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The Tao Of Programming. Translated by Geoffrey James Transcribed by Duke Hillard Transmitted by Anupam Trivedi, Sajitha Tampi, and Meghshyam Jagannath Re-html-ized and edited by Kragen Sittler Last modified 1996-04-10 or earlier Table of Contents Book 1 - The Silent Void Thus spake the master programmer: ``When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave.'' Something mysterious is formed, born in the silent void.

If the Tao is great, then the operating system is great. The Tao of Programming flows far away and returns on the wind of morning. The Tao gave birth to machine language. The assembler gave birth to the compiler. Each language has its purpose, however humble. But do not program in COBOL if you can avoid it. In the beginning was the Tao.

Programmers that do not comprehend the Tao are always running out of time and space for their programs. How could it be otherwise? The wise programmer is told about Tao and follows it. The highest sounds are hardest to hear. Materials - HackerThings. Disposable Income Calculator - much do you really make? Trick 1 : Fast Math to Multiply Numbers -- 2 Digit Numbers. The Happiest Playlist EVER!!! Google hacking master list. This master list of Google Hacking command sets has show up on a forum in Russia, as well as on Scribd.

While we often forget about Google hacking, and rarely use it against our own sites, a list like this is going to keep the kids happy as they merrily pound their way through Google to your systems. This makes the data much more accessible than at Johnny I hack stuff. There are some drawbacks in how Johnny I hack stuff works, you have to do a lot of clicking to get to the right hacks. This master list also includes things I have not seen or tried yet meaning that the body of knowledge for Google hacks is still being expanded upon. It has been a while since a really good Google hack has come out, but this list promises to keep me busy for a while.

Code: admin account info" filetype:log ! Nurl:/admin/login.asp inurl:/cgi-bin/sqwebmail? Invisible umbrella creates shield of wind, soaks innocent bystanders. One might say the standard umbrella is already perfectly designed — compact, resistant to all but very strong winds, and it generally keeps your top half dry. The kind of storm in which an umbrella wouldn’t do the job is the kind of storm where nothing other than staying inside would help.

A new umbrella design by Je Sung Park and Woo Jung Kwon aims to not only change the umbrella’s core design, but to make it adjustable given the power of a storm. Called the Air Umbrella, the concept removes the plastic top from the umbrella and replaces it with a wind shield. The design of the Air Umbrella calls for air to be sucked through the bottom, then shot out of the top in a pattern that mimics the standard canopy. Power and canopy size controls reside toward the bottom of the shaft, providing users with the ability to strengthen the force of the air and widen the canopy in order to adjust for heavier rains. Via WebUrbanist.