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4 juin. Majestic 12: A UFO Disinformation Scandal. La première banque éthique française sur les rails. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Frédéric Cazenave Vingt-cinq ans après sa création, la Nef vient de franchir une étape importante.

La première banque éthique française sur les rails

Ce week-end, à Nantes, les sociétaires de cette coopérative bancaire ont approuvé à la quasi-unanimité le changement de statut de l'établissement en une banque éthique. Banque et éthique… deux mots rarement associés. Sa définition ? « Nous finançons des projets qui ont un impact social, culturel ou écologique. Inconnu du grand public, la Nef est bien implantée dans le monde associatif et l'économie sociale et solidaire.

En plaçant leur argent à la Nef, les particuliers ne cherchent pas à maximiser leurs économies – les taux sont dans la fourchette du marché pour ce type de produits – mais à partager une partie ou la totalité du fruit de leurs intérêts. . « Contrairement aux banques classiques, nous soutenons l'amorçage puisque 40 % de nos crédits sont alloués à des entreprises en création. Alors pourquoi changer de statut ? Angel Saves Man Who Was Crushed by 10,000 lbs Truck Axle Fall - Bruce Van Natta (CBN) 5 juin. Hidden Ancient Road Leading To Machu Picchu And An Underground Tunnel Discovered. - Archaeologists just announced they have discovered a hidden ancient road leading straight to Machu Picchu, an Inca sacred place in the Andean mountains of Peru.

Hidden Ancient Road Leading To Machu Picchu And An Underground Tunnel Discovered

The road is part of an underground tunnel. Peru This Week reports "the newly discovered road is about one and a half kilometers long, and varies between 1.2 and 1.4 meters in breadth, depending on the terrain. The road begins at Wayraqtambo and leads up to a platform from which travelers can see parts of the complex at Machu Picchu. Magnificent Machu Picchu.

» [IMPORTANT] La transcription de l’interview de Vladimir Poutine en version intégrale : le scandale des coupes de TF1. 10 juin. Scientists Develop Shatterproof iPhone Screens. Cracked screens.

Scientists Develop Shatterproof iPhone Screens

If it hasn’t already happened to you, it probably will one day. That’s because the coating for electronics like touchscreens and plasma TVs in use today are made of indium tin oxide, making them brittle and likely to shatter. Well, researchers are saying they’ve developed a transparent electrode that could make smartphone screens shatterproof. 12 juin. Énergie libre : Générateur sans carburant ! NDLR : le Groupe Total Green au Canada a mis au point un Générateur à Énergie Libre de type Magnétique autonome.

Énergie libre : Générateur sans carburant !

L’appareil IPS-kw-12 produit de 8 à 12Kw/h, 24 heures sur 24, sans arrêt. L'appareil Metatron Rescue Globale produit 15Kw/h et peut désinfecter 25m3 d'eau par Ozone par jour et est destiné, par exemple, à la Croix-Rouge pour des opérations de secours ! Mais le système sera seulement en location pour le Grand Public ! Ils estiment un coût de location à 10% du coût normal de l'électricité, mais qu'en est-il si nous n'utilisons qu'une partie de la puissance disponible, le coût du Kw/h sera alors plus onéreux ? 20 juin. Analyse qui Prouve que l' Europe est bien une Dictature ! DVD LA DETTE Version non censuré. Simulating time travel: Doctor Who meets Professor Heisenberg. (—University of Queensland researchers have simulated time travel using light particles.

Simulating time travel: Doctor Who meets Professor Heisenberg

Lead author and PhD student Martin Ringbauer, from UQ's School of Mathematics and Physics, said the study used photons – single particles of light – to simulate quantum particles traveling through time and study their behavior, possibly revealing bizarre aspects of modern physics. Le début de la logique quaternaire, comme prévue par les ummites. 24 juin. Le classement des 100 Français les plus riches en 2014. 25 juin. 10 Pieces Of Music Created With Brainwaves.

EEG (electroencephalography), is a hardware technique long-used to diagnose and study epilepsy, sleep disorders, and brain death.

10 Pieces Of Music Created With Brainwaves

Only recently, however, has it expanded into the prosumer realm; within the past decade companies including Emotiv, Neurosky, and iWinks (who we have an upcoming documentary on their EEG-based exploration of lucid dreaming) have honed in on the usability and accessibility of the technology, creating and distributing consumer-friendly prototypes like lightweight skeletal headbands and even cat ear EEGs. Pushed beyond the medical world, this rise in these brain-wave measuring devices coincides perfectly oncoming wearable revolution, and for artists, EEG technology has become a new medium; a tool for realizing near-perfect translations of creative ideas, and to observe creativity in action, straight off the dome. Before it becomes a realized idea or product, creativity itself moves through several different modes.

Modifications spectaculaires du champ magnétique terrestre. Les premiers résultats à haute résolution recueillis à partir des trois satellites de la constellation Swarm de l’ESA, révèlent les changements les plus récents dans le champ magnétique qui protège notre planète.

Modifications spectaculaires du champ magnétique terrestre

Lancé en Novembre 2013, Essaim fournit un aperçu sans précédent dans les rouages complexes du champ magnétique de la Terre, qui nous protège du rayonnement cosmique et bombardant des particules chargées. 28 juin. Crop Circle at Boskovic, Serbia. Reported 28th June  2014. Google Translate On Saturday 28 6th 2014 in a field north of the building Huráb Boskovic found in grain pattern.

