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Code Wifi Gratuit (CodeWifiGratuit) sur Twitter. Code School - TryRuby. Free Adgate : encore un argument en faveur de la contribution créative | :: S.I.Lex :: Free et la publicité bloquée : un problème démocratique. Il y a plusieurs façons de regarder la décision de Free de bloquer par défaut les publicités affichées sur Internet. La première, comme a été notre première réaction, est de pointer du doigt l'irresponsabilité économique de Free, qui pénalise des milliers de sites internet qui ne vivent que (ou en grande partie) grâce à la publicité. C'est le cas de Numerama, qui est donc juge et partie dans cette affaire. La réponse à ce problème est à la fois simple et très complexe. Les sites concernés peuvent se lancer dans un jeu du chat et de la souris avec Free pour tenter d'échapper au filtrage, ou changer de modèle économique.

Ce qui n'est pas sans conséquence. Même si Numerama devenait payant, et même à considérer que nous rassemblions suffisamment d'abonnés pour être rentables, il ne faut pas oublier que la publicité a l'avantage d'offrir un accès gratuit à tous. A ceux qui peuvent se permettre un abonnement payant comme aux autres. Mais dépassons ce seul problème économique.


How the Boston Globe's Instagram wall feeds its journalism. The Boston Globe has a wall displaying every Instagram picture posted in the local area and is using it as a source for stories – such as to discover the sharing of photos by some people in Boston of their daytime drinking during a day off post-Hurricane Sandy. The wall, which is a result of a partnership between the Globe and the nearby MIT Media Lab, provides an "interesting glimpse" of the city and the shared images are "trickling into its journalism", Chris Marstall, creative technologist at the Boston Globe said when we caught up with him at this weekend's Mozilla festival 'MozFest'.

The wall, which is called Snap, has been displaying a visualisation of real-time, geocoded Instagram posts super-imposed on a map of Boston since its creation in the spring. Snap is "in a very prominent area near the newsroom" and a product of the Boston Globe's innovation lab called Globe Lab. Grace Woo, who developed Snap along with Anthony Paolillo, beholds her work. 'Virtual drone journalism' History, As Recorded on Twitter, Is Vanishing From The Web, Say Computer Scientists. On 25 January 2011, a popular uprising began in Egypt that led to the overthrow of the country’s brutal president and to the first truly free elections.

One of the defining features of this uprising and of others in the Arab Spring was the way people used social media to organise protests and to spread news. Several websites have since begun the task of curating this content, which is an important record of events and how they unfolded. That led Hany SalahEldeen and Michael Nelson at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, to take a deeper look at the material to see how much the shared were still live.

What they found has serious implications. SalahEldeen and Nelson say a significant proportion of the websites that this social media points to has disappeared. In other words, our history, as recorded by social media, is slowly leaking away. Their method is straightforward. They found that the older the social media, the more likely its content was to be missing. 5 bonnes raisons de lâcher son iPhone pour un portable pourri - Af83media. Twitter Starting to Make a Grab for the Interest Graph? Over the last couple of years, I’ve dabbled with mapping parts of the interest graph defined by friends and follower relationships on Twitter. But with a couple of recent Twitter announcements, I’m starting to wonder if my ability to continue producing such maps will, to all and intents and purposes, soon be curtailed? Here’s the story so far: the technique I’ve been using so far to generate interest maps relies on finding how the people followed by a particular individual follow each other, or who the common friends of the followers of a particular user are, or who the common friends of a set of hashtag or search term users are.

This allows us to generate maps that show common interests of the friends of a given user, the followers of a user, or the users of a hashtag. Note that we interpret ‘interests’ loosely as named Twitter accounts that we can associate with a particular sort of interest. Like this: Like Loading... Le Hobbit de Peter Jackson : ce que nous apporte le HFR. On vient peut-être de trouver le substitut à la disparition de la pellicule en redonnant de la vie aux images alors que le numérique lissait tout.

Peter Jackson l’expérimente avec son Hobbit, redéfinissant son rapport au spectaculaire. Les craintes autour de la prélogie du Seigneur des Anneaux, Le Hobbit, avaient de quoi rappeler les plus douloureux souvenirs des fans de Star Wars, médusés devant les épisodes I à III. Le défi de Peter Jackson consistait à donner un second souffle à la Terre du Milieu sans tomber dans la redite. Objectivement, le pari n’est qu’à moitié réussi. Donc oui, Le Hobbit est un film rempli de défauts qui peut facilement agacer. Peter Jackson essuie par moment les plâtres et il n’est plus possible de masquer les effets numériques non maitrisés.

Donner corps aux choses Plus intéressant encore, ce sont les perspectives que cette innovation offre à un cinéma moins grandiloquent qui interpellent le plus. Tweet ping.