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How a Libertarian Capitalist Became a Libertarian Socialist. Republished from By Chris Wilson A couple years back when I was working toward a philosophy major in college, I wrote a rebuttal on the section of The Anarchist FAQ that covers anarcho-capitalism.

How a Libertarian Capitalist Became a Libertarian Socialist

I removed the rebuttal from the web because I didn't have the time or inclination to continue to maintain it or expand upon it. How a Libertarian Capitalist Became a Libertarian Socialist. Are "Anarcho"- Capitalists Really Anarchists? Republished from By Anarchist F.A.Q.

Are "Anarcho"- Capitalists Really Anarchists?

In a word, no. While "anarcho"-capitalists obviously try to associate themselves with the anarchist tradition by using the word "anarcho" or by calling themselves "anarchists" their ideas are distinctly at odds with those associated with anarchism. As a result, any claims that their ideas are anarchist or that they are part of the anarchist tradition or movement are false. Anarchy. Worker Owned Companies.