You More Creative. One of the most common misconceptions I come across is the belief that once you’ve somehow “made it,” I / one / you don’t hit ruts, bumps, run into blocks, or otherwise get paralyzed by the creative work that needs doing.

6 Books That WILL Make You More Creative

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. I get thrown for a loop all the time. I’ve found myself off my game at numerous times in my career, getting lost for a bit and struggling to re-capture the clarity that comes with great creative vision, intent, and very hard work. And the same is true of so many of my friends who are at the top of their creative games, respectively. We all get bit by the occasional creative funk. Action. So what do I do when that happens? First, I acknowledge that my moon is waning and, as I mentioned above, I take decisive action.

Second, I find some space. Third, I read. So….The following is THE list of books that I turn to on the regular to escape these scary dark places when my (lying) mind takes over and tells us me I suck. 10 outils pour faire de votre équipe une équipe auto organisée. Recevez un extrait de notre guide de survie aux réunions pour transformer vos réunions en moments funs et productifs !

10 outils pour faire de votre équipe une équipe auto organisée

Une fois n’est pas coutume, nous remettons en avant un de nos articles les plus lus sur le blog. À lire et à relire ! Vous pensez qu’une équipe est plus efficace et s’investit davantage quand on l’a laissée s’organiser toute seule ? Vous pensez qu’être trop directif, c’est souvent contre-productif et que de toute façon on ne peut pas téléguider les gens. Comment faire (vraiment) collaborer les gens créatifs? — Interactivité & Transmedia.

Want To Fight Inequality? Forget Design Thinking. In the days after a police officer shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, August 9, 2014, Antionette Carroll watched as her hometown erupted in protest.

Want To Fight Inequality? Forget Design Thinking

For weeks, hundreds of people showed up to the suburb of St. Louis to demonstrate opposite police in riot gear. Behind the scenes, community leaders and groups met to discuss the implications of recent events on a city deeply divided along racial lines, and to decide what to do next. Yet Carroll, who was working as communications director at the St. Louis diversity training nonprofit Diversity Awareness Partnership, was skeptical that the disparate meetings and calls for dialogue would actually lead to action. In late August, Carroll went to work closing that divide, first by tapping into her own community: designers. Today, the Creative Reaction Lab holds workshops and pursues other projects that address several areas affecting marginalized communities, such as education, employment, and gun and domestic violence.

Design as Participation. You’re Not Stuck In Traffic You Are Traffic This started with a drivetime conversation about contemporary design with Joi Ito.

Design as Participation

We were stuck in traffic, and in our conversation, a question emerged about designers: The answer is another question, a hypothesis. The hypothesis is that most designers that are deliberately working with complex adaptive systems cannot help but be humbled by them. Maybe those who really design systems-interacting-with-systems approach their relationships to said systems with the daunting complexity of influence, rather than the hubris of definition or control. The designers of complex adaptive systems are not strictly designing systems themselves. 'Mies understood that the geometry of his building would be perfect until people got involved' If in 2016 this seems intuitive, recall that it is at odds with the heroic sensibility – and role – of the modern designer. Mies understood that the geometry of his building would be perfect until people got involved. Hall of Icebreakers: Yarn Web.

The Ball Game - A Creative Team Building Exercise. Atelier de déconstruction mentale. Une marche à suivre pour les ateliers de déconstruction mentale (ceci est un exemple, vous pouvez copier, vous en inspirer, changer la méthode) « Les mots sont, bien sûr, la plus puissante des drogues de l’Humanité » Rudyard Kipling.

Atelier de déconstruction mentale

Cards in action - MethodKit Cards. MethodKit is an analogue tool for meetings and workshops or individual idea development.

Cards in action - MethodKit Cards

Below is a few examples how the cards can be used in different settings. More examples can be found at the How to use page. Work together on mapping your project together. Writing in silence is good to start with. You can still register for '#DesignSprints for Awesome Teams' at @museweb's #MW2017! A few spots left! cc @ahreelee. Aujourd'hui au @Le_RESET atelier d'initiation au HTML/CSS ! Oui oui, avec des cubes □

MAKESTORMING - Pitchmotion. Une application qui vous guide pas à pas Pour écrire votre pitch, vous ne serrez pas seul ! L'application Pitchmotion vous propose des conseils travaillés avec la coach en prise de parole Gaëlle Copienne, pour construire un pitch percutant, le tout, en fonction de l'avancée de votre projet. Challengez votre solution grâce aux questions de l'application.