Crop Circle at Boskovic, Serbia. Reported 28th June  2014

29 juin. Cambridge Team Breaks Superconductor World Record. Superconductor Record Broken. The record for the powerful magnetic field trapped by a superconductor has been broken.

Superconductor Record Broken

Once this would have been an unremarkable event, with records falling frequently, but this was the first time in eleven years progress has been made. Superconductors are defined by their ability to conduct electricity with no resistance at all. Carte des couloirs aériens Français. Carte des couloirs aériens pour les vols de jour en haute altitude.

Carte des couloirs aériens Français

DGAC Ceci est la carte proposée par la DGAC lors du reportage ARTE nommé « y a t’ il trop d’avion dans le ciel ? » et qui nous donne les routes aériennes de « Jour » pour les vols en haute altitude, au dessus du territoire Français. En Rouge nous avons les vols qui se dirigent vers le Sud. En Vert les vols qui vont vers le Nord. Vous conviendrez qu’une grande partie du territoire n’est pas censé être survolée ! L’accord top secret qui doit dépecer les services publics. Tout devait rester entièrement secret. Rien ne devait filtrer des négociations sur l’accord sur le commerce des services (ACS) entamées depuis deux ans à l’ambassade d’Australie à Genève entre les États-Unis, l’Union européenne et une vingtaine de pays.

Vortex: Conscious and Courageous. …Hidden Energies. Sacred Water, Sacred Water Seekers …by Maria Wheatley Sacred sites and power centres are found worldwide. Despite being separated by thousands of miles many share a common design canon. Prehistoric geomancers located various types of ley lines and earth energies and sited standing stones, pyramids, and temple compounds upon them. The Avebury Experience. “The Internet’s Own Boy”: How the Government Destroyed Aaron Swartz. Photo Credit: Fred Benenson / June 25, 2014 | Like this article? Join our email list: Whistleblower Exposes Alien-Human Hybridization Program. Every once in awhile something truly amazing occurs. Late last week we received an email that contained a image of something out of this world, literally. Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth.

Scientists may have identified echoes of ancient Earth. The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha. Aghartha In The Hollow Earth! By Dr Joshua David Stone The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose civilization's name is known as "Aghartha". This may be hard for some of you to believe. I know it was for me at first, however, I now have an absolute knowingness of the truth of this. To begin with, the Buddhists, in their theology fervently believe in its existence. The famous Russian channel, Nicholas Roerich, who was a channel for the Ascended Master, El Morya, claimed that Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, was connected by a tunnel with the inner earth, Shamballa.

The Missing Continent - Hollow Earth. US Marine Spent 17 Years On Mars Protecting Human Colonies From Martians? The retired officer, known only as Captain Kaye, also claims to have served in a secret ‘space fleet’ run by a multinational organisation called the Earth Defense Force. The ex-naval infantryman, who uses the pseudonym Captain Kaye, says he was posted to the Red Planet to protect five human colonies from indigenous Martian life forms. He claims he then spent nearly three years serving in a secret ‘space fleet’ run by a multinational organisation called the Earth Defense Force, which recruits military personnel from countries including the US, Russia and China.

In testimony released to ExoNews TV, Captain Kaye said he was trained to fly three different types of space fighters and three bombers. He added that training took place on a secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command, Saturn’s moon Titan, and in deep space. Mars Defense Force: Defending Human Colonies – Full Interview (Via Chris Richards, The Mirror) Russian Physicists to Rebuild Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower.

“Tesla was right and we are ready to prove it!” So say the two Russian physicists who have just launched an Indiegogo campaign to rebuild Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower in Fall, 2014. Tesla believed that the tower could transmit power wirelessly but this was never definitively proven in his lifetime. If he was right, and after extensive study the team are convinced he was, the project could provide an efficient, worldwide energy transmission system that would distribute all the clean energy we can use. That Tesla was a genius is undisputed even by his detractors, but more than 70 years after his death, he remains a polarizing figure.

Egypt Treasure Hunters found amazing ancient artifacts. NASA’s Warp Drive Project: “Speeds” That Could Take a Spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in Two Weeks Even Though the System is 4.3 Light-Years Away. (Before It's News) Magnetic Fields Can Be As Strong As Black Holes' Gravity. Supermassive black holes at the centers of most galaxies, including ours, have an insanely strong gravitational pull. Besides voraciously consuming matter, they also produce jets of ultra-high-speed particles that blast outward. Now, scientists have found that magnetic fields -- which have always been considered to be a much weaker force -- play an unexpected, and impressive, role in those black hole dynamics. REVEALED: GCHQ's BEYOND TOP SECRET Middle Eastern INTERNET SPY BASE. Integrated tiered storage for Big Data and HPC. Reset The Net Infographic! 10 conseils pour rester anonyme et protéger ses communications sur le web.

01net le 06/06/14 à 18h28 Le secret de la correspondance, un droit protégé par la loi dans la plupart des pays du monde, est menacé par la nature-même des communications électroniques. Les « courtiers en données » sont aujourd’hui en mesure de créer des profils de plus en plus précis des internautes, sur fond de croissance exponentielle des capacités de prélèvement et d’exploitation des données personnelles.