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Composting Toilets for Self-Sufficient Living: Is One Right For You? The last decade has seen a resurgence of interest in self-sufficient and sustainable living. Some of this interest has been generated by people moving to remote areas and living off-grid, in an attempt to get away from urban sprawl. In other cases, people are concerned about the environmental impact of our widespread use of resources. And still some other people may simply be preparing for the possibility of emergencies or natural disasters. Regardless of the reason, more and more people today are looking for ways to provide for themselves and meet their own needs with less reliance on traditional resources. When it comes to self-sufficient living, waste management is one large area of concern that homeowners must address. Composting toilets are not a new invention. Today’s composting toilets have come a long way from their prehistoric predecessors of just a few decades ago.

Modern composting toilets can vary a lot. Noah's Archives. A Low Impact Woodland Home. Radically Sustainable Green Buildings - Interior Earthship Images.


The_50_Dollar_and_Up_Underground_House_Book. Index.