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Machine Learning Archives - Big Data Science and Cloud Computing. Big Data Science and Cloud Computing Blog by Christian Prokopp GraphChi: How a Mac Mini outperformed a 1,636 node Hadoop cluster Last year GraphChi, a spin-off of GraphLab, a distributed graph-based high performance computation framework, did something remarkable.

Machine Learning Archives - Big Data Science and Cloud Computing

GraphChi outperformed a 1,636 node Hadoop cluster processing a Twitter graph (dataset from 2010) with 1.5 billion edges – using a single Mac Mini. The task was triangle counting and the Hadoop cluster required over 7 hours while ... Updated on 2014-04-29 by Christian Prokopp Big Data · Big Data Republic · Cloud Computing · Machine Learning · MapReduce · Published · Semantikoz · big data, graph, graphchi, graphlab, hadoop, machine learning, mapreduce 4 Free DIY Twitter Visualisations: The Shahbag Protest Earlier this year a mass movement occurred in Bangladesh, which received little global news coverage. Updated on 2013-06-22 by Christian Prokopp Big Data · Big Data Republic · Clustering · Machine Learning · Visualization BESbswy. Soundrown. - Typing Test, Competitions, Practice & Typing Games. SayJack - 免费学习 英文 中文 日文 韩文 » SayJack.

Read typing Tutorial and learn how to type. Typeonline - free online touch typing course in five lessons. Peter's Online Typing Course - Online Typing Lessons for Everyone! Learn typing at the speed of thought! Typing lessons that work. Touch Typing Lessons. 50 Must-Have Educational Apps. It’s time for holiday road trips and you know what that means: driving, flying, cranky kids, and… teaching opportunities!

50 Must-Have Educational Apps

What’s that, you say? Well, there is so much downtime during the holidays where kids and adults spend hours just passing the time… why not try out some new apps on your phone? Many of these apps were found by The Teaching Palette, be sure to check out their fantastic site for more helpful resources! From learning the ABCs to doodling, there’s plenty of terrific apps out there that will pass the time but also educate.

If you have other apps you want added to this list, just add them in the comments. *Most of the links below are to the iTunes store which will open another window and/or iTunes. Great Apps For Kids (And Adults) Alphabet Animals Perfect for your talented toddler, this game is packed with colorful animations, animal sounds, and tons of tips for learning their letters. Mad Libs Just as goofy and fun as your remember. SmackTalk Annoying? Super Why! Plants Vs. Sections wallpapers. Photos: 418 Wallpapers: 188 Images: 121.

Sections wallpapers

MyVoiceNation News, Events, Restaurants, Music. Philosophize This! An audiobook sharing site. Learning to Work With People. Generations of GSB alumni have been touched by Interpersonal Dynamics elective Generations of GSB alumni have been touched by our renowned Interpersonal Dynamics elective, known to all as "Touchy-Feely.

Learning to Work With People

" Many of those same alumni believe that it was one of the most influential courses they took while at Stanford. Decades since it was first taught at the business school, however, courses like it are hardly mainstream in management education. Yet its impact on the curriculum at the GSB has only grown through the years as what we have learned about experience-based education from teaching it has become a core capability that we are able to leverage across a variety of classes.

Early on the course was controversial among educators at the GSB and elsewhere. But as our graduates come to appreciate after becoming managers and leaders, the ability to work effectively with and through people is one of the most important determinants of success in any organization. Take a Note. 這次跟 iPaper 合作設計了一款 2014 年的新手帳!

Take a Note

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